20 abril 2024 23:41
¡Una VERDADERA JOYA de escuela con gente increíble que trabaja allí! Desde el momento en que entres por la puerta principal te sentirás como parte de una familia y estarás en buenas manos.

Estuve 9 meses estudiando español en ELE ALEPH. Empecé en el nivel A1 y terminé al principio del nivel B2. No habría podido sobresalir al ritmo que lo hice, hablar español con confianza y haber compartido recuerdos inolvidables con mis compañeros de clase si no fuera por el ambiente de esta escuela. Los profesores son excelentes y creativos en la forma en que enseñan, el plan de estudios es intencional con ejercicios de escritura, expresión oral y comprensión auditiva (y etc.), y el tamaño reducido de las clases hizo que mi aprendizaje de español y mi estancia en Valencia fueran inolvidables.

Hice el curso intensivo: 20 h/semana (de 10 a 14 h con un descanso de 30 min). Para cualquiera que quiera aprender español y/o mejorar su español, recomiendo encarecidamente el intensivo.

Si estás buscando una escuela de español en Valencia, no busques más: ¡ELE ALEPH es de primer nivel!

Muchas gracias mil por todo - ¡¡Hasta pronto! <3
18 abril 2024 2:35
Muy buena escuela, los profesores son muy amables y nos ayuda a progresar de la mejor manera!
16 marzo 2024 19:01
Aunque he estudiado español en esta escuela durante 6 meses, todavía no encuentro las palabras para describir lo maravillosa que fue mi experiencia con Roser y Louis. Cada día fue una gran experiencia de aprendizaje llena de risas, amabilidad, comprensión y todo lo necesario para aprender un nuevo idioma y cultura. ¡Muchas gracias por la increíble experiencia! Jonty
08 febrero 2024 8:54
¡Fue una experiencia maravillosa aprender español! Completé el curso en 3 semanas, 2 horas al día. El maestro era Pablo. ¡Era un buen momento! ¡Recibí conocimientos básicos y un incentivo para estudiar este maravilloso idioma en el futuro! Pablo, muchas gracias! Volveré)
19 septiembre 2023 16:20
Bonita escuela, Miriam es una excelente profesora. Estoy completamente satisfecho con los conocimientos adquiridos. Mil gracias por las lecciones. Hasta la próxima
20 agosto 2023 9:10
Tuvimos 4 profesores durante el tiempo que estuvimos en la escuela. 3 de los 4 fueron excelentes. Eran muy amigos y comprometidos.
12 agosto 2023 18:53
Este año estuve 3 meses en Valencia estudiando español en ELE ALEPH. Toda la experiencia de contratar el curso fue tan simple y eficiente que me hizo sospechar un poco, pero eso es lo que tiene esta escuela: ¡es simple y eficiente! ¡Desde mi primer día me sentí muy bienvenido ya que todos fueron muy amables! Estoy seguro de que todos los profesores son geniales, pero tuve la suerte de haber tenido a Roser como mi profesora y no podría haber pedido una mejor. ¡Tuve una excelente experiencia durante mi tiempo allí y animo a todos los que están en el proceso de elegir una escuela de español en España para ir a València y tener clases en ELE ALEPH!
PD.: Escribí la reseña en inglés porque, aunque mi español mejoró enormemente, todavía estoy lejos de hablar con fluidez y no quiero avergonzarme en línea.

