14 junio 2022 15:25
En la vida volvería a contratar los servicios de esta empresa comp docente para realizar una actividad con mis alumnos.
28 mayo 2021 5:29
Me han asignado un gran profesor: hacemos ejercicios muy amenos y variados, me corrige la pronunciación, explica muy bien; además es puntual y muy profesional. Se me pasa el tiempo volando y además aprendo.
05 agosto 2020 19:44
I HIGHLY recommend the Canterbury TEFL Certification Program in Madrid. If you are looking to teach English abroad, this is a fantastic place to begin your journey. Canterbury made the transition from the United States to Spain easy - not only by providing assistance with the visa application process, but also by offering a great introduction to la vida madrileña. John Bouse, the program director, is the best teacher I have EVER had (and I have three degrees). John's passion for teaching, for life, and for Madrid is unparalleled and he personalizes the teaching experience to each of his students. You will finish this course feeling well-prepared to teach English in a variety of settings AND to thrive in Madrid.
19 junio 2020 8:36
This was one of best experiences I’ve had. When I graduated college 7 years ago I took courses/internship with Canterbury & found my love and passion for education. I would recommend to anyone wanting to Teach English as a Second Language.

When I moved to Madrid I had no idea what to expect as a recent graduate. With the support of Canterbury I was able to get the education and experience of a lifetime. Now I am an ESL teacher in the states but I have to thank Canterbury because it is where my journey of TESOL began. I appreciate all they did for me and I cannot believe it’s been 7 years.

Thank you!
06 junio 2020 0:45
Fatal, hablamos con ellos en verano para contratar un profesor cuando empezase el curso para el niño, todo sin problemas, ya estaba todo hablado y solo faltaba que a finales de septiembre nos llamasen para concretar día y hora para las clases. A mediados de octubre todavía no se habían puesto en contacto con nosotros, y no sólo eso sino que no contestaban ni a los correos, ni a los WhatsApp, hasta hoy que nos ponen un WhatsApp, y literalmente nos ponen "no podemos", sin ninguna explicación más, y al pedirles explicación nos bloquean, maleducados e informales.
14 febrero 2020 21:16
My partner and I took the Canterbury TEFL course almost 13 years ago, and it prepared us perfectly for teaching English as a foreign language. Not only did the course offer a good English grammar review, but it also eased any doubts we had about teaching business English, children's classes or any other types of classes out there. We were able to start working before the course ended, so by the time we actually finished the course we were already working, earning money and ready to take on a full-time teaching schedule. We're still in Madrid teaching English today, and we're happy to recommend the Canterbury TEFL course to anyone considering teaching English as a foreign language.
21 enero 2020 10:38
My experience at Canterbury TEFL was truly life changing. The experiences and people I met while completing this program are some of the best memories of my life. John Bouse is the best professor I've ever had, and being his student was an honor. He taught me so many things, not only about the English language and teaching it to others, but life in general. He is still one of my favorite people in this world. If you're debating whether to do this program or not, do it! You will not regret it.it truly is a once in a lifetime experience.
20 enero 2020 8:11
Llamé para pedir información y me atiende un tipo al que no entiendo.luego se pone a hablar en inglés a toda leche y le entiendo menos aun, estamos en España tronco, no en Belfas o Gibraltar.
11 diciembre 2019 5:16
The most comprehensive and dedicated TEFL program anywhere. Guaranteed teaching positions? Visa support? Life in magical Madrid? Teaching English abroad? Anywhere? Yes. Canterbury can make this experience happen for you. If your dream is to explore and experience cultures, cuisines and captivating castles, Canterbury offers you this unbelievable opportunity - and reimburses you while student teaching. The instructors are fantastic - the program is thorough and challenging and you can choose your teaching assignments. A Canterbury TEFL availed me the opportunity to teach all over the world. Seize the day- and then seize the stay. Apurate!
Kristina Raines
08 noviembre 2019 4:50
Without Canterbury, namely John, I would never had made it in Madrid. It’s been almost ten years since I left the U. S.for Madrid, and Canterbury was my first home, my first friends, my first gig. The people at Canterbury are the real deal: a band of expats and Spaniards who work hard, treat you right, and help you find your way in Spain. My Spanish wife and I are planning to live again in Spain after many years in NYC, and I know the connections, experiences, and knowledge I gained at Canterbury will benefit my family and me a great deal. Once you are part of Canterbury, you are always a part of Canterbury. I am just one of the many people who has passed through their doors, but I know all of us are grateful for our time there.

