11 noviembre 2022 14:15
Más encomienda de la orden del temple que castillo en si, es una villa muy bonita y desde 1191 hasta su disolución perteneció a la orden del temple
02 noviembre 2022 12:22
Castell de la orden del temple desde 1191hasta si disolución, más encomienda que baluarte militar.es una villa preciosa.del castillo hoy queda poco es más casa porticada.tenéis que visitarla
15 mayo 2022 5:33
Castell que en els seus orígens no va ser templer però si que en un moment donat de l'història foren els cavallers templers els qui governaren aquet castell després els templers van desapareixe per interesos dels polítics O mandataris de l'època per pasar el castell per mans de més propietaris, però el castell sempre serà el castell dels templers
12 enero 2020 1:48
Castillo Templario de Vallfogona de Riucorb, Tarragona, Cataluña.

It was another castle of the fortified chain that protected the lands of the brand or border of Manresa County before the conquest of Lleida and Tortosa. Therefore, its origins are prior to the time when there was a Templar subcomandante.

The castle had to be built around the middle of the 11th century, at the time the place was conquered, although there is no concrete news of the fortress until the 12th century, when it was a possession of the Oluja. The first news is from 1116.

In 1191 Gombau de Oluja, nephew (or grandson) of the lord of Santa Coloma de Queralt, Pedro de Queralt, and his wife Ermessenda granted the Templars the castle and the town of Vallfogona in full. This donation was confirmed in 1196 when both entered the order as given. Then the Templars got full control over Vallfogona, Albión and Montargull, and considerable land and rights to Conesa, Segura and the Sala de Comalats.

At the end of the 12th century they created the Vallfogona sub-order to better manage the new possessions in Vallfogona and its contour. The 1199 Guillem de Montargull, who professed a militia of the Temple, gave the place of Palau (in lands that today belong to the Vallfogona term). Surely at that time the castle had to adapt to the needs of a convent of the order but the scope of the works is unknown.

In the best times it would have been a great isolated, walled and sheltered center by a rampart with ramp and crowned with battlements. In addition, it contained good wineries and spacious centers to accommodate the fruits of the tithe of the lords and funeral prisons, emblem of jurisdiction of the lords.

The subcomandante and the castle of Vallfogona continued in the hands of the Templars until the dissolution of the order in 1312 and then passed to the hospital, who were lords of Vallfogona until the 19th century.

The commenders had all the dominion and jurisdiction by purchase made to King Pedro III in 1312, and that is why they had gallows within the term and exercised a total domain. In 1416, the hospital had the castle restored, which continued as head of the so-called Order of Vallfogona de Comalats until 1811, when their goods passed to the Crown, although the documentation arrives until 1855 in the file of the Crown of Aragon, at the bottom of the Grand Priory of Catalonia.

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