26 marzo 2024 18:24
Este fue mi primer retiro de Ayahuasca y no puedo dejar de pensar en un lugar mejor para comenzar mi viaje.

El alojamiento es hermoso, cómodo y seguro. Los alrededores son tranquilos, con mucha naturaleza, pero el hotel en sí estaba muy bien equipado y con muchas instalaciones.

La familia Avalon es especial. Son profesionales, están bien equipados con los conocimientos adecuados, sabios de corazón y, lo más importante, solidarios y encantadores en todo lo posible. Me sentí sumamente querida y apoyada durante todo el proceso.

Opté por el paquete de 4 ceremonias, dos con Nilton y dos con Ness. Fue una gran combinación de Yin Yang y estoy agradecido por las respuestas que pude obtener durante el viaje.

La comida estaba muy bien preparada y deliciosa, la única "queja" que tengo es el sabor del agua, es un poco raro, pero supongo que probablemente sea el sabor de la región.

Si estás pensando en abrazar tu Ayahuasca, estás en buenas manos
24 marzo 2024 1:51
Trabajar con Avalon ha sido una de las experiencias mas mágicas y evolutivas en un lugar donde ofrecer mis servicios. Admiro el cuidado y los detalles que tienen en todo, la configuración del equipo y las ganas de cuidar y mejorar en todo para que el cliente se sienta cuidado.
Una maravilla.
31 agosto 2023 13:30
No puedo encontrar palabras lo suficientemente fuertes para expresar mi gratitud a Maggie, Chris,
Pati, Susy, Ángela y Abadía.
¡Gracias a todos por el ENORME apoyo que recibí de todos ustedes durante la ceremonia!
Nos vemos de nuevo gente encantadora
26 agosto 2023 2:32
Viniendo de un mundo donde se presta poca o ninguna atención a la espiritualidad, debo admitir que llegué a Avalon con un toque de nerviosismo e incluso miedo. Esperaba que la Ayahuasca trajera cambios positivos a mi vida, aunque no sabía de qué forma ni cómo los experimentaría. De hecho, cuando vine a Avalon esperaba participar en cuatro ceremonias de Ayahuasca, pero lo que viví allí superó ampliamente mis expectativas. Todas las actividades que realizamos fueron diseñadas cuidadosamente para hacer que el viaje de autodescubrimiento sea más fácil y exitoso.

No hay palabras para describir los cambios positivos que experimentó mi cuerpo y mi alma en esos seis días. Regresé a casa como una persona completamente nueva. Los cambios que hice también tuvieron un impacto inmensamente positivo en los miembros de mi familia.

No puedo decir que recomendaría a todos que se embarquen en un viaje con Ayahuasca porque requiere una profunda preparación y una decisión consciente. Sin embargo, si estás en ese camino, debo decir que mi experiencia con Avalon superó incluso mis expectativas más optimistas.
25 agosto 2023 2:26
Avalon: donde la magia se encuentra con la transformación

Me gustaría comenzar haciéndome eco de los sentimientos de mis compañeros de viaje: el retiro de Ayahuasca de 6 días de Avalon, salpicado con un toque de magia Bufo, es nada menos que extraordinario. Es como entrar en un reino donde el tiempo se ralentiza y tu alma ocupa un lugar central.

Gratitud, Compasión y Conexión
Desde el momento en que puse un pie en Avalon, me invadió un profundo sentimiento de gratitud. El equipo de Avalon ha creado un santuario que respira seguridad y paz. Las ceremonias fueron un viaje a las profundidades de mi ser, guiado por la sabiduría de la Madre Aya, dejándome con un nuevo sentido de gratitud, compasión y conexión. No puedo agradecer lo suficiente a todos los chamanes y asistentes, especialmente a Ness, Andrés, Alex e Imogen, por ser las mejores madrinas y padrinos y guiarme para aprovechar al máximo esta experiencia.

