06 febrero 2023 11:55
During the COVID crisis, they claimed bankruptcy, disappeared from a sudden and abandoned us. Of course they didn't give any explanation nor returned any money. Now there are no COVID restriction they opened again without communicating with the students that were affected.
During the course, all they gave us were some youtube links of free resources and even the softwares we used were a trial.

Basically a scam.
05 junio 2022 9:07
Muy recomendable. La metodologia de learning by doing te ayuda mucho a entender realmente bien todo. Desde mi punto de vista los mentores son lo mejor de la experiencia. Tienen un muy buen nivel, te guian, te explican todo lo que es necesario y estan a tu disposición en todo momento.
04 junio 2022 2:37
I pursued the Data Analytics and Machine Learning Program (online) offered by Ubiqum, with a scholarship from Santander Universidades. I feel like I learned a lot in a short time, and I benefited greatly from the support of my mentor.
31 mayo 2022 0:28
I've just finished the Bootcamp in Data Analytics and Machine learning and i couldn't be more satisfied with the results.
The learning-by-doing method makes you learn things forever, since you learn the most of it from your own mistakes. The online version is very personalized since the mentor is supervising your work through all the process and guiding you by giving you hints but, at the same time, keeping your freedom to use your own approach and ideas. This makes you adopt an active role and motivates you to work hard and achieve the results. What's more, the mentors are so talented.
When you finish you feel confident enough to face real problems of data analytics.
They also help you to boost your career by a program that empowers you through the process of finding a job.
24 mayo 2022 19:32
The bootcamp was a really intense and gratifying experience.

The bootcamp was demanding but it worths every single second you invest in it. The premise in Ubiqum is learning by doing. At the begining it can be even frustrating: you are lost, you do not know how to handle the problem, etc. In that moment you must keep calm, organize your ideas and being willing to dedicate huge amounts of effort and time.

After the first few weeks you start realizing you are evolving faster than you could ever imagine before and that frustration turns into satisfaction. You are not just growing as a data scientist, you are developing new skills whose value in the world of work is highly appreciated.

I did not have any previous experience in data science but, in the final stage, I had the feeling of being already prepared to give a good performance from day one in any related job. Additionally, the program "boosting my career" helps you to face the job interview, optimize your CV and even introduce you to companies interested on learned topics.

To sum up, I strongly recommend the bootcamp to those who are interested in data science, are willing to work hard to get their professional goals and want to make a step forward in their career as quickly and efficiently as possible.
02 mayo 2022 19:07
Data Analytics & Machine Learning program @ Ubiqum Code Academy was absolutely fantastic. I learned so much more than I thought I would. Program has real world projects that students work on which give you real insight to the world of Data Analytics and Machine Learning.

Special shout out to my mentor @Alessandro Arnone for his support throughout the program. Alessandro has a natural gift to explain complex topics in a most simpler way for anyone to understand. Can’t recommend this enough if you want to get into Data Analytics and Machine Learning.
26 abril 2022 6:04
Ubiqum is a bootcamp for those who are willing to learn coding by doing it. This is a good way since you are learning how to research some certain subjects. The mentors help you when you have a block or when there is something to improve in your code. It is easy to approach to the mentors and ask any question. They still need to increase the quality of the documentation they are using though. It has pretty nice approach and structure but they need to keep them up to date all the time.
21 abril 2022 15:18
He hecho el bootcamp online en Data analytics & Machine learning y lo recomiendo totalmente.
Frente a muchos otros cursos que solo te ofrecen un repaso teórico, en Ubiqum realmente aprendes haciendo, trabajando sobre casos reales de negocio en Python y R.
La plataforma es buena, así como el acompañamiento y mentorado.
Gracias Ubiqum por marcar la diferencia!
17 abril 2022 14:53
Completed the Data Science Bootcamap and thoroughly enjoyed it - it fit my learning style of learning by doing. My mentor was accessible throughout the programme via instant message along with weekly 121s.

It is a boot camp about the practical application of the skill. There are some classes but it is mostly about giving it ago and learning through trial and error with specific constructive feedback.

