05 abril 2024 12:31
Mis amigos y yo tuvimos un fantástico recorrido en bicicleta con Luke. Es un apasionado de Valencia y fue un placer descubrir todas las maravillas de la ciudad y más allá. Muchas risas en el camino, ¡¡¡realmente fue una tarde agradable! ¡Todas las chicas dijeron que fue lo más destacado de nuestro fin de semana! ¡¡¡Gracias por hacer que nuestro viaje a Valencia sea inolvidable Luke!
05 febrero 2024 15:16
Excelente manera de conocer la ciudad a su primera llegada. El recorrido por la ciudad y la playa de Luke fue perfecto con comentarios útiles e interesantes (casi) sin parar. Bicicletas cómodas y bien mantenidas y una ruta fácil que termina con unas copas en la playa.
21 enero 2024 9:57
La gira de Luke por Valencia fue increíble. Hicimos el recorrido en nuestra primera mañana en Valencia y salimos con muchas recomendaciones sobre dónde ir y dónde comer. Luke parece una celebridad local, ya que todos lo saludan mientras andas en bicicleta. Un tipo realmente agradable y una gira realmente divertida.
18 enero 2024 18:57
No duermas en este recorrido. Si quieres ver Valencia, aprender sobre la cultura, visitar los principales lugares de interés, tomar aire fresco y hacer ejercicio, conocer gente nueva y reírte en el camino, debes hacer este recorrido. Excelente, en todos los sentidos. Luke fue el guía, anfitrión y comediante perfecto. Las bicicletas estaban en excelentes condiciones, eran fáciles de manejar, este es un recorrido ideal para todos. Además, muy asequible. Le sugeriría realizar este recorrido al comienzo de su estadía en Valencia, ya que Luke le indicará muchos lugares excelentes para comer y beber, así como puntos de referencia a los que regresar durante su estadía en Valencia.
12 enero 2024 10:21
Fue un gran placer y privilegio conocer al alegre y amigable Luke y hacer su fascinante y fácil (excelentes bicicletas y senderos planos y suaves) de la ciudad a la playa. Quedamos enormemente impresionados con su conocimiento, energía, entusiasmo y encanto y estableció un tono encantador, acogedor y positivo para la estancia Erasmus de nuestra hija en esta hermosa ciudad. La pasión y el amor de Luke por compartir datos extravagantes y valiosos consejos sobre restaurantes, bares en azoteas y cosas que hacer eran evidentes y valieron cada centavo de su módico precio. Fue una introducción maravillosa y agradable a la ciudad. Un recorrido imperdible. Muy recomendable.
15 octubre 2023 16:11
Qué gira tan fabulosa. Luke fue brillante, muy bien informado y tuvo excelentes consejos para el resto de nuestro tiempo en Valencia. Completamente agradable y muy recomendable. Gracias Lucas!
09 octubre 2023 8:43
Fantástica manera de recorrer València para asegurarse de ver todas las cosas fantásticas que València tiene para ofrecer. Haga esto al comienzo de la estadía para que pueda planificar su estadía. Súper conocedor y súper apasionado por Valencia. ¡Disfrutado a fondo! Andrea
05 octubre 2023 3:07
¡Qué gran ganga! Grupos pequeños y personales y recorridos bien organizados por un precio mucho más económico que los recorridos en bicicleta en el crucero. Fue muy amable y trabajó dentro del plazo del crucero. ¡No hubo preocupaciones por nada! ¡Te lo recomiendo mucho!
30 septiembre 2023 3:08
Luke fue increíble, muy bien informado. Gran guía, paseo interesante. Hecho seguro para los mayores. Gran alquiler de bicicletas al final de la playa.
25 septiembre 2023 18:32
¡Wow Luke es un guía turístico de clase mundial! ¡Es increíblemente atractivo, lleno de energía y divertido! Realmente personalizó el recorrido e hizo que todos se sintieran bienvenidos. Siguió comunicándose con todos y asegurándose de que todos estuviéramos contentos. ¡Ojalá pudiera tener un guía turístico de Luke en cada ciudad que visite! ¡Gracias Lucas!
19 septiembre 2023 16:10
Es el mejor recorrido en bicicleta por la ciudad en el que he estado. Gran información y diversión. Excelente manera de experimentar la ciudad, y nos aferramos a las bicicletas por el resto de la estadía. Definitivamente 10/10
09 septiembre 2023 20:26
Luke fue un guía fabuloso de Valencia con un gran conocimiento. Aprendimos mucho en nuestro corto viaje y él nos brindó tantas recomendaciones increíbles que quizás tengamos que mudarnos a Valencia. ¡Un recorrido imprescindible!
08 septiembre 2023 9:04
Lo mejor que puede hacer tan pronto como llegue, es que la gran cantidad de información lo preparará para una exploración informada de la ciudad y, al mismo tiempo, conocerá de antemano todos los buenos lugares para disfrutar de comidas y bebidas locales. El ciclista hace que el recorrido sea divertido, informativo y acogedor para todos.