07 agosto 2023 16:24
Todo fue perfecto durante mi curso intensivo de español de dos semanas en ELE ALEPH. El sitio web es muy claro y el proceso de inscripción es fácil. Los grupos son pequeños y las clases se adaptan a las necesidades de los estudiantes, por lo que todos aprenden mucho de una manera agradable.
05 julio 2023 20:46
¡Una escuela estupenda!
La gente de la escuela es super amable y los profesores son muy buenos y divertidos.
Además, me gustaba mucho su manera de enseñar y siempre estaban abiertos y respetuosos.
Si realmente quieres aprender español, te recomiendo que vayas a ELE ALEPH!
23 junio 2023 18:02
¡Que experiencia! Desearía haberme quedado más tiempo. Asistí a clase de 10 a 12: 00 y de 12: 30 a 2: 00 todos los días durante un mes. Desde el día 1, hablamos solo en español. El personal de ELE ALEPH fue increíble y muy comunicativo y Roser, nuestra maestra, fue increíble. Ella fue muy divertida, conocedora y servicial, y las 3.5 horas de clase pasaron volando. El tamaño de la clase era pequeño y todos tuvimos muchas oportunidades para practicar el habla, así como tiempo para mejorar nuestro español a través de diferentes ejercicios de lectura y escritura. En general, la clase en la que me ubicaron estaba trabajando exactamente en lo que necesitaba ayuda y siento que aprendí mucho en el mes que estuve allí.

Me quedé en un alojamiento a través de la escuela. Estaba muy limpio y cerca de la escuela (~5 minutos a pie). El dueño fue muy amable y me trajo un ventilador una vez que empezó a hacer calor afuera. Los correos electrónicos de Ele Aleph me proporcionaron toda la información que necesitaba de manera clara, por lo que nunca tuve que comunicarme con preguntas.

¡Muy recomendable si estás buscando una escuela de idiomas!
29 marzo 2023 14:58
Los profesores en Ele Aleph, ¡son los mejores! Es una escuela muy divertida y puedes aprender mucho en un tiempo breve. Las clases son interesantes y hay una gran variedad de actividades para cualquier tipo de estudiante!

The teachers at Ele Aleph are the best! The school is super fun and you can learn a lot in a short amount of time. The classes are interesting and there are a variety of activities for any kind of learner!
17 febrero 2023 2:30
Avevo studiato in precedenza le basi della grammatica spagnola tra università, corsi sporadici ed Erasmus, ma mi mancava un approccio didattico professionale. Volevo ottenere il DELE, era uno degli obiettivi della mia to do list e grazie ad un corso di 3 mesi ci sono riuscita yeeeee
Una delle parti più complicata è la documentazione che viene richiesta per la certificazione ed i ragazzi della scuola sono stati carinissimi, sempre a disposizione, anzi pure troppo, li ho stressati con mille domande e mille dubbi.
Senza dubbio è LA scuola di idioma per eccellenza, la consiglio a tutti!

Había estudiado previamente algo de gramática española entre universidad, cursos esporádicos y Erasmus, pero carecía de un enfoque didáctico profesional. Quería obtener el DELE, era uno de los objetivos de mi "to do list" y gracias a un curso de 3 meses lo logré vamosssss!
Una de las partes más complicadas es la documentación que se requiere para la certificación y los chicos de la escuela han sido muy agradables, siempre a disposición, incluso demasiado, los he estresado con mil preguntas y mil dudas.
Sin duda es LA escuela de idiomas por excelencia,
¡Totalmente recomendable!
15 febrero 2023 11:00
I bought a 28 week course in one go and paid for it in full. The first time I contacted the school 15 days in advance saying that I would be late because I bought my ticket late, the school agreed but surprisingly still ended up deducting 2 weeks of the course even though I contacted 15 days in advance, still deducting it and saying that it was impossible for me to change the time, but at the time it was all agreed but the words were not kept. The second time was when I had to have an operation due to an accident, I provided a medical certificate and also 2 weeks of hours were deducted because I did not give 15 days notice, but this was after all an accident and the school administration lacked empathy. Eventually when I finally recovered and was able to attend classes, I was forced to sign an acknowledgement before resuming classes stating the end date and that I could only continue with classes if I signed this agreement, which I eventually did, but then I suddenly had a two week holiday at Christmas, so another two weeks of hours were lost. All in all, I only ended up with 22 weeks of classes. Also, the school was very slow to respond to emails and shirked its responsibilities by hiring irresponsible teachers. However, there are two teachers that I think are very good, Pablo and Rose, and I really like both of them, but the management of the school is really poor, so this school is only suitable for low level or short term study, for high level study I would expect you to go to a more formal public language centre where everything would be more organised. Finally, I would caution you against paying a lump sum or buying many courses at once - these are pitfalls. International students should avoid it even more and not use it as a reason to apply for a student visa.
15 febrero 2023 5:37
Ele aleph es una academia de idiomas para extranjeros, en pleno centro ciudad, pero lo que más quiero destacar es la amabilidad y profesionalidad de todos los profesores.
Se adaptan a tu manera de ser y de aprender, te escuchan y te hacen sentir como en casa aunque estés a varios kilómetros de tu hogar.
He hecho un curso de larga instancia para mejorar mi nivel, me han retado a diario con desafíos lingüístico y consejos para expandir mi vocabulario.
Vamos matrícula de honor en todos los sentidos
31 enero 2023 11:52
Anteriormente había estudiado los fundamentos de la gramática española entre universidades, cursos esporádicos y Erasmus, pero me faltaba un enfoque docente profesional. Quería sacarme el DELE, era uno de los objetivos en mi lista de cosas por hacer y gracias a un curso de 3 meses lo logré jejeje
Una de las partes más complicadas es la documentación requerida para la certificación y los niños del colegio fueron muy amables, siempre disponibles, o mejor dicho demasiado, los estresé con mil preguntas y mil dudas.
Sin duda es LA escuela de idiomas por excelencia, ¡se la recomiendo a todo el mundo!

