28 noviembre 2023 14:52
La doctora Kamilla Hallier es una profesional muy dedicada, una persona muy agradable , simpática, con mucha empatía que trata sus clientas con mucha delicadeza y simplicidad.
27 noviembre 2023 19:43
Tuve una gran experiencia aquí hasta mi última cita. En los últimos meses, he aumentado de peso debido a la depresión debido a un divorcio, la necesidad de cambiar mi visa/miedo a tener que salir de España, un nuevo trabajo, una mudanza a un nuevo departamento y la falta de apoyo en España. . Soy plenamente consciente de que el aumento de peso no es bueno para la salud. Como médico, es completamente apropiado hablar sobre mi aumento de peso, derivarme a un nutricionista y preguntarme sobre mi régimen de ejercicio. Sin embargo, es completamente inapropiado hacer comentarios como: "Entonces eras delgada" y "Entonces este aumento de peso debe haber ocurrido en los últimos meses, porque la última vez que te vi estabas planeando tu boda, y todas las mujeres "Quieres estar delgado para el día de su boda" y "Deberías intentar volver a ser como eras en el próximo año". Afortunadamente, tengo confianza y autoestima, de lo contrario habría dejado la oficina sintiéndome como un gordo perdedor. La forma en que el médico me habló fue inaceptable y cruel. Por este motivo no volveré a la clínica.
20 noviembre 2023 5:51
¡No puedo recomendar lo suficiente a la Dra. Kamilla y Anne-Sophie! No iría con nadie más. Mi pareja y yo nos mudamos a Madrid desde el Reino Unido el año pasado y este otoño tuvimos nuestro primer hijo con el equipo de IWHCM. Fue la mejor experiencia de embarazo y posparto de principio a fin. Son expertos, empáticos y considerados.

Todo el equipo (Kamilla, Ann-Sophie, Kirsty, Ana, Irene, Jonathan) es excelente. Su experiencia y comunicación (tomarse el tiempo para explicar y escuchar) significaron que teníamos una relación de total confianza e hicieron que la entrega fuera mucho menos estresante. A pesar de un parto complejo, tuve una experiencia realmente positiva gracias a Kamilla y Ann-Sophie. ¡Solo tendré otro hijo si es con IWHCM!

PD: Todo el mundo habla un inglés excelente, lo cual no puede subestimarse cuando estás en un país extranjero y tienes que lidiar con un sistema de salud complejo para la intervención médica más importante de tu vida.
02 noviembre 2023 11:00
La acupuntura según el RD 1277/2003 solo lo puede hacer un médico, es el responsable de realizar el tratamiento de estimulación periférica con agujas…
Hay que tener la autorización U101 y cumplirla.
Todo lo demás es ilegal y denunciable.
17 octubre 2023 16:35
Una de las mejores clínicas en las que he estado. La Dra. Kamilla y su equipo son profesionales increíbles que brindan su tiempo y apoyo individualizados en cada visita. Recomiendo esta clínica sin lugar a dudas.
23 julio 2023 0:34

