11 febrero 2024 7:51
Obtener mi TEFL/CertTESOL a través de EBC Madrid fue una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado para avanzar en mi carrera docente internacional. Desde el primer día, los formadores y el personal fueron increíblemente serviciales y trataron a los alumnos con sumo cuidado. Aunque las tareas fueron desafiantes, me impulsaron a reconsiderar y cuestionar todo lo que había llegado a saber sobre la enseñanza. A los alumnos nunca les faltan recursos, materiales y consejos. Enseñar inglés todas las semanas a un grupo de estudiantes españoles fue lo más destacado del curso. No sólo me ayudó a prepararme para enseñar en Madrid, sino que también me permitió poner en práctica lo que estaba aprendiendo. EBC fomenta un entorno increíblemente inclusivo y de apoyo para los docentes existentes y aspirantes. El curso en línea de 4 semanas me impulsó de maneras inimaginables, pero gracias a ello soy mejor profesora. El apoyo tampoco termina una vez finalizado el curso, ya que EBC ofrece una gran cantidad de recursos de reubicación y empleo. Si está interesado en enseñar en el extranjero y mejorar su práctica docente, considere realizar este curso. ¡Fue una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado!
29 enero 2024 23:56
Tuve una muy buena experiencia en EBC. Estuvieron conmigo en cada paso del camino. Ellos también fueron un gran apoyo. No puedo creer que haya aprendido tanto en sólo cuatro semanas. Recomiendo encarecidamente obtener su Trinity CertTESOL en EBC. Imagínese, obtiene certificados duales TESOL y TEFL por el precio de uno: ¡realmente vale la pena su dinero!
31 diciembre 2023 4:21
No puedo expresar con palabras lo útil que fue este curso para mí, no solo al enseñar los criterios de cada materia sino también al hacerme, como principiante, lo suficientemente seguro para situaciones de clase del mundo real. No se trata sólo de enseñar estrategia sino también de cómo examinarte a ti mismo en cada paso. A pesar de que fue intenso y difícil de aceptar, fue lo suficientemente interesante como para motivarte a seguir estudiando. El apoyo y la ayuda indelebles del instructor le darán mucha pasión para hacer lo mejor que pueda en aprender cada material. Debo decir que vale absolutamente la pena la devoción. Como dijo Rumi: “La herida es el lugar.donde la luz entra en ti. "
02 octubre 2023 7:55
Realizar el Trinity CertTESOL con EBC ha sido una gran experiencia. El curso fue súper intenso pero igual de útil. Realmente me dio una nueva perspectiva sobre cómo enseñar inglés. Todos los profesores fueron muy comprensivos y pacientes, y realmente se tomaron el tiempo para hablar y guiarnos a lo largo del curso. ¡No puedo esperar a ver adónde me llevará esta aventura!
13 septiembre 2023 8:07
Era un completo recién llegado a la enseñanza y este programa hace un trabajo maravilloso al facilitarte todo lo que es esencial para la enseñanza. Además, su programa es perfecto para cualquiera que quiera viajar por el mundo. Cada maestro es muy paciente y cubre todas las bases que necesitará, además de ofrecer apoyo si es necesario durante y después de completar el programa. Si está buscando viajar y comenzar una nueva carrera o ampliar su enseñanza actual, le recomiendo este curso. Es fácilmente el mejor por lo que se ofrece a un precio asequible.
19 agosto 2023 22:43
Cuando terminé mis estudios, no sabía qué hacer a continuación. Luego encontré EBC Trinity CertTESOL y déjame decirte que fue la mejor decisión que he tomado. ¡El curso fue intensivo, pero nada menos que asombroso y transformador! La experiencia realmente me ha abierto un mundo de posibilidades; Cubrimos todo, desde metodologías de enseñanza hasta gestión del aula. Los instructores no solo estaban bien informados sino que también nos brindaron un gran apoyo durante todo el viaje, ¡y todavía lo son incluso después de haber terminado el curso! Siempre me brindaron comentarios y orientación personalizados, lo que me ayudó mucho. Lo que hace que este curso sea especial es el ambiente familiar, el apoyo permanente, el énfasis en la sensibilidad cultural y la practicidad. Tuve la oportunidad de aplicar lo que aprendí en entornos de enseñanza de la vida real mientras conocía gente nueva de diferentes orígenes.