Anteriormente había estudiado algo de gramática española en la universidad, cursos deportivos y Erasmus, pero carecía de una orientación profesional docente. Quería sacar el DELE, era uno de los objetivos de mi "lista de tareas pendientes" y gracias a un curso de 3 meses ¡lo conseguiremos!
Una de las partes más complicadas es la documentación que se requiere para la certificación y los niños del colegio son muy agradables, siempre a su disposición, aunque lo deseen, se estresan con mil preguntas y mil dudas.
Sin duda es LA escuela de idiomas por excelencia,
¡Totalmente recomendable!
29 enero 2023 12:57
A wonderful place to learn Spanish and make friends from various parts of the world. The school itself is quite small, but it still offers you courses on various levels and with different number of classes. And for the best price in Valencia. It is also situated in the city centre, so a short walk from cafes and landmarks e.g. Botanic Gardens. I especially want to thank Rozer for her enthusiasm, engagement and sense of humour. The best teacher of Spanish!
I hope to come to this place again.
16 enero 2023 13:12
If you’re looking to work on your spanish, look no further! I loved my time at Ele Aleph so much. I met so many amazing people, all my teachers were so caring and fun and I learned so much! I came in not being able to speak any spanish and I can now converse with people and I couldn’t be happier! Best school ever! I will miss it
04 enero 2023 0:48
This is one of the best language schools I have ever attended. They make you feel very welcome and there were always fun group activities to help you practice your language skills, including a weekly intercambio at a great pizza place! I took a few weeks of group Spanish classes with Luis, and I am so happy I did. I highly recommend Ele Aleph.
20 diciembre 2022 13:28
Great school. I took an 80h course (4 weeks) with Ele Aleph and I couldn’t have been more satisfied. My classes were interesting and both teachers I had (Pablo and Juan) were engaging, enthusiastic and genuinely nice. All the administrative help from Ismael was great as well - all communication was clear and courteous. I also really appreciated that my classes were always at the same time which allowed me to plan my time effectively. All in all, great experience which I hope I will be able to repeat in the future!
03 diciembre 2022 21:14
Best Academy. Best teachers. They care about consolidating content and not just passing the level if you are not prepared.
30 noviembre 2022 21:11
Wow, such a positive experience! I had the pleasure to do the intensive 4 hours a day course with Roser for 5 weeks, and time just flew by so fast! My Spanish improved like crazy, and Roser’s energy was just amazing. I was happy to go to school every morning. Professional but also so fun and loving. The other students in the class were lovely. And the prices they offer are the cheapest I’ve ever seen in Spain, especially if you apply for the special offer. Sending lots of kisses!
18 noviembre 2022 16:29
Sadly, After 11 months I have just finished a year of study at ele aleph - I moved to Spain with my Spanish wife with zero knowledge of Spanish…. I could only say ‘Una Cerveza’ and I was not even pronouncing the word properly!

