17 febrero 2024 22:30
¡100% recomiendo este curso! Gran profesor y alumnos con un ambiente divertido. Mucha información útil, clases muy interactivas y los profesores realmente se preocupan por la enseñanza y por sus alumnos. Me siento listo para enseñar ahora, especialmente después de las múltiples clases de práctica.
11 febrero 2024 7:29
Es un curso intensivo de un mes de duración y muy productivo. Equipa a cualquier persona interesada en enseñar inglés como segundo idioma, ya que proporciona práctica docente real en clase; También es una gran oportunidad para conocer gente nueva y construir amistades significativas.
16 noviembre 2023 12:55
¡Definitivamente recomiendo esta escuela a cualquiera que tenga ganas de enseñar!
¡Hice este curso en 2015 y todavía recuerdo esta increíble experiencia!
¡Los profesores fueron realmente maravillosos, listos para ayudar y los materiales fueron súper útiles!
¡El estudio fue intensivo y completo y me brindó todas las habilidades y conocimientos para enseñar a estudiantes extranjeros en todo el mundo!
Tuve un maestro increíble, Erwin, ¡es un profesional en el ámbito de la educación!
12 noviembre 2023 3:30
Obtener mi certificado TEFL en TEFL Barcelona fue una experiencia maravillosa e instructiva. Mi formador de profesores fue increíble, al igual que todos los demás estudiantes de mi clase. Después del curso me siento realmente preparado para empezar a enseñar inglés y seguro de poder preparar lecciones de forma eficaz para mis futuros alumnos.
23 agosto 2023 23:48
Realmente obtienes el valor de tu dinero en este curso. Intensivo, pero se siente genial y satisfactorio cada vez que completas una tarea o terminas una lección. Los tutores son las estrellas aquí. Cada uno de ellos está ahí para cuidar de ti y sólo quiere lo mejor para ti, tanto a nivel académico como personal. Todos ellos son personas muy accesibles, amigables y realmente buenas en general.
Espero que cuando llegues aquí hagas buenos amigos, puedas pasar el rato con ellos y descubrir la hermosa ciudad que es Barcelona.
Mucho amor y gracias a todo el equipo. <3
01 agosto 2023 12:16
Me acabo de graduar la semana pasada, hice el curso Trinity de 160h y estoy muy feliz de haberlo hecho, ¡lo recomiendo a cualquiera que desee enseñar inglés a extranjeros! No es necesario tener experiencia en la enseñanza o ser un hablante nativo de inglés. Todos los maestros fueron increíbles y me brindaron un gran apoyo durante las 4 semanas, cuando terminas, estás bien preparado para comenzar a enseñar. El curso es intensivo, mi consejo es que hagas la tarea tan pronto como la tengas y ¡todo estará bien! ¡Está muy bien ubicado y el local tiene todo lo que necesitas!
18 julio 2023 17:47
Me gradué de mi TEFL aquí. Los instructores fueron pacientes, geniales y entusiastas. ¡También tienen (o al menos cuando estudié aquí) un asesor laboral!
14 julio 2023 14:46
Completé mi curso TEFL en TEFL Barcelona en 2009 con Erwin Ebens. De principio a fin, el curso superó todas mis expectativas y me brindó el conocimiento y la confianza que necesitaba para comenzar mi camino como profesora de inglés. El curso de un mes es intensivo pero extremadamente interesante y muy agradable. ¡Recomiendo encarecidamente TEFL Barcelona a cualquiera que aspire a convertirse en un profesor de TEFL cualificado!
08 julio 2023 19:33
¿Qué hace que esta escuela sea tan especial? Una vez que formas parte de él, ¡eres para siempre! Hice mis mejores amigos aquí, no solo otros estudiantes, sino también profesores. Son excelentes profesionales, increíbles seres humanos y brindan todo su conocimiento y apoyo durante y después de estudiar. Una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado y estoy agradecido con todos allí:)
26 junio 2023 5:51
Tuve una experiencia fantástica estudiando con TEFL Barcelona y lo recomiendo encarecidamente. No solo está equipado con las habilidades y los conocimientos necesarios para enseñar inglés como idioma extranjero, sino que también recibe una orientación profesional invaluable, que resultó esencial cuando se trataba de comenzar mi búsqueda de trabajo.

