14 mayo 2023 11:21
Acabo de cumplir un curso intensivo con AIL y fue una experiencia inolvidable! Mi estancia duró 9 semanas y estaba en las clases de C1 con la profe María SP. Ella es un cielo! Las clases fueron súper interesantes y hablamos de todo, lo que significaba que no nos aburrimos con gramática todo el día. Aprendí mucho y practiqué mi español cada día y todo el día con AIL.
También, Pamela, quién es parte del equipo para cuidar a los estudiantes, me ha ayudado mucho antes, durante, y después de mi tiempo con AIL. Siempre me responde los emails y me soluciona todas mis dudas muy rápidamente.
Recomiendo esta escuela para cualquiera persona que quiera aprender o mejorar su español no solo verbal pero también escrito y la comprensión. Gracias por todo!
04 mayo 2023 2:41
Hace un par de semanas estuve en Madrid con mis alumnos quienes participaron en un curso presencial de Español específico sobre el marketing y la publicidad, contenidos pertenecientes a la programación curricular del instituto. Los chicos fueron divididos en tres grupos con tres docentes y al final de las clases se mostraron entusiastas con lo aprendido y volvieron a casa enriquecidos.
Cabe señalar que ya antes de nuestra llegada a Madrid el equipo de AIL (sobre todo Luca) demostró particular interés y atención para que todo fuera bien, tanto por lo que se refería a las familias como a los contenidos del curso, para ofrecernos la mejor experiencia posible.
¡Muchas gracias por todo!
09 abril 2023 6:10
Gracias a Ail Madrid y más precisamente a Luca por haber organizado conmigo dos viajes casi al mismo tiempo : un viaje cultural a Andalucía y unas prácticas para estudiantes en Valencia. Los guías de Málaga fueron muy simpáticos y tener unos guías todo el día con el grupo es fantástico. Además de explicarte la ciudad visitada y sus monumentos, te ayudan en todo. Las familias de acogida en ambos lugares son muy acogedoras. Los lugares de prácticas encontrados son de muy buena calidad y los estudiantes mejoraron a la vez su nivel de español y sus competencias profesionales. Luca es muy disponible y soluciona rápidamente cualquier problema. Repetiremos sin duda!
27 marzo 2023 20:18
It’s an amazing Spanish school, with great teachers and wonderful classrooms! They also have excellent customer service. I really appreciate Pamela's help in arranging my remaining class credit. Overall 10 stars!:)
13 marzo 2023 2:12
I attended AIL Madrid for about 5 months and had an excellent experience learning Spanish. The courses were tailored to my needs and the teacher, Clara, was extremely prepared, nice, and supportive every step of the way. I appreciated the school's organization and flexibility, which made it easy to schedule classes around my other commitments. Thanks to AIL Madrid, I was able to consistently improve my Spanish and gain confidence in using the language. I highly recommend this school to anyone looking to learn Spanish in Madrid!
08 marzo 2023 20:02
AIL Madrid est une organisation aussi sérieuse et fiable que compétente. Les différentes équipes sont hyper disponibles et réactives et travaillent au mieux pour offrir le meilleur séjour possible. Nous avons fait recours à eux dans le cadre d'un séjour pédagogique et nos élèves, comme nous, en sont rentrés ravis et enrichis. C'est sans aucun doute que je recommande cet organisme et j'ai déjà hâte de travailler avec eux à nouveau pour d'autres séjours.
04 marzo 2023 7:15
AIL Madrid es la mejor escuela de español que conozco. Los profesores tienen una habilidad didáctica muy avenzada y pueden explicar todo de una manera comprensible y eficiente. El resto del equipo también vale un montón, y siempre responde rápidamente a tus correos con respuestas claras.
04 marzo 2023 3:32
He hecho un curso de dos semanas en enero en Ail Madrid, una experencia meravillosa, seriedad, profesionalidad, los espacios son siempre limpios y bien cuidados. Un comentario super positivo para todas las profesoras que he habido en estas 2 semanas: Beatriz, Lucìa, Lucìa Antolin Torres, Jaime, Susana y Ana, todas super preparadas y sobre todo super simpaticìsimas. Otras palabras positivas, les merecen todo el equipo de la reception, siempre disponibles, sobre todo Eva Winiarz. Aconsejo muchisìmo Ail Madrid, yo regresaré seguramente lo antes posible.
Saludos, Ivan Porrazzo de Italia
01 marzo 2023 2:06
I am having the best time at AIL Madrid, they teach in a unique and interactive way which can helps any student from non-Latin background to advance his or her skills even more. I totally recommend applying for this course.
01 marzo 2023 0:12
Una bella scuola, ubicata in una zona perfetta dove i miei studenti hanno incontrato insegnanti motivati e competenti. Una settimana all’insegna della serenità e della professionalità; un grazie anche per l’entusiasmo dimostrato nel condurre le attività pomeridiane e per l’attenzione alle singole esigenze. Da consigliare decisamente! Alcune famiglie meravigliose!
11 febrero 2023 18:55
I had studied here for 12 weeks, and those teachers of AIL Madrid do help me improve my spanish ability so much. I used to take classes with David, Victor, Lucia etc, all of them were so nice and always came to my aid when I needed them! I am so glad to have the chance studying here!
06 enero 2023 11:23
Very happy to have chosen this school.
A fantastic learning experience in a
professional surrounding. I had Carolina
as my professor in group and 1-1
classes. She was very patient, friendly
and had a very positive approach in
classes. Carolina calmly helped navigate
me through any difficulties that arose
while making solid progress through the
various units of the course, expanding
my vocabulary and knowledge of the
local area along the way. My only regret
is that I didn't have more time there.
19 diciembre 2022 10:54
I am currently in the school and am having such an amazing experience with the faculty and other students. The school is extremely accommodating (specifically Pamela) with my needs and one of the teachers, Elena, is a blessing! Love love love her. She makes class fun and enticing. Really motivates me to improve my Spanish. I definitely recommend.
09 diciembre 2022 3:15
Sono stato prima volta in Spagna e ho trovato una scuola stupenda sia sotto il profilo della professionalità dell'insegnamento, sia sotto accoglienza dello staff. A tutti che cercano una scuola di spagnolo consiglio AIL Madrid.
Estuve en España por primera vez y me encontré con una escuela maravillosa, tanto por la profesionalidad de la enseñanza como por la hospitalidad del personal. A todos los que buscan una escuela de español les recomiendo AIL Madrid.
Byłem w Hiszpanii po raz pierwszy i znalazłam wspaniałą szkołę zarówno pod względem profesjonalizmu nauczania, jak i gościnnej kadry. Wszystkim szukającym szkoły hiszpańskiej polecam AIL Madrid.
05 diciembre 2022 2:23
I was attending a semi-intensive course for 4 weeks while working 100%. I chose the school because it's located 5 min walking distance from the office so that I don't lose too much time on the road. But two weeks in, they changed the school location from Salamanca to Calle Juan Esplandiú 15, just like that, without telling me beforehand while making the booking. I found out literally two days before the change. I ended up not going for the rest of the two weeks because it's too far from the office.
Also anyone who enrolls for a semi-intensive course should be aware that you are in the same class as the full, intensive course students, which means that you simply miss half of the content. This aspect is not communicated at all.
I gave 2 stars instead of 1 only because of the teachers. Paloma is great and I enjoyed my classes with her a lot.
31 julio 2022 9:08
One of the best experience I ever had. Met a lot of new people from different countries, made friends from all over the globe and enjoyed my Spanish classes. The teachers are super good and very friendly, the administration is helpful as well. In short, you get to improve your Spanish while also enjoying yourself during the afternoon activities with other classes (which usually are tours to discover the city). A Very cool experience.
25 julio 2022 1:13
If you are searching a high quality of spanish i tell you that ail madrid is the best option ️
13 julio 2022 22:43
Fue una experiencia, 41 semanas, maravillosa con Ail Madrid que a la gente le aconsejo que viva esta experiencia y mejore su español.
22 junio 2022 17:56
Great learning opportunities for not only students but for teachers as well. The website has so many resources.
20 junio 2022 15:58
Una experiencia muy divertida y interesante para aprender la lengua y conocer personas de otras culturas
06 junio 2022 11:01
AIL Madrid is a very good school to learn Spanish. I started from the very first level (A1) and after 8 short months, I was able to reach the B1 level. The teachers they provide are very good at what they do, very professional and also very kind. The school also offers after class cultural activities where you can have an in-depth experience of the city, with the help of the tour guides/professors the school provides. Online lectures are also offered if you ever feel like you need to work on certain aspects of your Spanish learning journey.