18 junio 2023 11:32
Hands down. Best tour I’ve ever been on. Luke is fantastic, hilarious, and he’s not harsh on the eyes ladies, so lock up your husbands! Only joking as he is married to a lovely Dutch woman, lucky lady. He is super informative, with a British accent, and doesn’t bore you with frivolous history to fill the silence. He is very enthusiastic, despite doing this for 6 years. His tours are very intimate and makes an effort to learn everyone’s name. Our group was only 8 people. He ends every tour with a stop for a beer. Who doesn’t love beer? Your doing yourself a huge disservice not taking this tour, especially if your going at the beginning of your trip to València. He is your go-to on all the places to hit.
29 mayo 2023 20:40
Excellent tour of Valencia by bike. Would highly recommend doing this first so you get a really great feel for the city and have LOTS of places to try once it's over. When we come back, we'll be doing this tour again.
15 mayo 2023 18:59
Proper good, great talker and I mean great talker. Loads knows but great with people too. Very relatable
17 abril 2023 10:45
One of the best experiences you could have on a trip to Valencia.
Had a group of 7 cycle tour through the city. Luke is a fantastic guide - very knowledgeable, energetic, personable, helpful and a fantastic advocate for the city. The tour was a nice pace, mixing stops around the city centre with flowing riding through the cities vast parkland. Personal highlight was seeing the futuristic science park which was a joy to behold and ride past on the superb cycle lanes.
Would recommend to anyone wanting to find an activity that lets them see a vast amount of what Valencia has to offer in a more fun and manageable way than on foot or by taxi/car.
Luke you are a superstar!

Muchas gracias
12 abril 2023 19:35
I can't rate Luke as highly as he deserves on this scale. We lived above his bike storage for 3 months while in Valencia. We did his tour our 2nd week and then basically worked our way through his recs the rest of our time here. We are vegetarian and he even provided us w separate recs for restaurants. We did his tour as a family- my husband and I and 2 teenage boys. He was enthusiastic, kind, and knowledgeable. Highly recommend!
27 enero 2023 19:55
I can't express how absolutely awesome Luke's tour was. He has passion, knowledge, and energy. He know history of Valencia. He loves the city, and boy does he have energy. We learned so much, we had a map with so much information. We unfortunately only had one day in Valencia, but Luke helped us fill every second of it with energy. His knowledge of the area is far beyond my knowledge of my home area where I lived for 40 years. He's absolutely incredible. My daughter loves Valencia because of Luke, and my one wish was that we could find a Luke everywhere we visit.
18 enero 2023 15:07
Luke's energy, enthusiasm, stories, jokes and bubbly personality combined with a long list of landmarks and interesting places within Valencia will leave you with a very positive impression of Valencia. Luke's tour gives you impressions and ideas and interesting stories all the while making it fun and amusing. His energy is contagious. I would do the tour again in a heartbeat - you should do it too!
I toured Valencia with Luke on a Monday in early Nov 2022.
04 diciembre 2022 1:25
Brilliant bike tour with Luke, informative, fun and totally safe. Luke clearly loves Valencia and is a great guide to find out more about this fabulous city.
17 noviembre 2022 13:14
We took the Bike Guy VLc to better discover Valencia italy and we really enjoyed it. The guide, Luke, was fantastic. His objective was to make us discover Valencia and give us the plaisir to return. Well he succeeded with us. We want to go back and spent more time. Bravo bike guy your are greatest.
26 octubre 2022 8:19
We are so lucky we found bike guy, Luke. The tour was so informative and we learnt so much about this wonderful city. He is knowledgeable and the information he provides is mind blowing. We extended our stay in Valencia because of this tour. We want to see it all! His tour felt personal as we only had a small group of 8 people. He used our names and seemed genuinely interested in our stories too. He is kind and ensured everyone on the tour felt comfortable. This tour is a MUST. You won’t regret.
16 agosto 2022 2:40
What a fantastic day, Luke is such a nice guy and very knowledgeable about the city. He shows you all the places that he loves and gives really good advice on admission prices and when places are free entry. There are lots of stops around the old part of town then down through the main park to the beach. This was a great choice for the first day as we now have a good idea of the places we want to visit over the next week.
30 julio 2022 7:42
Had a fantastic day touring Valencia with Luke. He is knowledgeable, entertaining and clearly loves doing what he does. Bike tours are our favorite way to visit a new city and Luke's tour of Valencia was a fantastic introduction to this vibrant beautiful city. After getting the layout of the city and beach and inspired by Luke we rented bikes and rode everyday after the tour as well!
24 julio 2022 20:21
Super nice, very well crafted and entertaining bike tour.would very much recommend it. Luke is extremely nice and tells a lot of fun stories. Had to reschedule on very short notice (because I fell ill on the planned day of the tour) and Luke was kind enough to make the tour happen on another day without any trouble.
12 julio 2022 7:59
Luke serves up a contagious passion for Valencia, the definitive guide around this stunning city, unmissable!
