25 agosto 2022 16:48
Todo bien hasta que tienes que cancelar la herramienta, una pena porque todo es perfecto hasta que llegas al momento de cancelar subscripción y todo son complicaciones.
15 mayo 2022 20:41
No los usaré de nuevo! Intento restaurar la password porqué no se ha grabado en mi navegador (la necesito para acceder a mis resultados). Nunca recibo el correo de recuperación y al intentar hablar con Support, me piden que esté logeado. Un sin sentido!
19 febrero 2019 19:34
Una asistencia pesima, no tienen telefono de contacto para solucionar ningún tema, existe un telefono de Barcelona que raramente te contestan, cuando pulsas a asistencia no se mantiene abierto el usuario, por lo que debes de empezar desde el principio, no queda nada claro donde ponerse en contacto.y los plazos de respuesta a un correo son de una semana.
04 julio 2018 15:01
We all know that you really get to know the colour of a company when you encounter a problem that is not easy to solve. In my many years as an online marketer I have seldom seen a company failing so badly as Typeform did, forcing me to move more than 20 premium accounts to another (better and more reliable) company.

In short the following happened. For a client I was updating their Typeform to add a single question. When I opened typeform I received a message of their new 'auto-save' functionality which is fine obviously. However, when I added the question it indeed auto-saved my typeform but at the same time deleted all the logic jumps and calculations. Now you must understand that this was a very big form with over 300 calculations and more then 250 logic jumps. Adding to that this form was of vital value to the business of my client.

I immediatly reached out to Typeform with a very urgent request but they were slow to respond. As you may know you can only email them and not call them. After pointing out again the urgency of the matter they finally came back to me and said they would do some test and get back ASAP. Then it went silent again and when I asked the next day about an update they replied with a response that nothing was wrong on their side (indicating I did something wrong) but were happy to refund 1 month.

There is something you must understand and that is the following. Besides the fact that I have been working with typeform for several years (i know what im doing) its almost impossible to delete all these calculations and logic jumps myself. It would take me hours to do so (!) and typeform knows this very well. Rebuilding this would take days and several thousands of euros in employee costs and lost revenue for the business of my client. Adding to that there is no guarantee that after rebuilding every calculation and logic jump that this wont happen again as Typeform will simply say it's not their fault.

For a company that is claiming to be customer service oriented using terms such as 'awesome' they are true liars and very unprofessional. As said earlier you will really get to know a company when a complex matter needs to be solved and Typeform is one of the worst examples I encountered.

Im moving all my business away from them as their service is too unreliable to count on and when you really need them they won't be there. If you are a self respecting business I would stay away from typeform. Many of my professional collegues are now doing the same as well. Please learn from my experience.
04 abril 2018 1:38
Not reliable + very bad client support. Webhooks regularly not working, no phone number for urgent issues. Nice UI and concept but poor client support and poor reliability are dealbreakers.
20 septiembre 2017 13:24
Unable to call customer representative as they dont have any, its not available for Indian customers then why to provide it for Indian customers at first, can not integrate with other than stripe platform
28 agosto 2017 14:21
Me gusta los meetups organizados alli. Muy bien ambiente para trabajar con un bar abierto.

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