07 febrero 2023 15:46
I want to tell you about my experience of communicating with this school. A child of 6 years old, can read fluently like an adult, write, count three-four-digit numbers, solve problems and examples, knows the multiplication table, was invited to a trial day at this school so that the management could make a decision on admission to the first grade. The level of knowledge of the child corresponds to the third grade of the Spanish school. The child does not have fluent spoken English, as he lived in another country. English. At the end of the trial day, the director in a harsh and incorrect form said that the child was not fit for school, he asked a lot and did not listen to the teacher. I do not recommend this school to anyone, in which the slogan on the site reads "Every child matters" As I understand it if a child interferes with a lesson, does not sit quietly, he does not belong in this school
01 febrero 2023 0:58
Upon choosing school for our 3 & 5yr old, we visited 14 schools in Barcelona, and this was the school that made us feel true love and care for the children. And now that we have started and been there for 6 months, we are so happy our guts were right. The teachers are amazing and our kids are so happy to go to school every single day. Thank you St. George, the amazing teachers and great management of this school, all employees seem so happy and energised to meet the kids every morning with a big smile. We appreciate you!
18 noviembre 2022 19:00
Estamos muy contentos, el cole tiene nivel muy bueno a nivel académico, buenos profesionales tambien!
19 septiembre 2022 8:37
Our kids were in summer camp during July 2022. School is well organised and staff is friendly. Our kids were before in British College Gava (which they also loved, lots of outdoor space and a great atmosphere) and also in summer camp at British School Barcelona (BSB, which was really not a good school, we had a bad experience there and staff were arrogant, when we asked them why our 6 year old was playing in a deep pool without staff oversight, which frankly is risky. BSB didn't think that was such a problem, which is a bad attitude towards parents and not what one would expect to be told).
11 septiembre 2022 22:03
We were very much looking forward to our four-year-old son starting his reception course at the beautiful St George's school. Our son was more excited than us and pleaded for us to go early so we would be the first one waiting by the gate every morning.

After 2 weeks, things started to change. One day I received a call from the school asking if I knew where our son was! He had left school without them noticing. Luckily, my wife was outside the school early for the afternoon pickup and saw him leaving.

This incident, and the thought of what might have happened, was shocking, but the response from his teachers was even more concerning. Both Miss Gilchrist and Miss Bailey blamed our four-year-old son for the incident and told us it happened because he doesn't listen to them! They never apologised. Miss Bailey said they would strengthen the security of the school to make sure this wouldn’t happen again, but if it did, that we should please bring him back to school. Miss Gilchrist, who was our son’s teacher at that time, set new goals for him to learn to listen, such as saying “Good morning” aloud every day.

After that, our nightmare started…
Our son started to resist going to school and would come out of school crying about not getting stickers. We sent several emails to Miss Gilchrist asking if she was giving stickers to everyone but our son as a punishment. She never replied to our questions. Soon after that, we were notified that our son had been moved to Miss Bailey’s class. At first, this seemed to be good news for us, but the situation got even more difficult. Our son started wetting his bed night after night. We were concerned, as our son had never had this problem before. According to Miss Bailey, this was a sign of physical sickness and nothing to do with the way he was treated at the school.

At home, our son would repeatedly say that Miss Bailey was angry with him and that he was scared. Once he drew a big angry face and a very small dot next to it. He said that the angry face was Miss Bailey and the small dot was himself (the drawing is attached to this review). When we told Miss Bailey that our son was scared of her, she said: "It’s good to know he is taking me seriously! "
We knew that we would have to change our son's school ASAP, regardless of the 3000 euros non-refundable registration fee, but we had another issue. Other private English-speaking schools would require a report from his previous school, and according to Miss Bailey, our son is a disobedient child who requires full time one-to-one support! As a result, other private schools would not take the risk of admitting him.