After 11 months of study I just completed a whole interview in Spanish, I have been offered a job and I am about to start a new career here in Valencia…. And I couldn’t have done it without the team at the academy, especially my profe and now a great friend - Señor Juan.

Juan not only has a great command of the language but he also has a great skill in transmitting it to his students while also creating a fun and welcoming environment.

I am leaving with lots of friends and great memories……Os echaré de menos ele aleph!
12 noviembre 2022 3:38
I am a mature student living near Valencia and enrolled in ELE ALEPH with the aim of improving my Spanish sufficiently to be able to start a Masters in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
I have really enjoyed my time at ELE ALEPH. They found the right level for me, which was challenging without being overwhelming. Unlike other schools that I have attended, some considerably more expensive, the atmosphere is very family oriented and welcoming. My teacher Dani was brilliant and managed to teach Spanish excellently even with a mask on through the Pandemic.
The school is run very efficiently by Ishmael and Inma who are always willing to help and listen.
By now you have probably realised that I loved my time at ELE ALEPH and cannot recommend it enough.
10 septiembre 2022 12:36
ELE Aleph is a real gem! I had an absolutely amazing stay in Valencia and attending this school had a lot to do with it. I had originally booked courses there for a month and planned on travelling elsewhere in Spain afterwards. Instead, I decided to stay an additional month and a half. Everyone at the school was so welcoming, the Professors were incredible, the other students (from all backgrounds) were great too and I learned a lot, while having a lot of fun at the same time. I easily give my highest recommendation for ELE Aleph:). I hope myself to be back one day!
01 septiembre 2022 3:40
Pasaba 4 semanas en la escuela de idiomas ELE ALEPH y fue una muy buen experiencia. Reservé todo muy espontáneamente y todo el equipo de la escuela fue muy servicial y amable. Tuve clases particulares y en grupo y pude mejorar mucho mi español durante mi estancia en Valencia. Todo estuvo muy bien organizado y sin complicaciones. Definitivamente recomendaría esta escuela. ¡Gracias!

Spent 4 weeks at ELE ALEPH language school and had a really great experience. I booked everything very spontaneously and everyone was extremely helpful and friendly. I had private and group classes and could improve my Spanish a lot during my stay in Valencia. Everything was very well-organized and uncomplicated. Would definitely recommend this school. Thanks!
21 agosto 2022 16:08
Great school to improve your spanish. Ismael and Inma were super helpful and Juan was a great and fun teacher. Loved it, and highly recommend it!
05 agosto 2022 23:03
Efficient school.efficient scheduling, processing and professional.spent a week doing private lessons.recommend.
31 julio 2022 23:11
I spent two weeks at the school, four hours per day, and it was an absolutely fantastic experience. The team at ELE Aleph was such a pleasure to work with, from start to finish! Here are some of the highlights that I experienced:

1. They have a good website that was very clear, and the entrance test was very helpful to ensure that I was placed in an appropriate class - I found the level of instruction was just about right for me - challenging but not overwhelming at all.

2. The teachers were so enthusiastic and friendly, and the curriculum was a great mixture of a textbook with exercises, and a lot of in class games, exercises and a variety of other techniques. I had been worried that four hours a day would become boring or overwhelming, and instead I was surprised at how fast the time went.

3. Each day, the Intensive+ class was 2 hours in the morning, from 10-12 AM, then a break for 30 minutes (to get a quick lunch), then continuing from 12: 30 to 2 PM. It felt like an ideal amount to really immerse ourselves in Spanish, but wasn't exhausting.

4. The immersion level was very good - virtually no English was spoken during the entire two weeks, and it really got me thinking, talking and listening in Spanish, without any internal "translation" happening.

5. Finally, a shout-out to Miriam, Juan and especially Daniel, our instructors for the time I was there. They each had their own individual style, but all of them were super helpful and encouraging, and kept the games and exercises really fun and interesting, while keeping us moving forward in absorbing the new material.