11 julio 2022 12:54
My partner & I went on the morning bike tour and it was GREAT! Luke is amazing- Super warm, knowledgeable and passionate about his city. I loved all of his facts! Really gave me a deeper insight into where we were. Make sure to fuel up & have a coffee before you go, as you need a lot of energy for this tour! But you'll love it. Thanks so much, Luke!
05 julio 2022 16:14
Fantastic bike tour of Valencia. Luke is really knowledgeable and entertaining. Excellent suggestions en route and after the tour for sightseeing, eating and drinking for the rest of our visit. Best possible start to our holiday. Highly recommended
04 julio 2022 6:32
It is completely clear that Luke loves what he is doing and is dedicated to helping you see and experience Valencia to its fullest. He was an excellent guide and answered every question and sent tons of extra information about things to enjoy in the city even after the tour!
25 junio 2022 11:12
Excellent tour, highly recommended. Luke is very passionate about history, is very very well documented and provides a lot of insights and interesting details about the city during the tour. We had bad luck with the weather, it was cold and rain caught us before we were able to arrive to the beach, but, nevertheless, we had a lot of fun.
21 junio 2022 20:46
We joined Luke the bike guy on his tour of Valencia it was 3 hours of fun and facts about this amazing city.
Spaces are limited to 8 people he stops the bikes regularly to give information and witty stories, political, historical etc. Luke is great fun, zany and really engaging.
Do this tour it is brilliant!
17 junio 2022 14:09
Luke and the tour are just amazing! He's super knowledge and passionate about Valencia. He wants you to have an amazing experience in Valencia, and his recommendations and suggestions are all aimed at making sure you experience the best that Valencia has to offer. This is hands down the best bike tour I have ever been on (and I have been on many). If you come to Valencia and don't do this tour, you are straight-up missing out on a fantastic experience!
14 junio 2022 20:59
A tour with Luke is an absolute MUST for your stay in Valencia! What a fantastic afternoon learning so much about this beautiful city and being well and truly looked after by such a friendly and knowledgable gentleman.
Get Luke booked in for the beginning of your stay as everything you see and learn will set you up perfectly to continue exploring the city for your stay. I can’t wait to return to Valencia!
11 junio 2022 23:27
We booked a bike tour with Luke near the end of our stay in Valencia and wish we has booked it when we arrived as he is such a mine of information! We had a great time finding out about the city and visited some interesting places. Luke is enthusiastic and knowledgeable. After the tour he kindly sent us details of places to visit for food, including a list of vegetarian restaurants for me. We also were given a handy map of his recommendations. Thanks Luke!
11 junio 2022 6:35
The trip was very entertaining and funny also. The guide was awesome and friendly. The group was small, which was nice. Best decision we made. Thank you so much! I recommend it.
05 mayo 2022 12:54
Luke gives incredible tours of Valencia! He’s knowledgeable and fun and will show you the best of what the city has to offer. You might even consider moving here when the bike tour is over because his love for this city is infectious. We loved this tour!
01 mayo 2022 23:36
This was a great, enthusiastic tour of Valencia. Luke was personable, fun, knowledgeable and had the entire group engaged and enjoying the day. I certainly recommend this for everyone interested in learning more about Valencia and getting their bearings to explore Valencia on n their own afterwards.
03 abril 2022 15:35
Best bike tour in Valencia. Loved bike guy vlc. We now send all our friends and visitors. Best way to be introduced to this amazing city
25 febrero 2022 5:29
My wife and I rented bikes on 2 separate days because the service from Orlando was exceptional. He was always very attentive and very helpful. He is also just a nice person in general. He helped a random cyclist, who was having problems with his chain, by lending him tools and equipment for repairs even though he wasn't renting from the shop. I would give 6 stars if I could.
28 enero 2022 6:54
We loved the Bike Guy and touring Valencia! It was a great adventure at the beginning of our time in Valencia to get to know the area and figure out what we wanted to see and do during the rest of our trip. Luke provided so much history and information - it was great learning the history of Valencia. The map he provided at the end of the trip is extremely useful and we are using it to plan the rest of our days here. We paid the extra $ to keep the bikes for longer than the tour so we could take our time heading back to the bike shop. We were definitely tired and enjoyed resting along the way on the way back. This is a MUST-DO at the beginning of your time in Valencia. Thank you Luke!
13 enero 2022 23:45
Luke is a great great guide! He makes sure you are safe on your trip and provides you with pretty good insider tips for your stay in Valencia. A must do if you wanna explore Valencia!
25 diciembre 2021 15:09
Luke is perfect for this type of Tour. Very friendly, very informative and very interesting (sometimes informative and interesting are not the same but Luke is great) He gets to know everyone quickly and remembers names and keeps the group together and keeps their attention. His map at the end is excellent. And he gave very good advice regarding restaurants and places to visit - he really knows Valencia. We definitely recommend this Tour
21 noviembre 2021 4:04
So worth every penny! It was fun and informative at the same time. It feels like Luke puts his soul in to this tour.
06 noviembre 2021 21:28
My wife and I had a great tour with Luke recently and we would definitely recommend it as a great way to see the city. Luke was full of useful information and not always the standard touristy stuff which was refreshing. Hope to see you again soon.

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