John was a mentor, teacher, guide, and, of course, a friend. You’ll be hard pressed to find another expat who knows about the ins and outs of teaching English in Madrid — he also know where to find a good menú del día or two as well! If you want to take the leap and live in Madrid, find your own way, and write your own story. Canterbury is a great place to start!
20 octubre 2019 12:35
Chispe - a spark, or glint. This was one of the first Spanish words that I learned from John Bouse, the lead teacher trainer and manager of Canterbury's TEFL Certification Course. Teaching can be a great joy and pleasure if it is done to kindle the spark of knowledge, or to find a glint of humanity in the relationship between student and teacher.

I didn't know that I wanted to be a teacher, or could be a teacher, until I met John. Now, teaching is my profession. Though I have studied education at ASU and Teachers College, Columbia University, I have never met a teacher trainer quite like John. He will show you the art of teaching, and you will love to teach after you study with him.

And even if you aren't like me, you will at least love teaching enough to have the best experience of your life in Madrid.

My future wife and I did Canterbury together. We made lifelong friends. We took weekend trips - to Aranda del Duero, a city with wine caves beneath streets. We drove all night to run with the bulls in the morning. We watched three-story bonfires burn in the streets of Valencia. We stomped on grapes and made wine. Sevilla, Granada, Toledo, y San Sebastian. Canterbury. It's a special club you're joining.
03 octubre 2019 9:48
I couldn't say more positive things about my experience with James, John, and the rest of Canterbury TEFL team. I completed my course in June 2012 and worked in a partner summer camp that July. It was my first TEFL course and teaching experience. Not only did the staff provide an incredibly useful and practical, hands-on course, they also went the extra mile outside of the classroom by providing ample opportunities to explore the more social and cultural parts of life in Spain. It was the perfect mixture of both fun and professionalism and I couldn't recommend Canterbury TEFL more.
01 octubre 2019 23:53
Hello Friends.
I have had a golden opportunity in 2012 to do the
Tefl course with Canterbury Spain in Madrid.
It has been a truly beautiful experience with Mr John Bouse and the Canterbury staff. They all have been tremendously generous patient And very very helpful in preparing me thoroughly and also providing me good quality Teaching work these Seven years. Honestly I would recomend people and students from all walks of Life to come and enjoy this excellent Tefl course and work in Madrid and other countries thanks only to this course and the very generous and elegant Mr John Bouse. By the way he is a great Teacher.and jovial too. They always have beautiful reasoably priced excursions to excellent holiday Spots continously.which I recommend.
Wishing all of you a Wonderful and very rewarding experience with this great useful institution. They are truly very very nice humans.
Good Luck and God Bless you all.
Kind Regards.
Vinit Vazirani.
25 septiembre 2019 1:11
I arrived in Madrid just over two years ago. Twenty-three, fresh college graduate and no idea what I had just done. Surely, this had been a mistake. What was I thinking?

Fast-forward two years later and I’m back in the United States with a full-time, corporate job. It’s funny how this was such a strange adjustment, when just two years ago the strange part had been arriving in Madrid.

I built a client base in Madrid and crafted a schedule that I truly enjoyed. I didn’t know a single thing about teaching, or evidently, even about the English language. Suffice it to say, my time teaching in Spain would have been impossible without Canterbury. The course, and the help they offer after the course, are both exceptional. I would have gotten nowhere without them, and largely because of them, I returned home at the end of my experience a far more capable person than the one who stepped off that plane in January of 2017.

There is not a shadow of a doubt that teaching in Madrid was the most rewarding experience of my life. Steve Jobs famously stated, “you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. ”

Trust that a year from now, or even ten years from now, you’ll look back and the dots will connect. Despite the fear, the inexperience, the homesickness and the long days, Canterbury was exactly where I was supposed to be.

And I am so much better for it.
23 septiembre 2019 7:45
If you are considering teaching English in Spain, you have come to the right place with the Canterbury TEFL program.

I arrived in Spain in September 2011 and taught English with Canterbury for over a year. Especially for someone coming from the United States, Canterbury makes moving to Spain extremely easy. Whether you are worried about your visa, finding an apartment, meeting new friends, or the language barrier, Canterbury has you covered. The staff and teachers are always willing to help new students in the TEFL program feel welcome in Madrid.

No matter your command of the English language, I promise that you will learn something new in your four week TEFL certification program. Once you are finished and earn your TEFL certificate, you are guaranteed to immediately start teaching classes and earning money. You can also rely on the wealth of resources available at the Canterbury offices to help you prepare for classes with your new students.