We had no choice but to move back to Cambridge, UK.
Fortunately, soon after our return to the UK, he started to become excited again about going to school. He loves his new teachers and new friends. His teachers are very happy with his interactions and his progress. And of course, no one-to-one support is required!
03 julio 2022 2:25
Nos sentimos afortunados de haber elegido St George's School para nuestras hijas. En un entorno familiar, en el que ellas se sienten seguras y felices, lo que más valoramos es el enorme compromiso y motivación de los profesores, que se vuelcan por que cada niño desarrolle su máximo potencial. Por otro lado, destacamos la apuesta firme por transmitir valores como el respeto, la empatía, el esfuerzo y la satisfacción por el trabajo bien hecho.
Nos encanta el ambiente multicultural que se respira, la fluidez con la que se desenvuelven en inglés nuestras hijas y la importancia que el colegio da a las artes escénicas. Una educación que busca la excelencia en un ambiente de cariño, respeto y gran entusiasmo.
12 junio 2022 7:58
We are so grateful to have found St. George. After many years in Barcelona and 2 different schooling situations, we have found a place where all 3 of our children can thrive. The teachers are caring and treat the students as individuals while having high expectations for their growth. The leadership is FOR the students success, both personally and academically. The families are overall friendly, involved and diverse. Highly recommend this school to any international or local family looking for a school home.
10 junio 2022 11:32
He leído alguna reseña negativa y, en mi experiencia en el colegio, no puedo estar más en desacuerdo. La directora es una profesional extraordinaria. No tengo más que admiración y reconocimiento hacia ella. El profesorado que yo he conocido, en Nursery y Primaria, es muy bueno. Con 2 hijos y experiencias en otros colegios británicos en Lisboa y Barcelona, podemos comparar. Tanto nosotros como padres, como también nuestros hijos como alumnos, estamos muy contentos. Un trato muy cercano a la vez que profesional. Desde aquí mi agradecimiento a todo el equipo humano de St. George.
03 junio 2022 4:18
We have two children that attend St. George and they both absolutely love it! The school prioritizes high level academics and balances that with wonderful staff members to help the children thrive. Both of our children are loved and cared for by the teachers and leaders of the school. They feel safe, seen and heard. They also are helping to grown their knowledge and learn both school skills and life skills. We believe that this school has been one of the best things that helped our children adjust so well with living internationally. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a bilingual school in Barcelona.
22 mayo 2022 15:37
Esta ha sido la peor escuela que he visto en mi vida mi experiencia de 4 años como estudiante ha sido horrible pongo una estrella por que no se pueden poner menos
13 mayo 2022 15:50
Una escuela espectacular! El trato de todo el mundo súper bueno, mi hijo va encantado como si fuese su segunda casa. Un entorno familiar donde los niños estan felices y nosotros los papas mas!
A parte el nivel de inglés es excelente y gracias a ello mi hijo ya lo habla fluifo.
Agradezco el esfuerzo de todos en éste colegio.
27 octubre 2021 16:30
Desconozco el nivel académico pero mi experiencia no fue nada buena con la administración. Hice un depósito de reserva de plaza y al final mi hijo entró en una escuela concertada. Pedí la devolución del depósito pero me lo negaron. Me parece totalmente indebido en los tiempos que corren. En 25 años como profesional siempre devolví depósitos y prepagos por un servicio no prestado. Mal.
13 junio 2021 5:59
Estoy encantada. El trato del profesorado es inmejorable y las clases son divertidas y dinámicas. Mis sobrinos hablan el inglés a la perfección y vuelven felices a casa
09 abril 2021 1:40
Mis hijos aman esta School y estoy agradecido con los servicios de enseñanza que están brindando mas que todo por la calidad de el colegio una inversión para el futuro de mis chavales del hogar, gracias por todo.
07 abril 2021 22:11
Abbiamo iscritto nostra figlia di 5 anni per tutto il prossimo percorso di studi.
Abbiamo scelto questa scuola dopo una lunga ricerca dentro i confini metropolitani di Barcellona.
Ci è sembrata un buon compromesso tra costo, distanza dal centro citta dove abitiamo.
La fee di ingresso è di 2.500€, e il costo mensile è di circa 900 € al mese per 11 mesi, non poco ma ci sono anche scuole più costose.
Non siamo scesi a compromessi invece per quanto riguarda il programma educativo e le attività scolastiche che ci sono sembrati subito ottimo.
Per ora la prima impressione è stata ottima.
Spero di aggiornare questa recensione con ancora maggiore entusiasmo!
08 marzo 2021 3:14
