11 febrero 2022 7:19
ATM tooks 7 days to complete the transaction and the amount was shorter than the receipt printed

On the 23th of December 2021. I made a deposit USD->ETH using the atm and the transaction wasn't done, even though the atm printed a successful receipt.

I took 7 day of back and forward messages with the user support to solve the problem (until today 31th of December), they claimed that they had technical issues with the atm so they could've not done the transaction and as soon as it's solved they will fix the incident.

It was until today that I got a deposit on my wallet with the wrong amount (of the receipt printed on the 23th). It is very disappointing because I could understand the technical issues they have, and I was very patient waiting for them to fix the issue, but what makes me furious is that they didn't take responsibility for their issues and I have to pay for that.

I uploaded a pic of the receipt as you noticed I should've got 0.06482489ETH and I got less than that amount
16 septiembre 2021 9:22
Hola, quería saber si el atm del centro comercial habaneras está en funcionamiento? Gracias

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