Canterbury makes life outside of the classroom fun as well with a non-stop calendar of social events. Every month there are pub nights, field trips, and other exciting group activities that will allow you to get to know your fellow teachers better and experience many of the great things that Spain has to offer. If you want to move to Spain but are hesitant to make the leap, the Canterbury TEFL class is the way to do it
21 septiembre 2019 23:13
Excellent course with very knowledgeable and experienced teachers. Doing this TEFL course has equipped me with the necessary tools to conduct classes to all ages and levels. It is very intensive with a lot of theory and projects and therefore highly valuable in the job market.
20 septiembre 2019 22:23
I did my 120 hour TEFL course 10 years ago with Canterbury English in Madrid.

John Bouse was the teacher and he was superb. I Learnt a lot from him and still use his cigar routine today!

I imagine the course has only gone from strength to strength in the last 10 years although it was excellent 10 years ago.

It essentially covers all of the things that you should know but don’t know about teaching English, for example the difference between a modal and phrasal verb. It also gives you plenty of practice lesson planning and you also do real practice classes with real students.

If you are looking for a TEFL course this is great, I’m still teaching English 10 years later and still using many of the ideas and plans that I learnt on this course.

By the way, if you read this John I still want to know how you learnt all 27 of our names in one day! Bugged me for years!
13 septiembre 2019 22:11
I completed the TEFL Certification course in 2008 and highly recommend to those looking to teach English in Spain. The team at Canterbury were welcoming, instructive, and a supportive unit. John Bouse taught the Certification course and it was amazing to pick up English teaching skills. Upon completion of the course, Canterbury helps with private lessons though it's important to personally bolster your class load if you're looking to work more. I have continued friendships with several of my students and fellow teachers in Madrid and consider them close friends. A great life experience!
09 septiembre 2019 16:52
I participated in the TEFL program in Madrid in 2012. I met incredible classmates from the US, UK, and Canada and had plenty of opportunity to explore the unforgettable city of Madrid. After my course, I was lucky enough to be offered a job at Canterbury's English Adventures Summer Camp where I worked for the remaining summer months after my TEFL certification class. I had an amazing time, both with my colleagues at the camp and the campers themselves. Canterbury even helped me to find some of my first private students when I returned to Madrid after camp. I highly recommend this TEFL course to anyone hoping to explore Spain for a summer or hoping to get a foot in the door to live in Spain teaching full time.
07 septiembre 2019 1:48
A great place to get your start teaching English overseas. A very welcoming and supportive environment with knowledgeable teachers. Recommended for anyone, especially people new to Madrid or living overseas in general!
25 agosto 2019 7:38
The Canterbury course was an excellent choice for me. The teachers were very knowledgeable and made the course interesting and educational. The classes are small, which makes it more intimate and easy to ask questions and participate. The instructor was thorough and gave students a great head start for becoming an English teacher in Madrid or anywhere in the world. I will recommend to anyone considering teaching overseas.
21 agosto 2019 22:15
After considering getting my TEFL certification, I decided to go for Canterbury recommended by a good friend of mine, who got hers and did not stop working as a teacher since then. If you are thinking about getting a TEFL certification, do not hesitate, Canterbury academy is the place. The staff and especially the teachers are very inspiring. The classes are very practical and you really have the impression of getting the most out of every penny you invest in this decision.
17 agosto 2019 16:17
To all TEFL candidates,

I am writing this letter to let you know about the positive and rewarding experience I had with the Canterbury school. I moved to Spain in July for love. My girlfriend is a Madrid native. After living in Los Angeles for 25 years I was ready for a change in my life but this was a major commitment, and one of the first decisions I had to make was how I would earn a living in Europe speaking very little Spanish. I had some private teaching experience but little hands on in a classroom. Canterbury totally prepared me for teaching English in a foreign country. After doing their one month course in August. I felt confident and ready to provide my Spanish students with a quality English education.

I found the staff to be honorable, knowledgeable and friendly. The classes were very well structured between theory, business and children. All the teacher trainers did their best to make the classes interesting. Considering we're talking about English here, it's amazing that I can use the word inspirational to describe some of the classes I had with John Bouse, one of the theory instructors.

Like most things, the key to becoming better at it, is experience. Canterbury provides its teachers with key presentation assignments throughout the course to get your feet more than wet. Some students actually start earning through teaching before they finish the course. Canterbury does provide it's teachers with paying students/clients. There are other language schools claiming this, but it's a sad fact that not all deliver. Canterbury wants you to work. In fact, you must satisfy their minimum teaching hour requirement before you receive your TEFL certificate. Madrid is filled with close to one hundred language academies, so there is no shortage of work for teachers.

Canterbury also provides it's student teachers with group excursions, giving you the opportunity to enjoy some of the delights that Spain has to offer. There is also the Canterbury Club for socializing and networking with other teachers and Spanish students.