Si estás interesado en estudiar en un gran ambiente, con profesores apasionados y experimentados, ¡este es el curso para ti!
27 mayo 2023 23:38
TEFL Barcelona provided me with excellent instruction. The course instructors were helpful and provided thoughtful insights on the teaching of English language.
27 mayo 2023 6:36
TEFL Barcelona es una escuela de formación de profesores de larga trayectoria en Barcelona, ​​que ofrece cursos de certificación TEFL acreditados y orientación laboral. Tomé el curso TEFL de 120 horas y, aunque solo duró 4 semanas, fue intensivo, completo y brindó suficiente ayuda y orientación personalizada para que me sintiera bien preparado para comenzar a enseñar inglés en escuelas de idiomas en Barcelona. El curso incluyó sesiones de práctica docente con estudiantes locales, que fueron una excelente manera de sentirse cómodo enseñando antes de lanzarse a la realidad. Erwin fue un excelente instructor con un gran conocimiento. Este curso no solo me brindó el certificado que necesitaba para comenzar a postularme para trabajos docentes, sino también las habilidades y la confianza que necesitaba, así como una red de apoyo con la que me mantuve conectado durante mi estancia en Barcelona. ¡Recomiendo ampliamente TEFL Barcelona a cualquiera que esté considerando obtener su certificado TEFL!
01 mayo 2023 4:20
What a great experience, the best teachers and support, all so available, friendly, and helpful, throughout the entire course. Couldn’t recommend it highly enough. Consider that it’s an intense course, with a lot of work under time pressure, so you will have to fully focus and postpone any other commitments. Understanding this, you will enjoy the course and succeed:)
17 abril 2023 18:44
TEFL Barcelona me brindó una excelente instrucción. Los instructores del curso fueron útiles y brindaron ideas reflexivas sobre la enseñanza del idioma inglés.
23 marzo 2023 12:31
This course was literally the foundation for over three wonderful years teaching English all over the world!

In terms of course content, the units were super helpful! I particularly remember learning Czech from scratch, to give us the perspective of learning a language from the student perspective. The course also included valuable practical experience, which I know some online TEFL courses don't! Super worth it to have that practical experience included in the course.

In terms of staff/other students, I remember well how friendly and helpful everyone was, and over 10 years since I did the course I'm still in touch with the people I met! Patience and enthusiasm are what I particularly remember about the staff!