Overall, this far exceeded my expectations - I had been taking Spanish here in the US for about two years, with 1.5 hours/week and homework, but this 40 hours of instruction in just two weeks really moved my level of Spanish way up. I met a number of local Valencianos and made some wonderful new friends, entirely using the Spanish I had available - one hour conversations were no problem!

I really can't imagine a better experience, and am already planning another trip to continue my studies - and Valencia is a wonderful city to enjoy it in - lots of food, music, theater and other culture, but not as crowded as Barcelona.
11 abril 2022 14:50
A fantastic Language school!

I was an absolute beginner and the teachers were able to teach me SO much in a relatively shot space of time.
There were different classes and classrooms depending on students ability, so no one ever feels the pace of learning is too slow or too fast. I felt the school really tailored my classes to suit my needs.

Above that all the teachers and staff are super friendly and went above and beyond and have created a lovely learning environment!

I highly recommend this school, don't hesitate to get in touch with them!
29 marzo 2022 5:03
Tuve la maravillosa oportunidad de estudiar español en ele aleph durante casi 3 meses. La escuela está muy bien ubicada, limpia, ordenada y el personal es super amable. Me sentí bienvenida todo el tiempo. Sin duda aprendí mucho, perdí la vergüenza y salí de la escuela mucho mejor que cuando llegué. Lo recomiendo mucho. Me gustaría destacar el cariño, la empatía, la energía y la entrega de Roser, quien fue mi maestra en ese momento. ¡increíble! Quiero volver lo antes posible.muchas gracias, he aleph!
24 marzo 2022 21:28
¿Estás buscando una escuela de idiomas donde puedes aprender muchísimo con profesores altamente cualificados, mejorar tu español mientras estás conociendo la cultura hispana y al mismo tiempo quieres divertirte? Tengo buenas noticias para ti, la encontraste! Además de todo lo mencionado te encontrarás en un ambiente agradable en ELE Aleph, con gente abierta a soluciones - como Inma e Ismael quienes siempre te saludarán con una sonrisa amistosa, y profesores muy dedicados a la enseñanza utilizando varios métodos de aprendizaje- en mi caso Juan. Sinceramente, no puedo enfatizar suficiente que tan feliz estoy de estudiar aquí! Estoy seguro que tú también encontrarás un montón de valor en ELE Aleph mientras mejoras tu español sin parar en tu segundo hogar valenciano.