If you ever find yourself in Madrid, looking to learn Spanish and to know more about Spanish culture, I highly recommend AIL Madrid.
03 junio 2022 6:48
Étudiant tunisien, je fais des cours d'espagnol pour 6 mois, sincèrement l’ecole est super excellente, les professeurs sont géniaux, j’apprends la langue rapidement et d’une manière efficace et facile. Service administratif TOP, et je remercie spécialement ROBERT pour sa bienveillance et ses conseils. AIL MADRID, plus qu’une école
02 junio 2022 6:10
My 16 yo son Cristian attended this school over the holidays, they found him accomodation with a caring family
I would have no hesitation in sending him over again
The team that we dealt with to organise it all were very helpful, reliable and very professional
They answered all of my inane questions
16 mayo 2022 0:01
Ail Madrid es una escuela excelente Los profesores son muy pacientes Alumnos diversos Cursos interesantes
08 mayo 2022 12:06
Soy profesora de español AP y otros niveles en Estados Unidos y asistí como observadora de clases de español como lengua extranjera con grupos de nivel B2 y C1. Me encantó el método de enseñanza y al ver el desempeño de los alumnos de clases avanzadas, me di cuenta de que las clases cumplen la misión al pie de la letra.
23 enero 2022 8:27
Los materiales ofrecidos en línea son muy útiles (y bien contextualizados) para potenciar destrezas en el proceso de aprendizaje de ELE
15 enero 2022 3:33
A mí me encantan los ejercicios publicados en el muro de AIL Madrid (facebook). Es una manera excelente para practicar el español. Si tienes preguntas, puedes dirigirte a uno de los profesores. Siempre te explican todo muy bien. De verdad, estoy muy contenta de su ayuda.
04 enero 2022 16:54
I studied at AIL for 3 months taking intensive courses for the B2 level. Truth be told, I had taken Spanish classes intensively for over a year but could never get over B2 (when I started at AIL, I had taken B2 at another school).