Thanks very much to everyone at TEFL Barcelona for the wonderful memories, experiences and skills I gained thanks to you!
10 marzo 2023 2:50
Had the best experience at TEFL Barcelona and Erwin was such an amazing teacher! He gave me the tools I needed to succeed and confidence to put myself out there looking for work!
01 marzo 2023 22:27
I made a last-minute decision to do the TEFL course in December to start in January. I looked for many schools throughout the city and by far I had the best experience right from the beginning with TEFL Barcelona. I had calls with different schools, and this school was the school that made me feel the most comfortable.
From the first day of class, I knew I made the right decision. Lisa, the teacher is by far one of my favorite teachers I have ever had. She is so passionate about what she does, and she transmitted that to all of us.
From the third day, you are actually teaching real students and get real feedback. It sounds scary, but Lisa makes sure you are very prepared and it goes with ease. She gives you corrections after each class, so you know how to get better for your next class.
They are also very good at helping you finding jobs.
This was one of my favorite experiences that I have had here in Barcelona. And I am sad that it is already over because I enjoyed it so much.
I would definitely recommend anyone looking for a TEFL program to take this course.
25 febrero 2023 5:18
I was part of the TEFL Barcelona program way back in September of 2011. I'd had a year of teaching under my belt in South Korea, and found myself wishing that I'd enrolled in the program earlier! TEFL Barcelona offers a comprehensive (and intense!) one month program. A lot of the concepts and methods I'd learned the hard way were actually explained in detail to me during the program. I also learned new ways to work with students that really helped me in my TEFL career for the next decade. TEFL Barcelona will help you feel prepared and ready on that first day, when the classroom door shuts and it is just you and your students.
On top of the wonderful program, I also made lifelong friends with my classmates as we explored the beautiful city of Barcelona together. I highly recommend this course! It will both prepare you for a career as well as give you memories for years to come!
16 febrero 2023 18:17
Best language school I’ve been to so far. Very professional, in a matter of 3 months i am capable of communicating in Spanish. The teachers are top quality.
20 septiembre 2022 18:56
It was a pleasure to do my CertTesol course! I am now confident in my teaching and knowledgeable of the langugae thanks to my amazing tutors. The application process was great, had a smooth transition to Barcelona. Thanks for your support along the way. Highly recommend!
30 abril 2022 12:04
I have just finished my TEFL course. I can highly recommend this course to anyone interested. Well located and easy to access.
07 abril 2022 3:51
Fantastic school! I took my TEFL certificate there for becoming in an English teacher. Great teachers, big support, excellent trading and the manager a very good person and an experienced teacher. I highly recommend it
30 marzo 2022 7:21
I am happy to recommend Erwin as a teacher trainer. I studied with him and his colleague Jeff more than 10 years ago and this training proved invaluable to me. I think there was good balance of theory and practice and homeworks were really useful. Both trainers were professional and diplomatic at the same time. I also loved that the group was small and international, I think I improved my English, French and Spanish then.

My TEFL certificate has helped me a lot as I could build a career as an English teacher instead of working in an office which I hated. I also was able to earn my degree in Psychology.