Recomiendo mucho este curso; Será un viaje increíble de crecimiento profesional que te abrirá puertas que nunca supiste que existían.
10 agosto 2023 21:55
Recientemente completé el curso Trinity CertTesol con EBC TEFL y quedé muy impresionado con el contenido del curso, el instructor y la experiencia en general.

La instructora (Iza) era una profesora de TESOL con mucha experiencia y conocimientos. Pudo explicar claramente los conceptos y teorías de TESOL y también nos brindó muchos consejos prácticos sobre cómo enseñar inglés de manera efectiva.

El contenido del curso fue muy completo y cubrió todos los temas esenciales que un profesor de TESOL necesita saber. Aprendimos sobre los diferentes aspectos de la enseñanza de idiomas, como gramática, vocabulario, pronunciación y metodología de enseñanza. También tuvimos la oportunidad de practicar la enseñanza a estudiantes reales, lo cual fue una excelente manera de aplicar las habilidades que aprendimos en el curso.

Realmente disfruté el curso, aunque fue bastante intensivo. Aprendí mucha información valiosa y estoy seguro de que ahora puedo enseñar inglés de manera eficaz. Recomiendo encarecidamente este curso a cualquiera que esté interesado en convertirse en profesor de TESOL.
08 marzo 2023 6:04
Great School with professional staff. Everything you need to start your teaching career with support from this excellent organisation.
21 enero 2023 10:27
Thinking about 2022, I realized that one of the most important events and achievements of this year was my study on the EBC Trinity CertTESOL and CertPT course. It was a very intensive, bright and useful course. I am grateful to director Tita Ashton for the amazing organization and support at all stages of training.
The course consisted of a huge number of different activities - workshops, written analytical works, teaching practice, personal consultations, useful group brainstorming. We studied both general approaches to teaching English and specific topics on teaching grammar, speaking, listening and writing for students of different ages and levels. And my favorite section was "teaching an unknown language" - when we were learning Polish. We spoke exclusively Polish - in a short period of time we mastered a large amount of vocabulary, phonetics and grammar and began to communicate in a new language. I would like to express my admiration for our coach. I can say that Iza is one of the best teachers and methodologists I have met in my 30-year teaching career.
I am very grateful for such an amazing opportunity for professional development. I really appreciate the support and professional attitude.
Mitina Elena,
English teacher and Director of language center.
08 enero 2023 18:08
The EBC admin and teaching staff is amazing! Their clear instructions and assistance made this course fun and educational. With their help I passed the TEFL and Trinity CertTesol qualifications!
29 noviembre 2022 18:37
This course was great. It was very useful to me and I am happy I picked this course. My trainers were fantastic and always very kind and helpful.
17 noviembre 2022 20:09
EBC TEFL course is a sound foundation for teaching English. All aspects of teaching are covered, from classroom management to methodologies of teaching grammar and vocabulary.
The training and administration staff are courteous and are always on hand to help you if you are struggling for ideas.
By far, the best aspect is the hands-on teaching. You get to put into practice all the theory that you learn, and the students are kind and willing to do almost everything you ask of them.
After graduation, EBC will help you find work and will be great support as you develop your career.
I am now a senior teacher at a university in Vietnam, with an MA and a Cambridge Delta. EBC have been available for support and references throughout my 11 years of teaching since I graduated with them.
It's not easy work, mind you, but it's a challenge that is both enjoyable and rewarding. And EBC will be with you every step of the way.
01 septiembre 2022 20:29
The CertTeSOL prep course that I completed is excellent.
First, as an English Teacher, I could learn how to make good lesson plans including time management.
Second, I could learn how to give effective student-centered lessons by reducing teacher talking time and increasing more active tasks, I could review some important basic points of teaching such as grammar and pronunciation.
Last but not least, not only my tutor, but also the whole team were outstanding. They made us feel very comfortable and were always really helpful.
I am absolutely satisfied, and of course, I hightly recommend it.
28 agosto 2022 3:22
The Trinity CertTESOL online course is well worth the time, work and money. If you want to be an effective TESOL/TEFL teacher, I highly recommend you get certified with EBC. The staff are knowledgeable, professional and passionate. It can seem overwhelming at first but you get the hang of things and meet some incredible people through it. Everyone considering teaching English abroad should consider EBC to get certified.
