01 marzo 2023 3:26
Like a milking stool, I here endeavour to rest my case upon three fundamental pillars of logic, subsequently building up to enlightenment upon this nefarious topic of bad food. Nexalia is a company whose spiritual and economical purpose commences with the processing of edible products into a more pleasing and desirable commodity. Before I commence my voyage into the reasons why this company is terrible, we must define ‘company’.
What is a company? Nexalia is an established and regulated organisation which, through our rules of organisation, receives monetary compensation for the pleasing of its customers and their subsequent pay as a manner of expressing different emotions, such as gratitude, of allowing the company to extract a monetary profit, and finally of paying compensation for the resources, both material and human, which have gone into the production of their consumed result.
Here I lay down the first pillar of my metaphorical milking stool of logic, by which I make my case that Nexalia is terrible. As a company whose aim is to please customers to extract a monetary profit, those who consume their edible produce should feel gratitude and joy.
But what is joy? Joy is the feeling found in humans who, in their life, achieve all the goods, wealth and knowledge which lead to the perfection of their human nature and to the enrichment of their human life.
Nexalia produce does not achieve the enrichment of human life, instead, it destroys it and leaves behind a crust, a shell, an empty recipient of skin and bones which previously contained a human soul but which was now purged of all feeling and thought. Such is the terror and absolute atrocity of Nexalia produce. It purges the body of human will to live.
To use Socrates’s own definition of joy, the feeling of turning attention away from the body and towards the soul, thus achieving harmony and peace of mind and body, Nexalia not only fails to provide joy, it takes it away. This is because, once a human being eats Nexalia food, they find themselves unable to shift their attention away from their body, as they are expelling 20 pounds of liquid excrement.
The first pillar of my milking stool is complete and sufficiently well developed to sustain my final conclusion when combined with the potency of my two forthcoming points. Nexalia does not provide joy to customers and thereby fails as a company.

Here I present my second point, Nexalia goes beyond the cliche unsatisfactory food company, and moves on towards the more extreme terrain of being an organisation which, when dealt with or perhaps even merely approached, can present bodily harm to humans. Nexalia therefore borders upon the illegal, presenting food of such a low and devastatingly nefarious quality that it is capable of inducing sickness.
The legal definition of ‘poison’ is as follows: <<Any substance dangerous to living organisms that if applied internally or externally, destroy the action of vital functions or prevent the Continuance of life. >>
As can be seen with other reviews of this organisation, Nexalia does indeed meet the above requisites for its produce to be labelled, and considered ‘poison’, thereby becoming an illegal organisation.

Upon this i shall now build the third and final point of my argument, all that is left to withhold the ultimate and culminating head of my argument, driving Nexalia to shame and shadows beneath the crushing and implacable weight of my devastating critique.
Nexalia is hated by its customers, which can once more be proven by the reviews below this.
I have contracted a Distal Radius Fracture from writing this long parchment criticising the company of Nexalia. I am writing with ink and quill, meaning this has been quite the taxing essay.
I shall, however, grit my teeth and endure the pain in my wrist as I finish with the culmination of my argument, the seat of the milking stool, the head of my logic.

Nexalia is terrible, stop eating it’s food and never think about it again

Essay written by Aristotle, famed Greek philosopher.

Circa 330B. C
15 noviembre 2022 16:42
My mum (82F) told me (12M) to do the dishes (16) but I (12M) was too busy playing Fortnite (3 game ends) so I (12M) grabbed my controller (DualShock 4) and threw it at her (138kph). She game ended (Instantly), and I (12M) went to prison (18 years). While in prison (Nexalia headquerters) I (12M) incited several riots (3) and assumed leadership of a gang (Cooks) responsible for smuggling SUSSY powder (bread from nexalia) into the country (Africa). I (12M) also ordered the game end of several celebrities (Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and Jeffrey Epstein). I regret my (12M) decisions (Joining Nexalia Services) as it gave me (12M) diabetes (Type 3), cancer (Brain) etc, would not reccoment as I (12M) am currently (23: 42,03/09/2022) writing in my (12M) deathbed (170cm x 70cm).
25 octubre 2022 17:31
Podrían haber puesto comida de mentira con la que juegan los niños a las cocinitas y habría estado 100 veces mejor, es absolutamente horripilante, preferiría ingerir nutrientes a base digerir la mesa que comer su comida si pudiera.
15 octubre 2022 5:04
Me acuerdo del día que salió una rata de la cantina, teniendo en cuenta el sabor/textura de la "carne" del día siguiente me ha motivado a hacerme las pruebas de la rabia.
29 junio 2022 18:52
DISGUSTING! DO NOT EAT, I cannot belive what was served, it brought us so much JOY throwing it away. I am a person who can usually tolerate most food, but this was on another level. This food makes the onions cry, it was more disapointing than an unsalted prezel, there are not enough word in the diccionary to describe how BAD it was.
31 mayo 2022 5:59
Commenting on my personal experience of eating at a canteen in which nexalia have cooked and served the food, I must say that they simply do not meet the standards of anything above a one star rating.
The service is not a main cause of complaint as far as I know, but the food is practically despised by every other pupil at my school. I have myself witnessed students entering the canteen for bread, then leaving, having to brave through the day without any sort of proper meal due to the quality of the food being so low.
Let it be known that we understand the hardships associated with feeding hundreds of people at a single canteen, but let is also be known that in various canteens this is done successfully and the customers are left very satisfied. Clearly, doing what nexalia attempts to, but fails to do, is not something impossible, and simply requires more effort and money that what nexalia is currently investing in their services.
Take the other one star reviews here seriously, they know what they are talking about, each one of them. Nexalia should make a serious effort to improve the quality of their services, as what we are being provided with right now is, in almost everybody’s point of view, not acceptable.
There is a joke in school in which the people will take one look at the food and say ‘familia, hoy no se come’, meaning ‘we ain’t eating today’.
After SEVERAL formal complaints the company has done no visible progress, and honestly leaves us all wondering what kind of company this is to ignore customer complaints and continue serving the horrible food they do.
I would like to ask all the five star reviewers to reconsider their rating, and think about the fact that they are praising a company which encourages healthy eating and nutrition while serving food which is simply not good enough for consumption, as well as ignoring their customers.
Though other one star reviews might be directing more angry messages at the company, take their reviews seriously: they are not jokes, they are complaining about a big problem.
13 mayo 2022 10:29
47 tipos de cancer terminales, pelos en la comida acompañados de un mal sabor que me dejo con tipo 3 de diabetes, es la peor comida que he probado en mi vida menos el pan un cordial saludo.
23 abril 2022 19:41
Nexalia services es una compañía que realiza comida para muchos centros escolares y para catering en celebraciones de múltiples aspectos la comida es bastante buena lo que otras personas que ponen reseñas no piensan es que están en escuelas que alimentan a 2000 personas la comida en este caso no puede ser como la que te haces tú en tu casa para una. Trabajan y hacen lo que pueden para respetar las leyes para el uso de fritos y translate es que pone el gobierno para evitar la obesidad y las enfermedades crónicas por los países la comida está muy buena digan lo que digan
No solo la comida está buena pero también el personal es muy atento y muy amable muchas gracias por vuestro trabajo
10 mayo 2021 11:03
A lot of people may say that Nexalia's food tastes terrible. I have no choice but to agree with them. I know Nexalia does their best everyday to serve us King's College students with balanced meals, but all they do is put trays of food on top of boiling water so it cooks. I do not blame Nexalia for this but I think that they can double their efforts. But, Nexalia does an incredible job serving more than 1000 children at King's College Alicante. After all, the food is balanced.