From Russia with gratitude,
26 marzo 2022 0:43
When I first joined TEFL Barcelona I didn't have a proper knowledge about teaching adults and young adults. I'm really grateful to my teacher trainers for teaching us everything from scratch and guiding us in each and every way they could. It was a wonderful experience for me.
25 marzo 2022 8:50
I gained my first TEFL certification studying with the founder of this company many years ago in Barcelona, and I can attest to the high quality of his approach. The training I received was exceptional, providing a strong foundation in both academic theory and practical classroom skills. Feedback was detailed, honest, empathetic, and constructive, and extra instruction and assistance were provided on how to turn my new certification into an actual job. After I finished the program, he was helpful in providing the documents and references I needed to complete applications for jobs, and over the years he has continued to offer assistance on occasion. In summary, the program prepared me well to begin my career in TEFL and helped me get a job — it's a professional, high quality company run by a good person who will do what's necessary to help you succeed.
20 marzo 2022 10:55
Had a great experience getting my TEFL certificate at this school! The owner and teachers were all very professional while also creating a very welcoming and comfortable school/classroom environment. They also took great care of us students even after we had obtained our certificates, leaving their door open for those of us who stayed on to live and work in Barcelona and always being willing to help/guide us in our teaching jobs and everything else you encounter when living in a new country. The school’s owner is exceptional and the teachers are wonderful. I have such great memories of this school and I’m very glad this is where I chose to do my TEFL! I felt so taken care of!
09 marzo 2022 13:53
I really enjoyed my time with TEFL Barcelona and for me it was the best way to start a chapter in Barcelona. The teaching was brilliant and although it could have felt daunting to step into teaching straight after the course, the support from Erwin and the team was excellent and led to me finding a variety of classes I loved teaching, and I found a good balance of work and play in Barcelona for the two years I lived there. The course organisers communicated clearly before, during and after the course, helping us to find somewhere to live and work etc. The neighbourhood is a friendly one and a nice location. If you are considering a TEFL course, I hope you jump in with both feet and enjoy your time in this magical place as much as I did. (Watch out for those pick pockets, though, especially on the metro.even magical places have their downfalls, and Bcn is no exception!)
07 marzo 2022 18:23
My experience at TEFL Barcelona was very precious. The training was perfect in addition to good food and Spain!
06 marzo 2022 11:53
I will say my experience at TEFL Barcelona was probably one of the best I’ve had in my life. Didn’t regret it one day. The wonderful friendships, the teaching methods I was able to learn. I never taught anyone before. The staff was great! If you want to learn about teaching English abroad, I would suggest them.
19 febrero 2022 8:18
I remember my time studying at TEFL Barcelona very fondly.
Though I´d already been teaching for a few years when I did the course, in addition to giving me a formal qualification, it also helped me build on the skills and experience I already had.
I found the tutor and peer-reviewed lessons particularly helpful, in terms of having external feedback on my teaching. It helped me more clearly identify both my strengths and weaknesses and also to think about how I could work on those weaknesses.
On top of this, our tutors were always friendly, approachable and helpful and created a very warm and enjoyable atmosphere for all of us, at the school.
Definitely a worthwhile venture and a supportive environment.
10 febrero 2022 4:03
I had been teaching for a few years before I actually decided to become TEFL qualified, and I was recommended to study at TEFL Barcelona. I studied for one very intense month in August 2018, and it was so much fun (but hard work too!). I learned so much, not just from the training and coursework etc, but also from the teachers. Erwin and Stephen were so professional and thoughtful, and helped us achieve our goals as teachers. Thank you! 5 stars!
27 enero 2022 14:57
Had a blast at Tefl. Amazing and really friendly teachers, structured lesson, practical assignments with their own students. Great career guidance that allowed me to get a job after I finished. Highly recommend it.
15 enero 2022 12:17
Wonderful staff, engaging activities and you got straight into the practical training. The course included a range of topics to focus on including looking closely at grammar, teaching willing students, methods of prepping and teaching, classes of foreign language for you to experience the students' position too.
It stood me in good stead and it was a great experience. Go for it!
04 enero 2022 13:39
I had reached a turning point in my life and wasn't sure what to do next. Recently divorced, with a young child, I needed to find work that would help me earn a living that would allow me to take the time off that I needed, when I needed it, to be with my son. I'd always liked the idea of teaching English as a foreign language - I live in Spain - and after a lot of research I registered for a 4 week, intensive TEFL training course with TEFL Barcelona.
They helped me to find accommodation near the school, which was great, and were there to answer any pre-course questions and doubts I had.
I was the oldest in an extremely diverse group of trainees and I was made to feel at home from day one. Amongst the group was a young pregnant mum, a French girl taking a break from her travels, an American law student and a new age traveller from the UK.
What I loved about the course was that, as daunting as it first seemed, we got to actually practice teaching real students from day one! The school had students of all levels, from beginner to advanced, who were willing to be taught by trainee teachers! It was a fantastic way to allow me to make mistakes in a safe environment whilst gaining that all important experience I was going to need in the real world.
Each class was monitored by a trainer who always gave positive feedback regardless of performance, which was wonderful for my confidence.
In order to help us to empathise with students learning a foreign language, we were given a series of lessons in Czech. This was an extremely useful exercise and a lot of fun!
I have to admit that there were times when I doubted myself, especially when it came to explaining grammar, and I had moments where I wondered if I could get through it, but I did it. I passed the course and it felt amazing!
On my first day back home, I went out with my CV and received 3 job offers!
I will be forever grateful to Erwin, Natalie and the rest of the TEFL Barcelona team for their help, guidance and support throughout my time in Barcelona. Thanks to them, I had the confidence to set up my own, successful language school that has allowed me to fulfill the dream of working when I have to and taking the time off that I need.
If you have any doubts about taking the leap, then don't. You won't regret it.

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