16 abril 2022 13:57
Excellent service. I completed my TESOL Certificate with them and I couldn´t be more satisfied. I learned a lot regarding teaching methodology and classroom management, very helpful teachers, detailed feedback and tasks and practice - oriented learning. 10 / 10.
14 abril 2022 16:00
I would recommend this course to anyone - a very well-structured and organised course with amazing teachers:)
23 marzo 2022 18:22
EBC delivers high-standard courses along with competitive moderators and keen methodology. Having said this, high-standards comes with high-expectations! If you put all the work and reel into the structure and rationale of the programme, you’ll exponentially enrich your educating skills in general. The evaluation they give when it comes to work output is fair. They constantly acknowledge your strengths and remedies your weaknesses. Having two moderators (and a student advisor) for check and balance plays an important role in sharpening teaching skills. I always believe that it is important, as an educator, to consider your learners. Their methods align with this personal take. EBC, in their programmes, carries out this approach while imprinting the same technique for their trainees to use during the programme itself and soon as they start with their careers. When it comes to application, registration, and the works, I didn’t encounter any problems as their student advisor is always available to assist. In the near future, I’d like to undergo another course with EBC. Best of luck!
16 marzo 2022 22:07
One of the best! Studying on this course was the best decision I had ever done. After the intense four weeks of studies The reward to have my Cert helps me to finally get the job I love to do, to teach thank you EBC. The teaching methods I’d learned, all of it was very important, useful and effective. I’m currently working right now for almost four years in one language academy here in Madrid. Thank you EBC.
14 febrero 2022 1:45
Excellent director, tutors and staff for Trinity Certtesol course. They are always ready to help. An ideal place for this course in Madrid. I would definitely recommend this academy.
06 febrero 2022 9:24
I studied both my CertTESOL and CertPT with EBC and the experience was great, the tutoring, support and organisation of the course was all top notch!
27 diciembre 2020 15:24
I had a great experience at EBC and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to become an English teacher. It is a very intensive course that requires daily work, but it is very rewarding. The strategies and techniques you learn here help you become a better professional, and they also offer assistance for job search afterwards. I only have good things to say about EBC and their staff.
17 diciembre 2020 12:05
It's a great opportunity to attend an intensive course and become a teacher. The teaching methods we obtained are unique and effective.
10 diciembre 2020 4:22
I did the online CertTESOL course with EBC and I have to say that I am beyond happy with the quality of the teaching, materials and support that you get before, during and after the course. It is a very intense course, but you learn a lot and most of all you have a lot of practice time!
15 noviembre 2020 11:22
I went to EBC during the lockdowns in order to get a CertTESOL while everything was at a stand-still.
As I had been teaching for a number of years prior to taking the course, I honestly didn't think there was too much for me to learn. However, this course teaches much more than just the Trinity curriculum and, as a result, I actually learned a lot and received great support along the way.
I feel this course would be excellent for teachers who feel they need to improve the way they teach grammar, or even aspiring teachers who are a bit insecure in regards to their knowledge of grammar.

Overall, I would highly recommend this course.
31 octubre 2020 16:39
I would definitely recommend EBC Madrid. The course organization and content both are brilliant. The course opened my mind about methodology and classroom management, increased my consciousness about learners needs and communicative methodology in general. Also, we had fun teaching and learning, especially with the Norwegian lessons.
Without Tita and John's engagement and encouragement, it wouldn’t have been possible.

EBC es un lugar ideal para este curso. Dudaba mucho antes de elegir academia, pero la experiencia con EBC ha merecido la pena. Me encantó el nivel de profesionalismo de los profesores: John es un ejemplo perfecto del profesor que sabe motivar a sus alumnos. En EBC me apoyaron en cada etapa del curso que me hacía sentir muy a gusto. Mil gracias!
20 septiembre 2020 20:50
I really recommend this academy, they help you a lot, to improve in how to teach english, how to use the different techniques, for the learners, to make them understand all the concepts concepts to give in a class. Also they taught us how to have a good rapport in class and creating a good coherence with the learners, to create motivation for them.
It has been a great experience, and know ready to for and teach what Iearn here.
01 diciembre 2018 7:08
Highly Recommended! Everyone is helpful and the course itself was very helpful, especially for people who have no teaching background and would like to change careers.