To learn a whole level, especially such a hard one, in 3 months is a challenge but thankfully - my teacher was Paloma Huertes and I was lucky enough to have her for most of the three months!

Thanks to her, I passed my SIELE with a B2 and a C1 in writing! She has a way of teaching that makes complex things simple and easy to remember. If you ever have the opportunity to take a class with her - I highly recommend her.

¡Muchisima gracias Paloma por todo! ¡Te queremos mucho!
31 diciembre 2021 9:28
Spanish is not an easy language. I believe that the experience and pace of learning Spanish depends a lot on your teachers. In my case, I have been fortunate to have two extraordinary teachers, Ana and Carlota. Their energy and creative ways of relating to the students are fantastic. I highly recommend both of them when you enroll in the school.

I would also like to thank the two administrators, Paola and Veronika, who helped me a lot in administrative matters.

The only thing I think that can be improved is that the school does not include online students with offline students. It puts a lot of pressure on the teachers and in general it is very difficult for everyone.
El español no es un idioma fácil. Creo que la experiencia y el ritmo de aprendizaje del español dependen en gran medida de tus profesores. En mi caso, he tenido la suerte de contar con dos profesoras extraordinarias, Ana y Carlota. Su energía y sus formas creativas de relacionarse con los estudiantes son fantásticas. Recomiendo encarecidamente a las dos cuando te matricules en la escuela.

También me gustaría dar las gracias a las dos administradoras, Paola y Veronika, que me ayudaron mucho en cuestiones administrativas.

Lo único que creo que se puede mejorar es que la escuela no incluya a los alumnos online con los offline. Pone mucha presión sobre los profesores y en general es muy difícil para todos.
27 diciembre 2021 9:53
Disappointed because of very poor assistance.

I personally wouldn´t recommend this academy. I faced multiple problems with them.
1. I was informed about online classes and after the payment, they surprised me with hybrid classes.
2. The class I was assigned was very basic and I asked for more advanced class immediately in the middle of this class. (very funny enough: they don´t ask you to take any test to evaluate your level and directly place you in the basic class even after informing your experience with the language)
3. They took almost a month to assign me to the right group and blamed me for missing the classes for a month and asked me to pay extra money inorder to continue.

I hope people who plan to register in this academy are aware of the possible problems that would arise with this academy.
07 diciembre 2021 11:55
My daughter has been attending the intensive course at this school for 5 weeks. The first 2 weeks the lessons were good, after that nothing went ahead, even after 5 weeks the students are not able to form sentences. Lessons go on at a snail's pace. My daughter and other classmates complained a week ago about the learning pace and asked for a different course pace or an assignment to another course, until now the students have only been put off for a meeting 1 week later. My daughter and her classmates also had the feeling that they were not being taken seriously, it was said, "If you want to learn faster then just do more homework".

