25 abril 2023 21:17
Empecé la terapia durante la pandemia para poder lidiar con todo el impacto del encierro en mí misma y en la convivencia familiar, y además fue la oportunidad para poner foco en temas que tenía que revolver.
Mi convivencia conmigo y con mis hijos ha mejorado notablemente gracias a entender y tratar de manera diferente algunos temas. Afronto de manera diferente mis relaciones, de manera más sana. Y sigo creciendo.

Mi psicóloga, Gema Rubio, es siempre cercana, cálida y profesional, me acompaña pero me reta y ayuda a ver lo que no me sale con facilidad. Sin duda, su ayuda ha sido imprescindible para sanar algunas cosas, y para aprender a llevar mejor muchas otras. Actualmente es un apoyo cuando siento que hay cosas que me está costando gestionar, en momentos puntuales.

La facilidad de las sesiones online me ayuda mucho para poder conciliarlas con horarios de trabajo y organización familiar, aunque es un gusto cuando puedo ir a la clínica y verme en persona con ella.
El equipo con el que he podido interactuar es siempre amable, disponible y rápidos en la respuesta.

Sin duda, recomiendo la clínica y muy especialmente a Gema como profesional.
21 marzo 2023 12:42
I would not recommend this service unless you have money to burn.

I was bounced from doctor to doctor at least 4 times due to a series of unprecedented events (doctors calling in sick etc) and each time I was assured by the support staff that the new doctor would be up-to-speed with my case. This was never true. At every session I had to repeat my life story and prove (again) the reasons behind my diagnosis, facing new scepticism and biases each time, and burning even more money on endless "introductory sessions" that never progressed to helpful treatment plans.

It is staggeringly expensive and built on false promises - I was repeatedly told I would not only be paired with a native English speaker but that they would do their best to pair me with someone from the same country as me. This is demonstrably false as all their staff are native Spanish speakers with other languages as second languages (I do not have a problem with this; only with the false advertising).

I had to pay 1000 euros for tests that proved I had what I thought I had, only for the doctor to "not feel confident in her diagnoses", pushing me to take even more overpriced tests. In the end I spent another 135 euros to see a new doctor, who gave me the formal diagnosis without the extra testing, but after she had to take leave, I was left to be bounced around their system once again

The final doctor I saw after months of cancelled appointments knew nothing of the medication she tried to prescribe me, googling it on her phone for minutes at a time and getting exasperated with my questions about side effects and dosage. She was rude, dismissive, and judgemental. She didn't even take the time to look at what condition I had before I walked in the room, she criticised me for crying, and again tried to push expensive and unnecessary tests on me, claiming that "it seemed like I wanted them" even as I was telling her I was not interested. I was so shaken by this session I never went back.

Sessions lasted a fraction of the hour I was allotted so I was paying 135 euros for 25 minutes of re-explaining my problems to yet another stranger.

Do not waste your time, blow your money, or risk your mental health here, they may seem the flashiest but they are not the only service providers in this city.
19 marzo 2023 5:30
I have been attending sessions at Sinews for over two years now and I totally recommend it. High quality and experienced multilingual health professionals and their customer service/front desk is top notch. Totally worth it!
28 marzo 2022 18:38
I have worked with Marta Gray and in short: it worked.

As someone who never went to do sessions I cannot emphasize how good Marta is at her job. I had difficult things that were present in my life on a day to day basis - and thanks to her, they are not there anymore so I would definitely recommend her services.

Sinews as an organization is great for non-spanish speakers and their location is not only convenient (central madrid) but also because the staff is extremely helpful, understanding and kind. This is the perfect place if you never did therapy and feel like now is the right time.

Thank you Sinews and more importantly, thank you Marta:)
12 diciembre 2021 23:14
I am originally from New York and was living in Madrid for 6 years. Right before the pandemic, I repatriated and moved to Florida. I have to say that between the doctors and psychologists that I have had in New York, Florida, and Madrid, the care I received in SINEWS is simply unmatched. One of the things I miss most about Madrid.
21 abril 2021 5:21
Fui a informarme sobre consulta de logopedia, estuve 40 minutos con una chica preguntándome datos generales de la niña, edad, hábitos, operaciones. Me dijeron los precios por consulta y posibles horarios y me fui. La sorpresa me la llevé en la puerta cuando al irme me hacen pagar ¡65 euros! Sólo por pedir información y responder a 10 preguntas sobre mi hija. En mi vida me había pasado algo igual. ¿Cómo pueden cobrar 65 euros por ir yo sóla a informarme? Hacen que parezca una primera consulta, pero no lo es ni por asomo. Podría haber dado esa misma información general en 5 minutos, me parece aprovecharse y no volvería jamás por buenos que puedan ser.
03 enero 2021 15:58
Sinews is an incredible therapy center. Warm and affirming treatment in your native language, and an overall lovely atmosphere. Highly recommended!
26 noviembre 2017 4:56
I could not be more pleased with the services I received here. I have been a patient since December 2016 and have developed rewarding therapeutic relationships with my counselor. Everybody is so kind, and willing to help you with any issues you are dealing with.
08 mayo 2017 7:11
Centro de multidisciplinar con un equipo multidisciplinar especializado en psicologia, psiquiatría y logopedia. Impartimos talleres variados. Somos expertos en bilinguismo infantil.

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