(English version)
Are you looking for a language school where you can learn a lot with highly qualified teachers, improve your Spanish while getting to know the culture better, and also having fun? I have great news for you, you have found it! Besides all the above mentioned you will find yourself at a friendly atmosphere at ELE Aleph, with people open to solutions- like Inma and Ismael who will always greet you with a friendly smile- and with teachers very much dedicated to teaching utilizing various learning methods- in my case Juan. I honestly cannot emphasize enough how happy I am to be studying here! I am sure you will also find a lot of value in ELE Aleph while constantly improving your Spanish at your second valencian home.
22 marzo 2022 22:56
Love this place so much. You will not find better value classes in Valencia than their 10 hours a week programme and the classes are excellent! Small groups, lovely teachers, super friendly and helpful staff. Looking forward to coming back later this month!
17 marzo 2022 1:15
Sin duda, una de las mejores elecciones que he hecho. Pasé 7 semanas en la escuela y me ayudó mucho a mejorar mis habilidades lingüísticas. Definitivamente recomendado!
24 febrero 2022 17:44
As a language teacher myself, I have high expectations and I cannot praise the ELE ALEPH Spanish school enough! I thank my lucky stars that I chose their centrally located school which is really easy to get to, because every day I go in the building I feel so great, welcomed with smiles by the super friendly and caring Inma and Ismael who bend over backwards to offer their students what they want. My teachers, Miriam and Luis are perfect as they have a terrific pedagogy and know just how much to challenge their students to get the best result. They got me speaking Spanish and I noticed my level shoot up within two weeks! I have been learning Spanish with an online app for a year but in these two weeks I have learnt ten times more and have activated my speaking and have massively improved my listening. I feel so much secure and confident now and that is why I am going to stay on taking classes as much as possible because I am convinced that the team know exactly what I want and what I need and with their support and guidance, I am going to come out of this interesting journey with a diploma. This is not just a school, it is a whole learning experience and I would definitely recommend studying here! 10/10 muchas gracias a todos.
05 febrero 2022 9:59
Fantastic school in the centre of Valencia! Teachers and management are amazing! They always go the extra mile to ensure that you are being taken care of and enjoying your Spanish learning experience. I love the school and my time there. I recommend it highly:) ¡Muchas gracias!
12 enero 2022 9:10
There are two kinds of teachers in this world. The ones who teach because they’re on some kind of power trip and the ones who teach because they genuinely care. Luis is one of those who really loves his job and genuinely cares about his students. I had the pleasure of being one of his students this year. He’s engaging and he makes class so much fun. He’s super intelligent and interesting, being in his class was truly a joy! He’s just an all around awesome teacher, I learned so much! If you’re looking to learn Spanish, definitely go to Ele Aleph for Luis, he’s 5 stars all the way!
10 diciembre 2021 2:57
From our first contact by email we always received timely and informative responses from ELE ALEPH school. This set high expectations for our 4 week course, and they exceeded what we expected. The quality of instruction took into account the learning styles and needs of each student in the small class. The classes was comprised of diverse students from different cultures which added to the interest of class discussions (always in Spanish). Pablo was exceptional at making each student feel comfortable and confident to push their limits for growth. He is extremely knowledgeable about language, grammar and common usage. His complete explanations of the grammatical mechanics and vocabulary were tailored to the the levels of the students. The AULA textbook series was easy to follow and augmented the quality instruction. I hope to return to ELE ALEPH to continue learning and improving my Spanish ability. We whole-heartedly recommend this school to anyone.
10 noviembre 2021 16:26
I am super happy with ELE ALEPH language school. I am already an advanced spanish speaker (C1) but i could still learn a lot. I went to a curso intensivo and had a lot of private lessons. The teachers are very motivated and help you with all the questions you have and support you in improving your spanish with modern teaching skills. I recomend everyone going there.
01 noviembre 2021 5:40
I had a great experience at ELE ALEPH. I found a very friendly environment and excellent teaching. Thanks to the School, I was able to prepare and pass the DELE examination in few weeks. I would definitely recommend the whole staff to anyone interested in learning and improving her/his knowledge of the Spanish language.
14 octubre 2021 3:03
I had had Spanish in high school, so there was a tiny foundation on which to build, but that was over 55 years ago! To prepare to meet the family of my new daughter-in-law, I signed on for three weeks of intensive lessons. The administration, the teachers, even my classmates-all were fabulously congenial, intelligent, and fun. My Spanish soared in three short weeks! Of course I am still a beginner-speaker of Spanish, but my reading and writing really accelerated, and I felt myself able to make my way around Valencia in normal everyday conversations. I highly recommend this school-they have created a perfect learning experience with happy, cheerful people who truly love their work.
13 octubre 2021 8:48
I'm really happy with the language school. Very good and quick communication. They're very flexible in their timetable and the teachers are all very nice. Very recommendable!
03 julio 2021 3:07
I highly recommend this school. Central located with friendly staff, classes are small and they are flexible with students individual needs.
Teachers and the lessons are fun and you really get a lot out of the each lesson.
My teacher, Luis, was excellent and made sure that everyone engage and enjoy each class.
13 junio 2021 20:10
Si todavía dudas si merece la pena apuntarse a uno de los cursos que ofrece ELE ALEPH, ¡¡te digo que SÍ! Lo que te propone la escuela no es solamente un aprendizaje interesante y divertido sino también un tiempo de mucha conversación y dinamismo que pasarás con profesores maravillosos, atentos y disponibles a tus necesidades. Además, lo que hace que las clases sean aún mas interesantes es la gran diversidad cultural. Todo esto por un precio más que justo. Te lo recomiendo sinceramente.
26 mayo 2021 10:07
Tanto los profesores como los administradores son siempre amables.
Intentan ayudarte y apoyarte todos los dias.
Las clases son muy bien estructuradas por eso me gustaria agradecer a Daniel por su dedicacion, paciencia tus ensenanzas fueron mucho màs alla del contenido del plan de cursos.
Recomiendo esta escuela a todos aquellos que quieran pasar un buen rato en Valencia.
14 abril 2021 6:23
Hi I wouldn’t even consider any more studying the fascinating Spanish language in another school than ELE Aleph. I have been following classes with Inma, Ismael and Luis during some weeks every year, this since approximately 6 years. My skills of Spanish have greatly (and easily) improved year after year, mainly thanks to their never ending enthusiasm, immense knowledge, surprising creativity, and –yes- the warm friendship they’re offering. As a great extra value, their classes also helped me a lot in order to become tourist guide in Valencia & Spain.
By the way, Valencia is a great city to spend time, there are plenty of fun and interesting things to enjoy. It is “The worlds best kept secret” according to Bernie Ecclestone. Although one can rest assured that he/she will also feel happy being back in ELE Alephs language classes. I'd say “Amen” to that.
14 marzo 2021 15:25