The school promises on its website and on the phone when recruiting that everyone will be encouraged individually according to their learning pace - this promise will not be kept in any way. My daughter is very sad because the course is such a waste of time.

Unfortunately we have booked and paid for the Spanish course at AIL for 11 weeks. However, we will now examine legal steps if the course level does not improve and reclaim the course fee due to non-compliance with performance promises.

The only thing that works perfectly at this school is the marketing and prompt invoicing, on top of that. The price / performance ratio is definitely not right here.

In addition, there is no response to inquiries from the administration or the responsible persons are then on vacation or cannot be reached.
05 noviembre 2021 11:20
I studied here in Madrid for two months and I had an amazing experience. The professors genuinely care about you and the people that study here are great people. If I’m blessed enough to have the opportunity to return to Spain to study Spanish, I’ll be right back here. Couldn’t recommend this Spanish language school enough!
02 noviembre 2021 18:12
Un buen escuela de español.las clases son interesantes.aunque el precio es un poco caro, todavía le doy una estrella 5.
31 octubre 2021 4:03
A great spanish language school! Very professional teachers with good teaching skills and fun classes. Definitely a recommendation!
24 octubre 2021 8:57
I initially booked my 2 week study with AIL Madrid for the Summer of 2020, but you know. Corona-pandemic. I had to re-schedule twice, but throughout the whole ordeal AIL Madrid were nothing but professional and pleasant.
I was placed in level B1 according to the European classification of language levels, and let me tell you: the first 10 minutes where horrifying; the Spanish spoken in class was just so fast. Having done all preparations to the course on Duolingo, the actual spoken Spanish was so different from the small sentences I was used to. AIL Madrid embraces the concept of submersion into the Spanish language, and I feel that this was exactly what I needed in order to gain experience with everyday Spanish.
I really recommend AIL Madrid, even if only for a short stay (such as the two week stay I enjoyed). I would particularly like to point out the evening activities ("paseos") around Madrid; they are free and optional, but I would encourage everyone to take advantage of the offer, as they provide an opportunity to speak Spanish about more everyday things than the topics in class.
22 octubre 2021 7:29
Fui a la escuela durante ocho semanas y fue una gran experiencia, muy rica. Por la calidad y eficacia del método de enseñanza; por la riqueza humana de conocer personas de otros orígenes y culturas; por el reducido número de participantes en la clase lo que permite un trato oportuno por parte de los profesores; por la calidad del trabajo en equipo que ofrece la escuela, poniéndolo al servicio del aprendizaje de los participantes. Finalmente, porque requiere sugerencias y consejos de mejora que siempre son posibles.
14 octubre 2021 22:23
One of the most amazing experience that i had the school was amazing also the professors and it's the best school for learning Spanish and practice because each Monday and Friday the have an event to discover the city.me encanta ️
10 octubre 2021 1:15
I discovered the online workshops on the AIL Madrid website quite by accident during one of our many Lockdowns and I looked forward to them every Friday when Fridays were not really weekend nights but just another night in. I have learned so much from these workshops - the preparations that the teachers do is incredible, they have slides and photos and maps and diagrams: I have taken virtual walks around Segovia and Madrid, I've learned about the cinema of Almódovar, about the foods and customs in the different regions of Spain. And these workshops are *free*. I would happily pay for these workshops and I can't commend the teachers highly enough - they do so much background preparation to make these workshops really interesting and very enjoyable. I'll be doing a non-virtual language course in AIL Madrid first chance I get.
05 octubre 2021 15:40
¡Enhorabuena, excelentes profesores, muy buen trabajo! ¡Gracias por compartir material con nosotr@s!
01 octubre 2021 7:51
The reception and administrative staff is very professional and supportive throughout the process (e.g, selecting the right course for you, giving you information about different options, etc.). The teachers are not only very knowledgeable but also able to explain all topics very well. Altough I was doing my course virtually, I had a very pleasent experience. The teachers always made sure I could understand my fellow students and the teacher despite being physically separated from them - the teachers even made th effort of writing everything in the Zoom chat because it was hard for me to read the blackboard. The class was very interactive and while the teachers were following the book, they made sure to talk about certain grammar/vocab topics that popped up during our discussions (e.g, one time some of us seemed to be unsure of a ceratain grammar topic and the teacher made an on the spot lesson about it instead of continuing with the book right away). That was extremely helpful! All in all, I can highly recommend AIL Madrid!
28 septiembre 2021 10:34
So I studied for 6months here and had so many good times here. I could say that the professors and staff they're so kind and nice, the quality of their education is pretty high you won't have any problem with that it's just perfect and actually, they just change or share the classes with different professors (usually 2 professors) so u can experience different types of teaching and that's a really good point. I made many friends there

