16 julio 2023 9:44
Great school I was a student for 2 years and it's one of the best I've ever been in
09 febrero 2023 2:20
Modern teaching methods, IB standards, small numbers of students per class, professional staff members…. Best school in this area
19 noviembre 2022 2:47
The school projects themselves as top level, but the constant turnover they have in teachers does nothing but affect the kids learning.
01 octubre 2022 20:34
Our kids were in the summer camp during July. Staff are friendly and genuine, feels like a warm 'home' despite being a fairly large school. Very modern infrastructure and a really large open space / garden, with walls all around so it is secure. Our kids were very happy there and said the school is a lot more fun than the British School Barcelona (BSB) where they were before. We had a bad experience at the BSB and felt their staff was arrogant.
14 junio 2021 1:06
Mis hijos empezaron en nursery (ahora ya tienen 5 y 7 años) y van al colegio cada dia con una sonrisa. El ambiente es familiar, saben ayudar a los niños con dificultades y sobre todo, siempre escuchan a los padres y tienen ganas de mejorar. A día de hoy, he dado con grandes profesionales que saben sacar lo mejor de cada niño, que hacen que aprendan y además, les motiven y así disfruten yendo al colegio.
Además, es un cole con mucho espacio verde, en un espacio privilegiado, con el forest school que tanto disfrutan los niños y donde a pesar de tener instalaciones nuevas y estupendas, sigue primando el tener espacio verde para que tengan contacto con la naturaleza.
Sin duda, a día de hoy, creo que ha sido una gran elección elegirlos
13 abril 2021 5:33
Thses here are pictures of what we (secondary) eat i hope that this helps anyone that wants to know about the food here befor they send there children ️️️
25 febrero 2021 9:46
Estoy realmente contento con este colegio, si bien al principio los anteriores directivos no tenían ni idea como enfocar los problemas del colegio y de los niños como por ejemplo el "bullying" y en muchas cosas dejaban temas por desear.

El nuevo director está trabajando estupendamente bien con un enfoque claro en el prestigio, en antibullying, en seriedad y personalidad.

Espero que sigan así y sigan la línea marca de los últimos meses.

Mis 5 estrellas las doy gracias a la nueva dirección.
19 febrero 2021 18:37
This school best, when i was playing with 3my phone after school pokemon go i caought a shiny here is a picture
19 septiembre 2020 21:29
2 kids in primary there. One in y4, the other in y1. My kids are very happy there and they are learning everyday with a lovely team of teachers and in great facilities.
It is a recent school, so there are still things to improve, and the management team is working on it. But overall, it is a great school. I like the fact it is still small (compared to competitors that are huge around), all professors know the kids, there is interactions between the different classes, it does not feel like education factory.
23 agosto 2020 8:31
Our daughter has been at BCG since 2017. She stared at nursery and will start year 2 in September. When our daughter stared school we were quite worried as she suffers various food allergies, we felt well listed to and her dietary requirements have always been met with much care.
In 2017 our daughter was a very shy girls and thanks to the effort of the entire team she has grown huge amounts in confidence and is making great progress, the best part is she is exited to go to school daily and comes home with a smile on her face!
I would also like to point out the amazing effort the entire school made during the confinement. Before lockdown we were given a folder with material to work from home, daily lesson plans were send to us as well as a daily online session was planned for the kids. It was a wonderful experience for us teaching her from home and this is thanks to the great interest teacher put into teaching our kids and trying the best for each one as an individual.
We are truly happy at this school and are happy to be part of this community
15 julio 2020 21:14
Llevamos en el colegio desde el principio y estamos muy satisfechos del esfuerzo que han llevado a cabo para conseguir los objetivos tanto a nivel educativo como de ambiente y valores que se han venido persiguiendo desde el inicio. Por supuesto que no ha sido un camino fácil, pero a día de hoy puedo decir que las familias que estamos en el colegio somos afortunados y nuestros hijos están disfrutando de una enseñanza top en un entorno privilegiado. Nuestros hijos siempre han ido contentos al cole y han recibido la atención individual que esperas de un colegio cercano y con sentido de comunidad y donde los niños se pueden desarollar con confianza, creatividad y sentido de responsabilidad por su educación.
27 julio 2019 8:30
Pues a mi me parece un colegio fantástico, he visto personalmente las instalaciones, no se trata de un colegio al uso en el que toda la parcela está edificada, sino un colegio con zonas abiertas y deportivas, están edificando una nueva área y me parece un colegio espectacular.

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