Kind regards, Victor 7K1
18 abril 2021 19:33
Me parece inacceptables ciertas reseñas que han sido escritas la comida esta muy buena trabajan con dietistas profesionales para darnos una comida sana y equilibriada ya que muchos alumnos comen mas de 5 comidas a la semana y hacen un trabajo maravilloso para que los alumnos tengan un estilo de vida sana. Ademas se encargan de que la comida llegue a nosotros todos los dias a la temperatura correcta.

Me gustaria tambien pedir perdon por todos los comentario inadecuados y incorrectos por parte de algunos alumnos de Kings College.

Perdon y un cordial saludo
Jaime Arumí Bonilla 9N
23 noviembre 2020 2:14
Llevan el comedor del kings college de Alicante. Poca calidad y mala elaboración. Mala planificación, los que llegan más tarde a comer no tienen opciones.
30 octubre 2020 18:46
Mis hijos van al kings collage Alicante. Mala calidad, mala cantidad, comida fría. Resumen comen agua y pan o no entran al comedor.
15 octubre 2020 17:57
Prestan servicios en King's-College Alicante, la comida es pésima de calidad y servida fría, la carne está dura, incomible, el pescado crudo, purés aguados, fruta pasada.
15 octubre 2020 13:48
Mis hijos van al colegio British School of Alicante.
Desde que empezó esta empresa a llevar el catering del colegio la mayoría de los padres comentamos la mala calidad de la comida que se sirve a los niños, y que apenas comen nada porque no està buena.
Si algún día hay algún plato que les gusta más, no les dejan ponerse un poquito más de cantidad.
Los que llegan más tarde al comedor muchas veces quedan muy poquitas cosas.
A veces no han podido comer un plato, que era el único que les gustaba, porque no había cucharas, o a veces no han podido beber agua porque los vasos están viejos y sucios.
Es una pena que muchos niños la mayoría de los días solo coman un trozo de pan de mala calidad y un yogur de sabor que además no es nada sano porque les aporta mucha azúcar.

Hace tiempo que trasladamos todas nuestras quejas a la dirección del colegio y la dirección de nexalia y lo único que hemos recibido son contestaciones educadas pero poco reconocimiento del problema y ninguna acción para su mejora
09 octubre 2020 6:39
Esta empresa proporciona el catering en el colegio de mi hijo, King´s College of Alicante y es una auténtica vergüenza la calidad del producto que utilizan. Los niños salen hambrientos del colegio porque son incapaces de comer la bazofia que les ofrecen cada día. Pescado que no se sabe si es carne o pescado, purés aguados, hamburguesas que saben a plástico, como las tortillas de patatas, comidas a medio cocinar, carne como suela de zapato, lentejas duras como chinarros. A eso se le suma que, en ocasiones, la higiene en cubiertos, platos, vasos y bandejas deja mucho que desear. Se ha reclamado tanto a la empresa como al colegio por activa y por pasiva y lo único que obtenemos es la callada por respuesta o alguna justificación absurda que no convence a nadie. Una auténtica vergüenza.
06 octubre 2020 4:08
Comida dado en el colegio inglés de Alicante, king's college. Comida de muy mala calidad y no adaptada a los niños de diferentes edades. Los padres son muy enfadados y quieren explicación.
16 marzo 2020 14:30
Gran catering, servicio muy amable y encantador con comida deliciosa. Recomendaría 100% a un amigo o familiar. Mi enemigo murió gracias a esto, lo agradezco.

PD: gran puré
21 noviembre 2019 2:29

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