I finished my studies and sadly, I have to leave.
12 septiembre 2021 23:35
Tomé un curso de español durante dos semanas en la AIL de Madrid. He visto una calidad de trabajo muy alta, mucha atención al progreso y a las dificultades de los estudiantes, muchas pistas para aprender y mejorar su español. Consejo, además del curso, también las lecciones individuales que son una verdadera oportunidad de reforzar sus propias competencias. Muy buena escuela, muy aconsejada.
03 julio 2021 21:13
I really enjoyed the classes and our teacher (Victor) was very down to earth and approachable. A good, professionally run academy
25 junio 2021 2:03
Paloma was a great teacher during the intensive course. I really appreciated that she would constantly correct grammatical errors and not just let them slide. I feel like I improved during my time and would definitely recommend this school.
15 junio 2021 20:40
Highly recommended language school where I've had some of my best experiences in Madrid.

Realmente todo - de los profesores hasta los nuevos amig@s y las experiencias - fueron geniales. Hice los cursos A1 hasta B2.

I think the fairly high price was well worth it.
09 junio 2021 17:56
Me lo paso genial con las clases online de AIL Madrid!
Enhorabuena a los profes por hacerlo tan divertido y este mensaje me da la oportunidad de agradecer a todo el equipo docente de AIL Madrid porque soy una fiel seguidora de las actividades culturales y me lo paso genial cada miércoles y viernes.
Gracias por haber pensado en este formato de clases online que nos acercan al mundo entero y viene fenomenal en este periodo tan raro de restricciones.