Llevo desde mayo del 2022 intentando que me devuelvan más de 3.000€ que pagué en noviembre del 2021 por una intervención que no se hizo.
Promesas desde entonces, carta de compromiso de pago, y ahora me dicen que ni siquiera puedo emplear el dinero que tienen mío en hacerme otro tipo de intervención o tratamiento que no sea injertos capilares o tratamiento capilar.
18 julio 2023 16:49
¿Qué busca en un buen médico? Kamilla es todas esas cosas: preparada, inteligente, actual, cariñosa, una excelente oyente y paciente. Tuve a mis dos bebés con ella. Y aunque ya no vivo en Madrid, sigo volando para verla; una vez que encuentras lo mejor, ¡no lo sueltas!
25 junio 2023 16:52
Choosing IWHC for my pregnancy was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I can't recommend the services of Dr Hallier high enough! Everyone in IWHC had been so extremely kind and always made me feel welcome and appreciated -starting from Kirsty, who always super kindly reminded me about my appointments, as I kept on forgetting them and always greeted me with a smile; Anna helped me with all the documents and answered in detail all my doubts, regardless the high amount of emails exchanged; Ann-Sophie was with me during the birth and made me feel supported, understood and I felt much calmer, knowing that she was next to me the whole time. As for Dr Kamilla Hallier - I really can't recommend her high enough! I remember going on my first appointment super nervous and worried, but she immediately calmed me down with her kind and gentle approach. She is simply so nice, helpful and extremely good at what she does! During my whole pregnancy I felt supported, understood and calm, because I knew that I had someone to turn to in case I had any questions or doubts. Having Dr Hallier and Ann-Sophie during birth made the whole process so much better and I'm extremely grateful for everything they did for me and my newborn son Thank you so much!
21 abril 2023 21:53
¡Elegir IWHC para mi embarazo fue una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado y no puedo recomendar lo suficiente los servicios del Dr. Hallier! Todos en IWHC habían sido extremadamente amables y siempre me hicieron sentir bienvenida y apreciada, empezando por Kirsty, quien siempre me recordaba muy amablemente mis citas, ya que las olvidaba y siempre me saludaba con una sonrisa; Anna me ayudó con todos los documentos y respondió detalladamente todas mis dudas, a pesar de la gran cantidad de correos electrónicos intercambiados; Ann-Sophie estuvo conmigo durante el parto y me hizo sentir apoyada, comprendida y mucho más tranquila al saber que ella estuvo a mi lado todo el tiempo. En cuanto a la Dra. Kamilla Hallier, ¡realmente no puedo recomendarla lo suficiente! Recuerdo haber ido a mi primera cita muy nerviosa y preocupada, pero ella inmediatamente me calmó con su trato amable y gentil. ¡Ella es simplemente tan amable, servicial y extremadamente buena en lo que hace! Durante todo mi embarazo me sentí apoyada, comprendida y tranquila, porque sabía que tenía a alguien a quien acudir en caso de que tuviera alguna pregunta o duda. Tener al Dr. Hallier y a Ann-Sophie durante el parto hizo que todo el proceso fuera mucho mejor y estoy muy agradecida por todo lo que hicieron por mí y por mi hijo recién nacido ¡¡¡Muchas gracias!
12 marzo 2023 15:17
Absolute Empfehlung für Frau Dr. Kamilla Hallier. Einfühlsam, kompetent, freundlich und mit ausreichend Zeit.
Die Praxis macht einen sehr sauberen und organisierten Eindruck. Freundliche "Rezeption".
01 marzo 2023 7:23
Dr. Kamilla is solely great. She took plenty of time to educate me properly and does not treat you like patient xy but actually cares. Her knowledge goes far beyond medical issues.
I never felt so well treated in a doctor's appointment and highly recommend this Health Center!
20 febrero 2023 4:16
I gave birth with Dr Kamilla and couldnt be happier to chose her. After seeing many doctors in madrid that are always in a rush I found IWHCM where the service is very personalized. Dr Kamilla takes a lot of time to the needs of the patients.she also helps you take away anxiety or any doubts and is there for you when you need her. Very professional, puntual in every appointment and does everything with loads of love. I will be forever grateful to her and the entire team for taking such a good care of my baby and me
25 enero 2023 1:54
Di a luz con la Dra. Kamilla y no podría estar más feliz de haberla elegido. Después de ver muchos médicos en Madrid que siempre tienen prisa encontré IWHCM donde el servicio es muy personalizado. El Dr. Kamilla dedica mucho tiempo a las necesidades de los pacientes.ella también te ayuda a eliminar la ansiedad o las dudas y está ahí para ti cuando la necesitas. Muy profesional, puntual en cada cita y hace todo con mucho amor. Estaré eternamente agradecida con ella y con todo el equipo por cuidar tan bien de mi bebé y de mí
22 enero 2023 8:47
I recently gave birth through Dr Kamilla, who delivered my baby by emergency c section, seeing her from pre-conception, all my pregnancy appointments, the birth and now the recovery process. What could have been a traumatic unexpected delivery still ended as a dream experience. Her care and expertise made me feel safe and supported both physically and psychologically, always involving my shy partner too. Kamilla and her team always make me feel as though im their only special patient whilst also having the experience of many. Im going to continue to see them for all my future babies if I should be so lucky. Thank you Kamilla, my midwife Elena, also Cristina, Kirsty and the rest of the team?
21 enero 2023 1:17
La Dra. Kamilla es excelente. Se tomó mucho tiempo para educarme adecuadamente y no te trata como a un paciente xy, pero en realidad le importa. Su conocimiento va mucho más allá de las cuestiones médicas.
¡Nunca me sentí tan bien atendido en una cita con el médico y recomiendo ampliamente este Centro de Salud!
07 enero 2023 20:30
Recomendación absoluta para el Dr. Kamilla Hallier. Empático, competente, amable y con tiempo suficiente.
La práctica da una impresión muy limpia y organizada. Amigable "recepción".
03 enero 2023 7:02
We have researched an entire year for the perfect combo of staff, facilities, experience and modern practices across the entire Western Europe. Dr. Kamilla and her business ended up every time on top of our list. So we took the plunge, moved to Spain for an entire year to have a best-in-class birth-giving experience and my god was it worth it. Not only is she kind, uncompromising professionally, profoundly intelligent and a well rounded person overall, but she surrounded herself with likeminded people and that matters more than you can imagine. She curated the best Spain can offer medically and compensates herself for where the system lacks. She celebrates the joy of parenthood and her cutting edge knowledge in the latest medical practices means you will surely not suffer from legacy ideas that most doctors out there religiously impose on their patients, making the process miserable or even outright dangerous. If you can afford to go private, consider her services end to end, as people who give their all for what they do will make you grateful for every moment of your journey.
26 noviembre 2022 22:25
I can’t yet comment on the rest of the health professionals but I have had the most fantastic experience with the Osteopath here (Jonathan Ahladas).