Having been away from the field of mathematics for several years and never written a line of code in R or Python before, this learning style was perfect for me. Highly recommend
15 noviembre 2021 22:11
Had a bad experience in 2020, where I was given 3 projects to work on and 3 x 1h classes in 3 months, and I was supposed to learn web development. I understand you need to search stack overflow and be autonomous, but this is taking this to the next level. To be 100% honest, they put some tutors at your disposal so you can schedule a time and ask some questions, which is good. At the end I did learn, but spent 5000 euros instead of 20 on an online course (except I wouldn't have access to tutors, but for 800 euros I would certainly get some 1-1 time). Some of my classmates had to study at another bootcamp and others even gave up coding. If you plan to spend this much money, go to IronHack, Skylab, or some other school.
12 mayo 2021 7:35
Esta academia es una estafa. No das ninguna clase, pagas por mirar videos por tu cuenta. Los profesores son exalumnos que no tienen el suficiente conocimiento para dar soporte, lo único que hacen es memorizar los ejercicios y luego cuando preguntas algo que no estaba previsto no saben dar respuestas.
No tienen bolsa de trabajo. En definitiva es una vergüenza. Experiencia muy negativa. La peor academia de Barcelona sin lugar a duda.
21 mayo 2020 15:40
Un engaño enorme. Usan el learn by doing para no dar ninguna clase. Vas a la academia a mirar videos y tutoriales por tu cuenta, algo que se puede hacer on-line.

Pagas por pagar el alquiler del local parece ser. Ni una mísera clase, lo que conlleva que no te acabes formando y salgas de allí siendo aún menos que un programador junior. Si te quejas a dirección no te hacen ni caso o se ofenden.

No la escojáis como academia, es nula. Tenéis en Barcelona muchísimas mas y mejores, y mas baratas, donde te enseñan y aprendes y no sientes que has tirado tu dinero en ver tutoriales y sacarte las castañas del fuego tú solo. No te aseguran trabajo ya que no tienen ningún tipo de bolsa de trabajo ni similares, y el título que te dan no sirve para nada, a lo que si añadimos que no sales formado. UNA RUINA.
12 mayo 2020 0:17
Working at Ubiqum is great because you help people learn how to code and then eventually they get employed in the tech sector. The people here are really fun to work with because they have big hearts and always want to help others.
05 junio 2018 15:08
Once I start coding I couldn't stop.

I use to work in sales in a small familiar company, I was really upset with my job, so I decided to change and I jump into this world. Ubiqum helped me to make this transition, supporting me during bad moments, they are very lovely people and very friendly. But for me the main point is the work environment and philosophy, since the first day looks like you are in a technology company with daily meetings, limit dates and projects to work on.
30 mayo 2018 20:46
La metodología "Learn by Doing" es un acierto. En 5 meses aprendes a programar y el sexto te consiguen trabajo. Sin duda una excelente oportunidad para cambiar de carrera y profesión.
27 septiembre 2017 14:17
El curso en Ubiqum está siendo una muy buena experiencia. El hecho de tener buenos profesores y una metodología centrada en el alumno (flexible, adaptada a las necesidades y circunstancias de cada persona) convierten Ubiqum en un buen entorno para aprender disfrutando.
25 septiembre 2017 20:54
Personalmente hacía tiempo que queria aprender el stack de HTML5-CSS3-Javascript. Pero no encontraba la motivación para poder alcanzar mis metas. En unos pocos meses en Ubiqum he logrado dar un gran salto en mi aprendizaje, con conceptos de Vanilla.js, UI pattern, MVC, DOM, BOM y muchas otras.

Ahora si que siento que estoy avanzando y cada vez tengo mas ganas de dar un nuevo paso en Front-end para ir acercandome al mundo laboral.
24 septiembre 2017 1:01
I was looking for a system to learn web-development but never had time, proper tools and plan of attack to start studying by my self/on-line platforms. Ubiqum offered the ideal conditions and I could start from zero, with basic and important topics such as HTML5, CSS and JavaScript among others in the front-end web development bootcamp. I would say that Ubiqum is a great code academy for those that are looking for some learn by doing experience, good environment and guidance to give the first steps into this career.
27 agosto 2017 8:01
Una formacion muy completa a cargo de professionales. La metodologia Learning by doing es un acierto! Al principio te frustra un poco, pero es la mejor manera de aprender! Html, css, bootstrap, UI/UX, Javascript, Jquery, Json, Apis, media queries!

Satisfecho con el contenido, satisfecho con los mentores y satisfecho con las oportunidades que la Academy te facilita!

Muy recomendable para entrar en un ambito que no para de crecer! Donde seguro encontraras oportunidades laborales!
13 agosto 2017 7:55
Grateful experience with UBIQUM! I was really out of this world on my first days, didn't know nothing at all. Now i feel pretty confident with Html, css and javascript which is hard on the first weeks but with good mentors it gets easy very quickly.

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