The teachers are very professional and the classes are very fun. Besides, all the teachers are very helpful on supporting all the issues that we face as foreigner such as on visa matters, finding a clinic or a flat, opening a bank account or getting a SIM card etc. I really feel I am part of the family studying in ELE Aleph!
01 marzo 2021 11:11
I have been a student at Ele Aleph for well over a year now and i absolutely love it.
The staff are all lovely, very helpful & accommodating when organizing your classes.
The teachers are extremely attentive and encouraging, with the classes being very student-focused rather than book-lead.
When I started classes I had barely any Spanish, thanks to them (shout out to María-Jose!) I now speak proficiently and have so much more confidence with the language and in my ability.
I regularly recommend Ele Aleph to anyone I meet looking for a Spanish language school in Valencia.
09 febrero 2021 16:39
We visited nearly all the spanish schools in Valencia and picked this one because we felt the most warmly welcomed there. Plus, the online rating was great and the price point was one of the best. We started with a month and were truly amazed by their teaching skills and how passionate the teachers were about teaching. The classes are very dynamic and the teachers makes you speak a lot, so you can be operational very fast. At the same time, they take in consideration every student and help each student progress at their own speed. We didn't know anything about spanish before and in one month, we could understand and say basics things (we had 4 hours of classes a day). We were so happy about their teaching that we stayed 10 more weeks to reach the level B1. I would recommend to finish the level B1 to speak spanish correctly. To achieve that, it would take you at least 4 months (it will depend on the speed of learning of your classroom), because they is 4 classbooks to go through (one book for A1, A2, A2-B1 and B1). We worked with the Aula books and they are really well done to my opinion, because at each new book you kind of go through all the gramatical rules you've seen in the previous book, but with additional precisions or twists. So if you jump in the middle of a class, you can catch up easily. If you study there for a long time, you will go through the gramatical many times and it makes it easier to remember with time. But the books are only guidelines, most of the times, we learned with games. Classes were about having fun and learning without noticing you are learning:) Finally, the staff and the teachers are amazing people. I just advise you to go meet them and you will figure by yourself right away:)
28 enero 2021 9:37
Ele Aleph is a great school. Everyone's down-to-earth, the classes are fun and it's good value. All the teachers do an excellent job. Hope to be back again in the future!
15 enero 2021 8:48
I have been attending Ele Aleph for the last two years and it is by far the best language school in Valencia. The classes are fun and the staff are beyond kind. You always feel comfortable and confident speaking. It's a completely judgement-free place where you can truly be yourself. It's very well priced and the intensive courses and regular classes are very beneficial.
11 enero 2021 19:30
I highly recommend language learning at ELE ALEPH, either in person or online. The teachers are knowledgeable, helpful and encouraging. A super way to learn Spanish ️
08 diciembre 2020 3:14
I’ve only spent a couple of weeks at Ele Aleph, but can 100% recommend them to anyone looking to have an enriching, fun, and authentic experience while studying Spanish. My enrolment was super easy and fast as they always replied the same day to my mails! When I then got to Ele Aleph in person, this great kind of „service" continued: the entire team is super friendly, welcomes you with a warm heart and they are always there for you for whatever you might need! (in our case they helped us to get our towed car back…)
While some students have a change of teacher every now and then, I took C1 classes with „only“ one. However, the classes I had were varied, personalized, definitely entertaining and at the same time rich of content.
In addition to this, in the past I've been to several language schools already - from smaller ones with only a couple of students to big ones with 200ish students - and I have to say that the more personal and familiar ambiance of the smaller ones, such as Ele Aleph, has always made me feel extremely comfortable - you really become part of a family in another country.