In summary, I had a great experience at Canterbury. I've made new friends for life. I'm supporting myself with a rewarding occupation and living in Europe. I'm happy. Perhaps you could be too.

Robert Thornburn - Class of August 2004
12 agosto 2019 8:21
Doing the TEFL Certification Course at Canterbury TEFL, was not only a brand new experience for me, but also a life changing experience. Doing this course helped me explore new ways of teaching and becoming not only a teacher but an educator as well. Everyone is really helpful and friendly and the tutors are highly educated and creative! Also a job is guaranteed after completing the course, which is great for a newcomer in Madrid, as I was too. I would recommend it again and again!
11 agosto 2019 8:05
Elegir Canterbury para hacer mi curso de TEFL fue todo un acierto. El personal no pudo portarse mejor y todo lo que me enseñaron me ha resultado muy útil. Aprendí mucho sobre como tratar con adultos, niños y gente de empresas. Pero lo mejor de todo es que las horas de prácticas finales se convirtieron en horas de trabajo para el resto del curso académico y de esta manera empecé a trabajar de manera inmediata. Ninguna academia en Madrid hace esto y por esta razón considero que Canterbury es la mejor opción para tener trabajo justo al acabar el curso TEFL.
10 agosto 2019 23:46
Fantastic experience with John and the Canterbury team. Met so many wonderful people. An important step in my professional development.
07 agosto 2019 1:33
If you're new in Madrid and enjoy teaching, this is one of the best places to get your TEFL certificate. The staff is very nice and helpful which makes the TEFL course an enjoyable experience. I totally recommend it.
03 mayo 2019 10:34
This school is the best for TEFL certification in Madrid. The director James has a handle on the needs of the teachers and the lecturer John Bouse is the best at TEFL teacher training. PLEASE BE AWARE OF copycats that promise more than they deliver this scholl is on Calle Covarrubias ONLY!
29 abril 2019 23:44
Back in March 2017 I completed the 120 hour TEFL certification with Canterbury and had a wonderful experience doing so. The courses are rigorous and intensive enough that you truly learn the material at hand, but Professor John Bouse makes the process fun. The course still gives you more than enough time to relax and enjoy Madrid (hands down the best city in the whole world to do so). Thanks to Canterbury, I have a TEFL Certificate that allows me to work and live anywhere in the world:)
24 abril 2019 3:11
I moved to Madrid, Spain with a huge passion to live a complete, Spanish immersive lifestyle when I found the opportunity to study and work within the Canterbury Academy. From an academic standpoint, this experience taught me to how to specialize English courses for students of all levels of proficiency, meanwhile catering the lessons to each student's personal needs and abilities. I was able to create my own work schedule, acquiring new students from time to time, and the families that I was associated with turned out to be life long friends and memories. I spent ten months with the same families and I can confidently say that my students taught me more about myself than I taught them English. I am very grateful for my experience working with Canterbury and would definitely recommend this opportunity to anyone interested in making a living and working abroad experience.
06 junio 2018 4:45
Mi hija Julia estuvo preparando el Examen del Advance con Stephanie H.y ha aprobado. Desde el primer momento conecto muy bien con ella y como se ve los resultados han sido optimos. Ha hecho una gran labor academica y un excelente trabajo a nivel humano con mi hija.
05 junio 2018 15:30
Estamos muy contentos con nuestro profesor Mitchell S, las notas de ingles de los ninos han mejorado y las clases son muy amenas y bien preparadas.
25 mayo 2018 2:35
Con Luke, la verdad que todo genial. Muy agradable, puntual, se nota que le gusta enseñar Business English. Muy correcto, dinámico. Explica muy bien las cosas. Tiene mucho repertorio para mantener conversaciones en inglés.
09 mayo 2018 19:44
Estamos muy contentos con nuestra profesora Caroline H. Es una excelente profesional y una persona maravillosa. Ahora sabemos que podemos aprender realmente ingles con ella. Gracias.
27 marzo 2018 13:25
Alfonso es el mejor profesor para un curso intensivo de ingles que he tenido con Canterbury Consulting Spain. ¡Muy recomendable! Muchas gracias.
13 marzo 2018 11:03
Estamos encantados con la Academia Canterbury consulting. Llevo varios años contratando clases particulares a domicilio para mis hijas y los profesores son estupendos. Se adaptan perfectamente al nivel y edad de los alumnos. Profesores nativos, gente seria y que prepara las clases genial. Desde peques de 4 años hasta jóvenes que quieren sacar los títulos oficiales. Además el personal de la academia es encantador, cercano y da todo tipo de facilidades. Muy recomendable!

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