From the moment I met John, he made me feel heard, understood and empathised with. I saw him frequently during my pregnancy, including the day I went into labour (I’m pretty sure my relaxed and happy state of mind after our session had something to do with that!) and I plan to take my baby boy soon too as if anyone is able to help my baby feel calmer and more comfortable, it’s John.

Not only is John a fantastic professional who, in every session, has managed to significantly improve my physical and emotional state, but he also clearly cares deeply about the well-being of his patients. I recommend him to everyone, especially my pregnant and postpartum clients as he is incredibly knowledgeable in this area. Thank you John for taking great care of me during such an important and vulnerable time.
30 julio 2022 19:48
Super patient and calm Gynecologist, explained everything in great detail and even covered some mental wellbeing as well. This is coming from a medical professional myself. Clearly loves her job. Very professional team thank you!
15 junio 2022 21:24
Just saw Dr. Kamilla today and I’m so happy. She is caring, genuine, thorough, great bedside manner. Her staff is wonderful as well. The office is elegantly decorated and calming. Can’t say enough good things about this office and I’m so glad I found them. Thank you!
14 junio 2022 11:18
IWHCM es el centro perfecto! La Doctora Kamilla es genial y muy atenta. Alex es un fisioterapeuta maravilloso y muy especializado que me ha ayudado a recuperarme de múltiples lesiones deportivas. Un equipo genial!
16 mayo 2022 3:55
I love Dr. Kamila and her staff. I have been going to her since moving to Madrid and went through a pregnancy and delivery with her. She explains everything clearly and really listens to what your needs and wishes are. All the staff in the center are friendly and helpful!
05 mayo 2022 15:01
I moved to Madrid 2 years ago and did not know where to find a good gynecologist. A friend recommended IWHC and I am so glad I went to seem them! Dr Kamila Hallier and her team of midwifes, phisiotherapists, etc.are brilliant professionals and genuinely caring people. It is a "all-in-one service", with a strong physical but also mental support throughtout your own journey (checkups, pregnancy, delivery, post pregnancy, reeducation.).
I definitely recommend!
04 abril 2022 1:31
Alex me llevó la rehabilitación de mi diástasis después del parto y estoy encantada con su trabajo. Me pareció super atento y buenísimo. Me recuperé muy rápido.
21 enero 2022 22:55
Ya estamos en casa con nuestra hija desde hace dos semanas. Una y otra vez - un millón de gracias a la doctora Kamilla Hallier y su fantástico equipo por acompañarnos y cuidarnos durante este viaje. No me puedo imaginar mejor manera de entrar en esta nueva etapa. El seguimiento del embarazo, la atención, el parto y todos los detalles, la accesibilidad y las conversaciones durante todo el proceso - lo agradezco muchísimo! Fue una experiencia muy bonita, gracias a estos profesionales:)
09 enero 2022 21:55
This practice is wonderful, would recommend to all, especially English speakers living in Madrid. I like the wholistic approach my health and you can tell they very much care about you. Also friendly to all backgrounds and bodies.
21 diciembre 2021 1:09
Excellent team! I am a huge fan of Dr. Kamilla for calm, competent, personalized OBGYN care. Irene has done wonders for my pelvic floor. Alex is my go-to for all my aches and pains and has taught me how my body works so I can prevent additional injuries as I run, work in an office, and go about my daily activities. The acupuncturist (I can't remember her name) is equally wonderful, competent. I only went to her once, but will be back.
08 octubre 2021 3:57
The team at IWHC is incredibly professional and clearly passionate about their work. With a combination of treatment and exercise, Alex helped me deal with debilitating hip problems. He was always kind, careful to explain what he was doing and why, and had a positive attitude that made working with him a wonderful experience. After months of struggling with little improvement, I finally feel like I am on a track to healing:)
17 agosto 2021 5:23
Die Terminvergabe und die Kommunikation mit der Praxis ist unkompliziert, alle sind sehr hilfsbereit.
Dr. Hallier und der Physiotherapeut Alex Soria sind sehr nett und kompetent, beide nehmen sich viel Zeit.