Comida sensacional y comodidad incomparables
Hablemos de la comida. María, la maga culinaria, teje sus hechizos en cada plato, armonizándolos con los colores de nuestros chakras. Cada comida era un viaje en sí mismo, que nutría no sólo mi cuerpo sino también mi alma. La sala de ceremonias y las instalaciones están diseñadas para que su viaje sea lo más cómodo posible. Cuando estás en medio de tu exploración interior, tener un espacio acogedor al que regresar puede marcar la diferencia.

Una Familia de Guardianes
El equipo de Avalon no es sólo un equipo; son familia. Desde el momento en que llegas, estás envuelto en su cuidado y amor. No eres un participante más; eres un alma única en un viaje profundo y te tratan como tal. Toda la experiencia está diseñada para sostenerte, apoyarte y guiarte a través de tu proceso de curación. Un agradecimiento especial a todos los voluntarios y personas que han estado ayudando en segundo plano.

Fantasía y Transformación en Armonía
El entorno de Avalon es nada menos que encantador. La belleza de la naturaleza, desde el sereno lago hasta los juguetones caballos, crea una atmósfera de asombro y transformación. Es la combinación perfecta de lujo y comodidad inmersos en el amoroso abrazo de la propia Madre Naturaleza. Un saludo de todo corazón a Ajeandro, Víctor, Sabina, Gabriel, Ammy, Susi y Mirella por dejar espacio para que esta magia sucediera.

Integración y conexiones para toda la vida
El retiro no termina cuando terminan las ceremonias. Avalon ofrece un programa de integración estructurado que garantiza una transición fluida a su vida cotidiana. Esto, sumado al apoyo de la familia Avalon, se convierte en una parte esencial de su viaje. Quiero extender mi más profundo agradecimiento a Nico y Pati y agradecerles su presencia antes, durante y después del retiro.

En conclusión, mi tiempo en Avalon fue una mezcla de magia, transformación y amor puro y sin adulterar. Es una búsqueda de autodescubrimiento y curación, ambientada en un lugar caprichoso, orquestada maravillosamente por Alejandro y la tribu de curanderos. Al equipo de Avalon, que ahora están para siempre en mi corazón, le ofrezco mi eterna gratitud. Y si Bufo os llama, compañeros de aventuras, recordad: no os preocupéis, sed felices y abrazad el viaje.

Con gratitud ilimitada y sabiduría recién descubierta
22 agosto 2023 1:52
Estuve allí este agosto y pasé un tiempo increíble con todo el equipo de Avalon. La experiencia fue increíble y después de estar allí me siento en paz, amor y feliz de poder mejorar y ser una mejor persona. El equipo de Avalon te ayuda con toda la experiencia y te guía en todos tus procesos. RECOMIENDO 100% sentir la experiencia con profesionales. ¡Ellos saben cómo ayudarte y me siento segura y protegida! ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS!
19 julio 2023 1:05
Muchas gracias Avalon por la maravillosa ceremonia de Tabaco y cacao en el Festival de la conciencia fue una experiencia muy profunda, me he sentido muy sostenida durante mi proceso en la ceremonia muchas gracias fue una experiencia increíble
31 mayo 2023 20:26
The mushroom ceremony was incredible and I'm recommending it to everyone I know now! Everyone involved in running the session was friendly, kind and supportive. There was live music and singing throughout the entire session (around 5 hours). It really was a very special experience for me and I will do it again for sure. Highly recommended!
31 mayo 2023 15:13
I did a 6 day retreat with the Avalon Family and would like to try to put my intense and life changing experiences into words, which is actually impossible as it is beyond words.
I am wondering myself, because as a certified senior coach I have been working with people for many years and I can describe everything very well, but here the human language is just not enough.
I highly recommend Avalon and wish everyone who hears the call to meet the Mother to do so at Avalon. Every individual working there is a radiant soul, full of love and deeply connected to the desire to hold the safe space for participants to have the best experience possible. It is an absolutely sacred, safe space and I always felt carried, held, seen, protected and truly loved even in the vulnerable moments during the Ceremony.