Un colegio británico de 10! Mis 3 hijos van a este colegio y les va estupendamente. Las instalaciones del colegio también me parecen perfectas para el desarrollo de su aprendizaje.
03 diciembre 2020 4:28
Para ser un centro de enseñanza se rigen por normas de negocio puras. Centro privado no concertado. Pagué la matrícula de mi hijo cuando volví a vivir a España. Al final mi hijo entró en un centro concertado y no solo se mostraron inflexibles en la devolución de la matrícula, sino que ni tan solo respondían al principio a mis llamadas e emails. No me pareció justo que no me devolvieran la matrícula o como mínimo una parte. Lo peor es que evitaron la conversación hasta que recurrí a la OCU. En fin, si leéis opiniones por internet veréis que gestionar un centro de enseñanza como una empresa ya les trajo problemas en el pasado.
07 octubre 2020 6:29
Miis hijos ya hablan perfectamente inglés sin haber terminado el instituto. Colegio inglés de calidad.
22 julio 2020 13:02
Colegio con modelo británico con muy buenos profesores e instalaciones. Es un colegio privado con muy buena enseñanza.
27 mayo 2020 21:39
Matriculé a mi hijo en este colegio británico porque un amigo del trabajo me dijo que sus hijos iban a él y que se notaba la calidad de las clases y el inglés que sabían con 8 años era parecido a un B1. Debo decir que he tenido reuniones con profesores y me parecen top! Colegio recomendable para una enseña de calidad
25 enero 2020 17:35
Mis tios están encantados con el colegio. Los niños van super felices y los profesores son muy cercanos y se preocupan mucho por los alumnos. Además son profesionales nativos.
08 enero 2020 15:01
Estamos muy contentos con la formación académica que están recibiendo nuestros hijos. Los profesores son encantadores y mis hijos están encantados, además las instalaciones están genial.
31 diciembre 2019 1:49
Mi sobrino estudia en este colegio y tengo que admitir que marcan la diferencia. Fuimos a ver la obra del Rey León y nos encantó: se nota que los chicos se lo pasan genial y que han trabajado muy duro para que todo salga genial. Enhorabuena al claustro por el esfuerzo que hacen:)
03 octubre 2019 15:22
Muy buen cole para los niños. Creo que hoy en día aprender inglés desde niños es fundamental, por lo que los colegios privados británicos de calidad, como el St George, son un pilar para la educación infantil.
09 septiembre 2019 14:24
Mi hija va a este colegio británico desde que nos mudamos a Barcelona y no podemos estar más contentos mi mujer y yo. Es una maravilla que en 2º de primaria sepa ya más inglés que muchos estudiantes de bachillerato de otros centros. Además, las instalaciones están genial. En definitiva, estamos muy agradecidos.
17 mayo 2019 18:38
I don’t think it is a pleasant experience for the adults becouse this school is really expensive.in the first few years some kids were bullied and I don’t think it is really nice. But everything else is really good.
28 abril 2018 0:01
Quiero compartir mi agradecimiento al colegio St George’s, han conseguido una cosa que me hubiera parecido imposible: mis hijos van cada día felices al colegio! ️
Es un entorno familiar donde realmente me siento escuchada como madre y con una gran riqueza académica y social.
31 marzo 2018 23:53
Disappointing. Not enough teachers nor enough training and experience to handle so many different languages, levels and learning needs. Additionally, my family's personal experience was marked by a complicated bullying situation that seriously affected my daughter's health. With the help of a specialist at St. Joan de Deu Children's Hospital, we were able to detect the source of the problem. But the school refused to acknowledge that they had any "serious" situation. From what several families and I saw, the doctor at the hospital, and a child psychologist, it was a situation more than ripe for administrative and professional intervention. The situation in our class was far too complex to describe here. Suffice it to say that the administration and teacher pretended that the problem did not exist. In one meeting with the families of the class, the Director said that she would not allow anyone to even use the word "bullying". It was shocking to our intelligence and sense of dignity.

In an international community with so many different languages spoken, basic communication was not easy. So when facing a bullying situation where a number of children were affected to varying degrees, the "affected" families were all helpless without the willingness of competent and caring professionals. With the discrete support of several families and counselling from a wonderful psychologist, my daughter recovered. And the Director successfully managed to cover up the problem. And we (and some of the other families) have moved on.

I understand that the Director did what she did to protect the school's reputation. Fair enough. That is the school's priority. It is a business after all.

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