18 marzo 2022 21:48
Quise hacer un cambio de talla y no hay manera de contactar con ellos después de un montón de mails y llamadas, además de tardar más de 3 semanas en llegarme, no recomiendo.
06 febrero 2022 17:02
I made an order a month ago and they still haven't shipped, it seems to me like the brand was created by a bunch of spoiled kids who wanted to be entrepreneurs but have no real concept of how to run a business. They have been ghosting my DM's and another client of theirs, who also did not receive his order, told me that they are giving him the same treatment. If there were an option to leave them 0 starts I would.
03 febrero 2022 11:55
Definitivamente, no compren en esta tienda, se quedan con vuestro dinero y luego ni os atienden!
23 enero 2022 19:18
Hice un pedido el 17 de noviembre y sigo esperando por el. Es imposible contactar con ellos

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