Ness was the shaman and what should I say: Ness is a divine goddess for me. She has this strong presence and combines this enormous power and deep wisdom with her loving nurturing tenderness. I immidiately fell in love with her and she is like a muse for me. When Ness plays guitar and sings, it is magical and surreal beautiful. Muchas gracias mi querida hermana del alma️

This is also what deeply touched me at the inside.that I felt this real, true, deep love and connection. When people from all over the world, who didn't know each other before, just talk raw and truthfully about their experiences of the last night at the Integration Sessions, then the resonance bow of the group becomes a healing and transformation space.
Deep relationships and friendships have been developed and I would like to thank our wonderful group for having shared this journey and for the profound experiences we had.

As it was always said, it is kind of collective shamanism and I still feel so blessed to be a part o it.

Loved the mantra too: „Breathe. Trust. Surrender. “
And finally I surrendered, what was by far the most intense impacting experience of my life.
I am still deeply connected and deeply touched and I want to thank all the amazing people who made this possible, first of all Alejandro, who passionately pulls the strings and makes the perfect orchestration possible through his dedication and attention to detail.
Simply outstanding what you have created dear Alejandro.
Thank you dear Sophia that I could immediately feel trust and love in the pre call. Thank you Gabriel for your unique massages. You have golden hands of healing.

Thank you my beautiful sister Susy for the very precious work with you and the deep insights in my Aura Reading. I have taken you so much into my heart and I am really looking forward being on the spiritual path with you.
Thank you Nicolas for the intense work in our Hypnotherapy Session and for your guidance. You are one of a kind and your precise analysis and empathy allowed deep processes.
My dear Imogen your voice is not from this world and has moved me deeply. Thank you and Pierreluigi for your reliable and safe presence as ceremony guardians.

Maggie and Chris…oh my heart. I really love you from the depth of my soul. Thank you so very much for being such committed attentive spaceholders, for sharing your knowlwedge, for caring and for simply BEING Love. When you sang together it was the definition of love for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your guidance, you both have forever my highest appreciation.
For me, nothing is the same anymore and I will listen much more to my intuition. Things that were important are not anymore and priorities have changed. I am so grateful for every single experience and for having found my incredible Avalon Family, my tribe for walking together on this spiritual path.
Everything stays different we say in german. AHO ️
11 mayo 2023 0:21
The ceremony was amazing, had a beautiful experience, Benjo and the other musicians were incredible & guided the Mushroom Ceremony masterfully. I've been recommending it to my friends & will keep on doing so. 10/10!
22 abril 2023 12:12
Amazing retreat. Ness and the guardians were phenomenal at guiding me through the uncomfortable parts of ceremony and the process. Everyone with Avalon is warm, loving, kind, and understanding. They go out of their way to make sure you have multiple methods and tools available to heal and integrate everyday. If you are considering an aya retreat, I highly recommend avalon; 100% worth the investment in yourself.
13 abril 2023 21:40
An enormous gratitude to the team of Avalon for this incredible, highly authentic ayahuasca experience, full of guidance, care & support at each step. I was impressed by a stunning location that fully immerses you in nature and helps detach completely from the urban life. The ceremonies were organized with high respect to traditions and accompanied with breathtaking voices of a shaman and guardians. What makes Avalon unique is also the program that includes integration & therapy sessions conducted by professionals, which makes it ideal for the first timers. Thank you so much for what you do!
08 abril 2023 0:40
From the moment of booking the 6-day retreat with Avalon, the feeling of calm certainty filled my heart. Arriving to busy days of uncomfortable-comfortable challenges, profound people, and the magic of Mother Aya, this experience has been arguably the best quest one could do for oneself.

Playful Ness, full of wisdom, coupled with a large group of beautiful, supporting guardians and the intricacies of perfect strangers who’ll become lifelong friends, together we journeyed through our collective demons and into peaceful consciousness.

Set within the most whimsical of locations, orchestrated beautifully by Alejandro & the tribe of healers, this is the best gift I could ever have received, and given myself.