Un saludo
Valérie Díaz
03 junio 2021 18:22
He pasado genial en AIL Madrid, esa escuela no es la única escuela de idioma que he estado, sino es la mejor. Por la calidad docente, el ambiente de la comunicación entre los estudientes y los profesores.
15 mayo 2021 7:32
I started from A2 to half way of B1 in this great Spanish language school in the past months. Here I met people who’s interested in wether Spanish language or culture or just simply this fascinating country from different corners of the world, ages and backgrounds. Especially amidst the Covid situation, while respecting all the strict rules, it’s a precious opportunity for me to have class in person with great teachers, organised course construction and diversity of classmates and awesome amiably staffs! Really had great time here in AIL
14 marzo 2019 6:15
Instructions unclear, accidentally bought a plane ticket to mexico. Now i have no money. Send help
26 enero 2019 19:52
AIL Madrid gave me an amazing experience. I had just five days to spend in Madrid and I have chosen this school! I have just positive memories, I improved my Spanish (in all of the aspects (grammar and vocabulary), met wonderful people and professors who are passionated about their job. I definitely recommend AIL Madrid and If I have an opportunity I will come back!
26 enero 2019 17:08
Sehr angenehme spanische Atmosphäre Die Lehrer waren professionell und unterhaltsam Ich wurde richtig eingestuft und habe in meinen drei Wochen im B1 Niveau wieder eine Menge auffrischen und lernen können Auch die Betreuung empfand ich als sehr freundlich und organisiert Für deutsche besonders praktisch eine sympathische Deutsche, die vor Ort ist und immer gerne weiterhilft falls es Probleme gibt Die Schule ist aus meiner Sicht zu empfehlen
03 enero 2019 10:40
Considering the reviews I expected something more from this school.
It seems they don’t really care about their students except for sneaky marketing purposes (they explicitly asked me for good reviews).
Chinese students are complaining because there is not a proper teaching methods focused on them so, asian friends, look up for other schools if you want to learn spanish.
Furthermore I heard it is pure exploitation of great teachers so do us all a favour, avoid this school.
01 enero 2019 19:27
Profesores muy preparados. Grandes PROFESORES. Profesores que no son valorados. La escuela funciona por ellos, no por el lider de la empresa. Los profesores son los pilares de esta escuela. La recomiendo por ellos, pero no la recomiendo porque al final ellos no son los que ganan con su esfuerzo y dedicación, sino aquellos que no trabajan y no valoran a su equipo de profesionales.
09 noviembre 2018 11:31
Hands down the best school to learn Spanish. The teachers I had were fantastic, Paloma, Pablo and Sergio. I learnt more in a month than I ever would have expected. Hugo and his communication/organization with me was great. Ágata was by far the best and her dedication and hard work shouldn’t go unnoticed. Thanks for having me AIL. I hope to be back one day.
27 septiembre 2018 0:17
AIL Madrid has been and continues to be a great experience. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to become fluent in Spanish. You will meet people from all over the world, including China, Russia, and Iraq. Communicating in a common language is a powerful connection. Also, the teachers and staff are very dedicated to their profession, providing a classroom learning experience that is hard to beat.
20 septiembre 2018 19:23
¡La experiencia durante mis prácticas académicas ha sido magnífica!
He aprendido y ampliado muchísimas dinámicas para el desarrollo de las clases y para la elaboración de materiales para la enseñanza de ELE. Además, el personal docente es excelente y siempre están dispuestos a echarte una mano. Tanto si quieres realizar prácticas académicas como si quieres mejorar tu nivel de español, te recomiendo sin duda, AILMadrid.
31 julio 2018 14:49
Très bon établissement, j'y ai étudié 2 mois et demi!
Je vous le recommande, vous serez très bien entouré et conseillé.
Les activités sont super pour découvrir Madrid, les professeurs sont excellents et l’administration est d'une grande aide pour toutes vos questions!
26 julio 2018 8:45
Absolutely nothing to complain about. Lovely teachers, friendly administration. The afternoon activities are great. Recommendable!
18 julio 2018 8:22
I had an unforgettable experience at AIL Madrid! The Student Care Team is very friendly and knowledgeable and the teachers are approachable and engaging. The atmosphere is very welcoming and I made friends from all over the world. Not to mention, I learned a lot of Spanish as the teaching methods are phenomenal! ¡Muchísimas gracias AIL!
18 julio 2018 5:18
Excelente. A escola é muito bem estruturada. Recomendo a todos que queiram aprender espanhol e passar um tempo em Madrid!
16 julio 2018 4:05
AIL Madrid exceeded my expectations. I learned far more about Spanish culture and the language than I imagined in just one month. The school is rigorous and the activities are informative. I plan to continue classes through Skype once I return home. 100% recommend if you are looking for a language intensive for 1 week or 6 months or however long. My host was amazing, we had amazing conversation and food every night. I will miss them greatly.
24 junio 2018 6:24
Durante 2 meses asistí a un curso de preparación para el certificado B2, gracias a una gran maestra, Marina, realicé el examen sin estrés y muy bien preparada. ¡Las clases siempre han sido interesantes, en un ambiente relajado y con mucha risa! ¡No dudo en recomendar AIL Madrid!
20 junio 2018 13:53
Me he cursado allí y me ha gustado mucho. Pienso que es un buen sitio para profundizar el nivel de español. Cada tarde gestionan una actividad cultural o festival normalmente gratis a los alumnos. El wifi de la escuela no siempre funciona bien, probablemente te cambian el aula o el centro educativo con frecuencia, son las pocas cosas me molestan un poco. Pero el resto, la calidad de la formación y la amabilidad de los profes y los recepcionistas no me puedo quejar.
18 mayo 2018 10:33
Muy muy buena. Te sentirás como en casa. El precio es un poco caro. Very good experience, very good customer service. Adorable staff! It's just a little bit expensive, but I recommend it. Muito boa a experiência. Super atenciosos e profissionais! Um pouco caro, mas eu Recomendo!
16 mayo 2018 19:28
Highly recommend the school let the students give a valuation about teachers, different teacher has different ability, some time I feel we are just killing time waiting the times up!
06 diciembre 2017 16:18
Sentirse cómodo, encontrar amigos, sumergirse 100% en el idioma, conocer la cultura y tradiciones de España - todo eso y mucho más podéis encontrar en VELAZQUEZ ESPAÑOL PARA EXTRANJEROS.
Para mi ha sido una gran experiencia y la recomiendo a todo mundo que quiere aprender de verdad el idioma de Cervantes.

Mucha suerte y mis mejores deseos para todos.

Natalia Syzónova.

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