24 noviembre 2018 20:11
I had a good time doing my TEFL here in Madrid with EBC. The classes always started on time with a very realistic approach used to teach. I would recommend people to do TEFL from EBC to learn good ways to teach English and make it fun for students.
26 octubre 2018 16:56
I learned a lot of strategies in teaching. I took the intensive 1 month course and it was really hard work but it was well worth it. Thanks a lot to our amazing teacher. I was so happy to receive my Certificate. Thanks alot EBC for everything.
23 octubre 2018 18:21
Totally recommend EBC. A thorough course, well worth the money and with highly qualified instructors. I had never taught before taking this course, but the 8 hours teaching practice makes you feel so prepared. They answered every single one of my questions and made me feel confident to make this investment. Don't hesitate taking this course!
09 octubre 2018 10:13
Excellent and very comprehensive programme. Our instructor taught us everything we need to know about teaching English. The practice teaching sessions we did are great experience for the real world and I now feel confident that I can teach professionally. Thank you John for your commitment and dedication.
07 octubre 2018 22:12
EBC is a wonderful academy. I attended an intensive course to gain my TEFL/TESOL qualification. The teaching was in-depth, covering skills, general and business English, as well as how to teach children and adults. All of this was imparted by our professional guide, John. Thank you to all the staff who went out of their way to be encouraging and helpful. It has been a memorable experience!
13 septiembre 2018 11:09
Great course with an awesome staff. All aspects of teaching, grammar, finding work and even living in Spain are covered in great detail. Would recommend highly to anyone looking to do their TEFL.
28 agosto 2018 14:01
The class was very good. The instructor John is friendly and very thorough with his classes. William, in the front office, is a joy and is very helpful with all of my course needs. Tita, is very nice and was helpful in explaining different options for working and staying in Madrid.
14 agosto 2018 3:56
Great course! You'll work very hard (it's very intensive) but definitely worth it. I totally recommend it.
27 julio 2018 22:57
John is a good teacher and he puts efforts inorder to understand your requirements. He teaches you in the right ways, like how to present the language in a simple way, how to keep the motivation on, etc.
It´s a intensive course but it´s really worth!
Willam is a good administrator.
Thanks for all the help and support.:)
25 junio 2018 23:15
The course is very intensive but IT IS REALY WORTH! If you are looking for a course that teaches you how to become an English teacher, well this is the best one. You really get the better skills for teaching English at all levels with a clear knowledge about what you are doing.
The staff of the course is really nice and helpful. He is a really nice person who helps you whatever you need.
Teachers here at really good and they really know how to train you as a English teacher very well.
22 mayo 2018 12:18
Professor John was an amazing mentor that really prepared my classmates and I to teach English. HOWEVER- My fellow classmates and I never met the owner-the only day she came into the office she was cursing at the employees and being extremely unprofessional. I'm doing the road 2 Spain program and they also sent me to the wrong language school. While the actual TEFL instructor is very professional and helpful, the rest of the staff is very unprofessional and unorganized.
02 mayo 2018 18:17
The course is really useful. It makes you equipped with the right knowledge, training and attitude. Things you need to have that confidence to go out and face the world as an English teacher. Highly recommended!
09 abril 2018 15:48
EBC Madrid had equipped me with the necessary knowledge and skills I need to be better in teaching. William is so nice and is very accommodating to us students. And, John is the best teacher who can simplify and make the students understand even the most complicated grammatical concept. Kudos!
05 abril 2018 15:50
I wanted to know some new modern methods of teaching foreign labguages and it was the main idea I had, but it didn't happen. This course was just a nice posibility to communicate in English a lot. Thank you
02 abril 2018 16:24
I'm very satisfied with the course, I really learned a lot of teaching skills and important techniques that I really could utilize in the future.
23 marzo 2018 2:30
The course is very intensive but it helps a lot to bring out the best in me. John is an amazing teacher and he is very professional. I'm very thankful for all the guidance and help that I received from EBC. I highly recommend it.
17 febrero 2018 19:36
This is a great place to get your TEFL certification. The staff is kind, organized and very helpful. It was such a comfortable learning environment that I enjoyed very much. I liked the personalized attention and I got a lot more confidence and experience to be an English teacher. Thanks for everything!

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