Thank you & eternal gratidão? And if Bufo calls too, don’t worry, be happy
02 abril 2023 15:05
I had the chance to participate in a Bufo ceremony, it was an incredible experience:
-The Avalon team is great, very professional and full of love. All the support before, during and after is just perfect
-the medicine helped me to reconnect to my inner guidance and to find serenity

I feel incredibly lucky to have had this experience with you. A huge thank you to you, my family, for helping to bring heaven to earth.

With love,
19 enero 2023 22:51
Its been a month now since my ayahuasca experience at Avalon and I found a calm I havent had for years. I am so grateful. I choose Avalon because I wanted a place that seemed both professional and safe and Avalon proved to be both ️ From the preparations, to the stay and the days after when you get back to everyday life.just a little bit different. In addition to the ayahuasca itself I also got so much out of the added therapy provided. Thank you so much for a life changing experience in the most beautiful sorroundings with such kind souls! I recommend you to everyone that asks why I seem so happy these days
03 enero 2023 14:29
Remarkable experience and a beautiful community full of people that can inspire, and who all have lessons to share. Cannot recommend more - will definitely come back in the future!
01 enero 2023 14:00
Fantastic retreat - I felt super safe and reassured by the staff all the time - they worked so hard and everyone had an amazing experience! I will definitely be back! Can't recommend highly enough!
31 diciembre 2022 7:49
The Avalon retreat was a wonderful experience for me. Chris, Maggie and the rest of the Avalon family were so welcoming and made everyone feel at ease throughout the experience. There was absolutely no judgement by anyone at any time during the 4 days. The ceremonies were beautiful and really powerful. If you are thinking of taking part in an Avalon retreat/experience, think no longer. Just go ahead and do it. You will not regret it. The thought of partaking in an ayahuasca retreat can be daunting, but the Avalon team ensure a safe, loving and supportive environment if which to do this. I can't imagine a better place to start. Day by day, I notice the benefits of the medicine even more. So, take a chance with the Avalon team. I'm delighted that I did
25 diciembre 2022 21:58
I'm now 3 days back from a 6 day retreat at Avalon and I'm, honestly, still struggling to find any words to accurately describe my experience. I have now come to the conclusion that there are none to adequately articulate the profound experience I just had. However, in order to spread the word about the incredible work they're doing and to share my love for my beautiful Avalon family I will give it a go!

I have worked in senior roles in Finance for most of my career, so I have very high expectations when it comes to organisation and attention to detail. In every way the Avalon team surpassed them. But what makes this experience so unique is their ability to blend that professionalism with spirituality and compassion. Every single member of the team, without exception, is a radiating beam of light, who wants to help and guide you towards a better life - and for me that's what they've done.

The gratitude and love I have for Alejandro and the entire team is limitless. These beautiful souls have found their purpose and they're sharing their love with the world. I have 2 children so it was fundamentally important to me that I was in a safe, secure environment for the work being done and Avalon provided that space.

If you're called to work with this medicine I cannot imagine there being a more beautiful team of people to do it with. I cannot recommend them highly enough. First of all look on the website, get a sense of what they're doing and put in a call. One of the team will speak with you and from that initial conversation you'll start to feel the love.

Thank you to the entire Avalon team from the bottom of my heart for the work you're doing. Your love and gratitude, joy in all you do, unconditional compassion and total understanding are changing lives in a beautiful and profound way. It's certainly changed mine.

19 diciembre 2022 22:23
I took the Psilocybin Mushroom ceremony, although I came on my own I really left feeling a sense of community with the other individuals that came. Be considerate that everyone receives the same dose of mushrooms (1.5g) so this may affect others more intensely e.g. A woman 5'2" at 60kg versus a man 6'2" at 88kg. Whilst the core of my experience lasted 20-30mins at a very mild pace, it heightened the musical experience and contributed to overall atmosphere of the space and the sharing circle afterwards. I was initially anxious before the ceremony started but please feel assured that this is a gentle experience in which the sense of community plays a large part in the journey.
19 diciembre 2022 17:28
I honestly struggle to put into words for how beautiful and amazing this journey was me. An experience I would recommend for anyone and everyone. Can easily that this was the greatest use of my money I've ever spent.