Ich kann die Praxis ohne Einschränkung weiterempfehlen.
11 agosto 2021 21:47
Dr. Kamilla Hallier and her team are amazing and this is nothing I say lightly about a doctor. I mean, who likes to go to the doctor? I don't.
But this clinic is so different to everything I've gotten to know so far.
They treat you with so much respect. Every doubt, question and concern is dealt with with professionalism and genuine interest to help.
Kamilla and her midwifes delivered my two children and made the wonderful experience of a natural birth possible. I will be forever thankful for this.
22 julio 2021 5:36
Cannot rate the Team highly enough for gynae care. My Spanish is good, but gynae vocab was a bit beyond me, so great to find a (female) doctor who speaks great English, and who strikes a good balance between informing patient without overwhelming. It’s so important to trust your gynaecologist and I felt at ease instantly.
17 julio 2021 0:58
Estoy muy agradecida a Dra. Hallier y todo su equipo por acompañarnos durante el embarazo y el parto. Son todas muy competentes y amables. Dra. Hallier estaba siempre disponible en caso de dudas y se tomó mucho tiempo para las consultas. Gracias a ellas el parto ha sido lo más natural posible y muy personalizado y así me gustaría recomendarlo. Mil gracias!
04 julio 2021 12:47
I am so happy I found Dr Kamilla’s clinic here in Madrid, as soon as I arrived I knew I was in good hands! All the staff are professional, patient and warm, I actually look forward to going. The quality of care is exceptional, Dr Kamilla takes the time needed to explain things in detail so I know exactly what’s going on. She has helped me to take the fear out of my PCOS and demystified many things I didn’t know about my health.
12 octubre 2020 18:15
I can say how much my experience at IWHCM was such a wonderful one. Immediately, I felt the team and most importantly Dr. Hallier took personal, genuine care and looked at me as a person rather than just a patient. Treatment, offer of alternatives and follow up was impeccable. I highly recommend this clinic.
06 septiembre 2020 1:50
Simply the best care you'll find in Madrid. Dr Kamilla and all at the Centre are very professional, loving and caring. I always feel at home and well taken care of. Dr. Kamilla was our choice for the delivery of our first baby daughter and we cannot recommend her enough.
21 agosto 2020 5:43
Llevo mucho tiempo con la Dr. Hallier y he tenido hace ya más de tres años a mi pequeña Carlota con ella. El trato es siempre super profesional y lo más importante es que se toma el tiempo que necesite cada paciente. Gracias a ella y a su fantástico equipo me siento siempre acompañada y bien atendida.
Tuve a mi primera hija con un ginecólogo a la "vieja usanza" y entonces no sabía lo que era un parto respetuoso con los tiempos naturales y las necesidades de la madre y el bebé. ¡Ha sido una suerte conocerla!
¡Muchas gracias!
13 agosto 2020 12:27
I came to Dr. Kamilla for my pregnancy (first time). I was staying in Madrid for only a couple of months and spoke very little Spanish. I felt perfectly taken care of at the IWHC. Everyone was very accommodating and I always felt taken care of. All necessary check-ups were made and Dr. Kamilla always had time for my questions. I would recommend the IWHC to everyone. Thanks again.
13 agosto 2020 2:21
I am here in Madrid for 6 months, since I don’t speak Spanish well, I found Dr. Kamilla and I am so glad to make that choice. She is gentle and professional, I am very comfortable and confident with her. Highly recommended!
28 marzo 2020 12:54
I came in to see Dr. Kamilla for a Gynecological issue. I have never walked away feeling more assured and comfortable. She was delightful to talk to and instantly put me at ease. They are fluent in English and incredibly experienced.
At no point did I feel awkward or uncomfortable. A wonderful experience and I would recommend her and the International Women's Centre to anyone.
08 marzo 2020 17:23
Moving to Madrid at 26 weeks pregnant as a non-Spanish speaker was daunting and nerve wracking to say the least. I didn't know where to start but I'm so glad that I found Dr. Kamilla and her team at IWHCM. Kamilla is so incredibly kind, I immediately felt at ease knowing that I had found a doctor that supported my desire for a natural birth and gave me plenty of
options & information when I had questions.