Massive thanks for all the staff as well, each and every person were lovely and you can truly tell they that cared for everyone.

5 stars is not enough to explain this experience.
15 diciembre 2022 17:16
IAM éternally grateful to have Been able to expérience Avalon
Deep deep gratitude to Alejandro, Victor, Gabriel, Suzy, Lala, Darling Nell
Chris an Maggie m'y guardians during ceremonies
Despite my âge I felt acceptd wholly
For me thé fact of meeting up with strangers was Always overwhelming
And Turned out to be thé best loving compassionate tender holy sacred unrevealing frightening
Confronting situation ever expérienced in m'y whole life
I went home with answers to m'y sadness and fears
Thé stepping stones to better things
to be acceptéd on m'y on going journéy
Thé sensé of Time did not exist

Even though late in life I did Access
something greater

For m'y génération it was not ready
AT that Time For thé young its a massive opportunité to prépare thèm to get on thé right track
and so to stop wasting precious Time

Life IS short must mâke thé best of it and Enjoy
Infinite Gratitude
14 diciembre 2022 2:53
I couldn’t be more thankful and amazed, beautiful people doing a wonderful job. They exceeded my expectations by far.
05 diciembre 2022 11:50
Absolutely amazing, beautifully orchestrated retreat! This is not just an Ayahuasca ceremony retreat, but included additional supportive modalities including amazing massage work by Gabriel, access bar by Susy, yoga classes by Lala, incredible meals by Marina the Cromatic Chef, in addition to one-on-one support from an incredible group of people in the most beautiful healing location. Chris and Maggie, our ceremony guardians, are the most patient, compassionate, kind people I’ve ever met. Our shaman, Ness, is beyond words in her beauty, compassion and wisdom. The ceremonies were truly an orchestrated work of art with the most incredible music that truly enhanced the experience. Myself and every participant in attendance had the most profound experiences during this retreat. I wish every person on the planet had this opportunity. We were absolutely blessed to have chosen Avalon to experience the power of Mother Ayahuasca!
02 diciembre 2022 23:01
Before I came to Avalon, I was lost, suicidal and didn't know what to do with my life. After the 6 day retreat, I left feeling nothing but joy and happiness within my soul. I have found purpose and gained a lifetimes worth of wisdom to share and spread with those I love. I'm certain Avalon will be the missing piece to your puzzle
02 febrero 2022 2:57
Avalon experience (s) is the best one can expect for a first-timer as for more rounded seekers. The team is super professional and caring: making everyone feel safe and supported in their process. The place is beautiful and comfortable which allows everyone to concentrate on growing, healing and experiencing at the fullest.
14 enero 2022 13:20
My time with Avalon was a fantastic experience.

The location is great; no complaints about the accomodation (nice bed with good quality facilities in the en suite bathroom), and plenty of open space in the grounds which you are free to walk around all areas of during free time, offering a serene space to relax and recharge between ceremonies.

The ceremony space is a fantastic one also, suited to the kind of experiences Ayahuasca can impart on us. Some of the staff play beautiful music which greatly enhances the experience, while others may walk around the space, making sure everybody is ok; it is a safe and warm space, a fantastic one to share time with Ayahuasca in.

The Avalon staff are great; with a very warm greeting from all of them upon arrival and their constant availability throughout the retreat, the work they do to accommodate you seems natural, unforced, and to come from a place of love as they guide you through an experience which they have been through many times. Kind and warm people.
11 enero 2022 7:09
Sharing the colourful space with four artist, musicians and professionals meant that as a participant I felt safe and secure at all times. What later came was a transcendental experience, guided through music, dans and connection. I had high expectations considering the reputation and they went above and beyond. For me it helped to further anchor my sense of self in a deeper sensation based in love. Highly recommended.
26 diciembre 2021 1:47
In my experience, it’s been safe to trust Avalon to host and guide me through the healing ceremonies. A team dedicated to a beautiful mission, acting with pure heart and pure intention to bring and share beauty and truth with us. Grateful to have crossed paths with them. Grateful for my openness to try alternative healing modalities. Dearly recommended
22 noviembre 2021 20:21
Tuve el placer de disfrutar una experiencia con medicina maravillosa con el equipo de Avalon. Su trato cercano, el espacio y la energía ofrecida hicieron que me sintiera en todo momento cuidado y pudiera profundizar en el trabajo.
25 octubre 2021 18:42
He tenido una experiencia maravillosa. En todo momento me sentí segura y cuidada. Lo recomiendo a todos los que estén buscando una experiencia transformadora.
09 octubre 2021 5:03
Going to Avalon to confront my own shadow wasn't an easy decision, but I don't regret it not even for a second. I can't describe with words the level of gratitude I feel towards Mother Earth for showing me the path I need to follow in life, the only path that resonates with my soul. This transformative experience couldn't be achieved without the help and support of the amazingly beautiful humans that compose the Avalon's team. If you're looking for a place where you want to feel safe and loved throughout probably the most important experience of your life.just go for it!
Thank you so much, team, you'll always occupy a very important place within my heart.
With love,
01 octubre 2021 16:13
Best expierence ever in my life. If you are stuck in life and looking for answers, this retreat is the best way to go. So happy I did Ayahuasca! Thank you
27 septiembre 2021 4:11
The experience with Avalon was amazing!
The place is astonishing! The building is surrounded by landscape where you can take long walks and connect with nature.

The food was amazing, very colorful, delicious, healthy and tasty.

The ceremony was such an experience worth living at least once in a life time. The music, singing, drums.super!

Experience Highly recommended!
15 septiembre 2021 20:35
I'm a plant medicine carrier and mistic paths follower and i have to say that was the best retreat i've ever been. Very beautiful people and hard workers staff, you will satisfied. The best investment you can put your money in, you'll leave highly rewarded. Blessings.
11 septiembre 2021 5:13
The most important week of my life. If you’re at the point of reading the reviews, the answer is probably yes. The best investment I’ve made in my life and there are seriously no words that can describe the beauty that happens. Thank you Avalon family.
08 septiembre 2021 17:05
The most hard but also the most beautiful week of my life and definitely the best investment I’ve made in my health, relationships, self-worth, happiness and spirituality. I have never experienced so much love as I did this week. Thank you, Avalon family. I felt so safe and nurtured doing this retreat
15 agosto 2021 23:44
One of the most organised retreats I've ever been to. It is very apparent that all is done from the heart!
12 agosto 2021 4:25
From the moment my partner and I contacted Avalon with an intention to possibly book a space on the retreat. We were made to feel at ease. All our questions were answered we had access to phone conversation and FaceTime and this was before we had even committed to booking our place on the retreat. At no point did we ever feel that our constant questions were silly or that we should not be asking them.

The setting of Avalon was perfect the grounds are beautiful the accomadation was of the standard of any 5 star hotel. The food was fantastic the presentation was perfect with every attention to detail The peace and tranquillity within the accomadation can not be put into words.

This was our first experience of ayahuasca but it want be our last. Everyone experience the medicine differently. I personally had a beautiful experience and have returned home feeling full of love and gratitude for the life I have. I have been told that the full experience takes time to simulate and I am so excited to see that this will look like.

This review can not possibly do the retreat justice as I don’t have the words to express what a beautiful experience it was.

The staff / family as I would now prefer to call them were just simply fantastic the constant support and attention to our every need felt like being in the most loving supportive family.the knowledge that they have just dose not seem like a human knowledge if that makes any sense. I can not express how great full I am to all of these amazing people. I had a very special bond with Nessy and Maggie but everyone was just absolutely amazing it’s actually hard to single out people as everyone was fantastic.

I can’t wait to come back I am missing you all so much already love Donelle &stuart & Dario

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