The team is small but so supportive, you immediately feel like family. Anna & Veronika consistently went above and beyond my expectations especially when I needed help sorting out my insurance. I met all the midwives - Laura, Elena and Cris who ended up supporting us when I went into labour. Cris was such a calm and positive presence during labour, I couldn't have asked for a more supportive midwife! Additionally, I saw Irina the physio therapist on site for pre & post natal support for pelvic floor health which was incredibly helpful.

Kamilla makes sure you have all the support you need either through her team or other contacts that she has in Madrid. We ended up needing to see a paediatrician on day 5 and again, Kamilla assisted us in getting an appointment with an English speaking doctor. As an American who is also used to the NHS system in the UK, I've never known a medical team to be as kind and supportive and consistently exceeding expectations as the team at IWHCM.

I confidently recommend the IWHCM to anyone who is looking for not only a supportive medical team but also a loving & helpful group of women to assist you through one of life's most incredible experiences!
14 enero 2020 15:52
Als nicht-Spanisch-sprechende, schwangere Deutsche war es ein Glücksgriff für mich diese Frauenarztpraxis in Madrid zu finden - solch eine liebevolle, aufmerksame und kompetente Begleitung in meiner Schwangerschaft, bei der Geburt und in der Nachsorge! Dr. Kamilla Hallier - Kamilla - hat sich nicht nur bei ihrem ersten Termin mit mir viel Zeit genommen und mich gut informiert und aufgeklärt, sondern geht auch jederzeit auf individuelle Wünsche, Fragen und Probleme ein, wie ich es bisher selten bei Ärzten erlebt habe. Sie hat ein ganz außerordentliches Team zusammengeführt, sodass, rund um die  gynäkologische Behandlung an sich, auch Physiotherapie, Osteopathie, Stillberatung, Hebammen, Yogakurse für Schwangere, psychotherapeutische Unterstützung uvm.möglich sind. Dazu die beiden immer hilfsbereiten, super netten, kompetenten Damen am Empfang Anna und Veronika, die u.a. Alles dafür tun schnelle Termine zu organisieren.
Neben Deutsch wird auch Englisch und Spanisch gesprochen, sodass das "Internationale Zentrum" seinem Ruf mehr als gerecht wird. Im Yogakurs zu Beginn habe ich gleich vier tolle Soon-to-be-Mummies kennengelernt, mit denen ich mich austauschen konnte. Es ist toll, die Hebamme und Ärztin zu kennen, die entbinden wird und der Kreissaal ist sehr komfortabel und praktisch eingerichtet, sodass eine Geburt nach individuellen Wünschen möglich ist. Die Nachbetreuung erfolgte dann ebenso engagiert.
Insgesamt erwartete mich sowohl fachlich als auch menschlich eine 1A-Betreuung, vielen Dank!

As a non-Spanish speaking, pregnant German it was a stroke of luck for me to find this gynaecological practice in Madrid - such a loving, attentive and competent companion in my pregnancy, birth and aftercare! Dr. Kamilla Hallier - Kamilla - not only took a lot of time for me at her first appointment and informed me well, but also responded to individual wishes, questions and problems at any time, as I have rarely experienced with doctors before. She has brought together a very extraordinary team, so that physiotherapy, osteopathy, breastfeeding advice, midwives, yoga courses for pregnant women, psychotherapeutic support and much more are also possible. In addition the two always helpful, super nice, competent ladies at the reception Anna and Veronika, who among other things do everything for you to get appointments as fast as possible.
In addition to German, English and Spanish are spoken, so that the "International Centre" more than lives up to its reputation. In the yoga course at the beginning I got to know four great Soon-to-be-Mummies, with whom I could exchange myself. It's great to know the midwife and the doctor who will give birth, and the Kreissaal is very comfortable and practical, so that a birth according to individual wishes is possible. The aftercare was just as dedicated.
All in all, a 1A care awaited me both professionally and personally, thank you very much!

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