(Versión Español)
Solo he pasado un par de semanas en Ele Aleph, pero puedo recomendarlas 100% a cualquiera que busque tener una experiencia enriquecedora, divertida y auténtica mientras estudia español. Mi inscripción había sido súper fácil y rápida ya que siempre respondían el mismo día a mis correos! Cuando llegué a Ele Aleph en persona, este tipo de "servicio" continuó: todo el equipo es súper amable y siempre están ahí para lo que necesites! (en nuestro caso nos ayudaron mismo a recuperar nuestro coche remolcado…)
Mientras que algunos estudiantes cambian de profesor de vez en cuando, yo tomé clases del nivel C1 “soló” con uno. Las clases que tuvé yo fueron variadas, personalizadas, definitivamente entretenidas y al mismo tiempo ricas en contenido.
Además, he estado en varias escuelas de idiomas en el pasado - desde las más pequeñas con solo un par de estudiantes hasta las que tienen 200+ estudiantes - y tengo que decir que la forma de ambiente más personal y familiar de las que son más pequeñas, como Ele Aleph, siempre me ha hecho sentir muy a gusto. Te conviertes realmente en parte de una familia en otro país!
09 noviembre 2020 21:02
Muy buena academia. Director y profesores con mucha experiencia y muy interesados en tu aprendizaje que resulta rápido y efectivo.
30 octubre 2020 2:47
I cannot recommend Ele Aleph enough! I have been learning Spanish here for the past few weeks on an intensive course and I am so impressed. You really feel at home here as soon as you arrive. The teachers are fun, engaging and patient and best of all they can explain the tricky grammar points so clearly. I can't believe how far I've progressed in such a small amount of time and it's thanks to these guys. I will most certainly be back in the future!
04 octubre 2020 8:56
This school checks all my boxes, from my top priorities down to wouldn’t-it-be-nice.

- Phenomenal professors who teach with the perfect blend of friendliness and professionalism.
- Effective curriculum that covers grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, oral comprehension. I went from hesitant to confident within weeks.
- Structured but flexible class schedule.
- Student body with diversity across age, native language, and culture, but with one key thing in common: everyone seems happy to be in classes at this school.
- Small class size.
- Well-priced.

I highly recommend Ele Aleph Valencia.
21 enero 2020 0:16
I studied at Ele Aleph for several months leading up to my Spanish exam. The teachers really know their stuff and everybody is friendly and supportive. Overall I had a great experience, I passed the exam with their help and I will return to study for the next level if possible!
31 diciembre 2019 22:33
Literally one of the best language schools I have ever been to (after studying in different parts of Spain and France for 2 years).

The staff and teachers are always with positive attitudes making you feel comfortable and at ease. All of the professors have great senses of humor and genuinely care about teaching and having you understand and learn (not all schools have them). They have the best prices and are super honest about letting you make up classes. I have been going on and off and I couldn’t be happier I found this place. Thanks for everything guys!:)
09 diciembre 2019 6:57
I studied Spanish for 4 weeks in October 2019 at ELE Aleph and it was an amazing experience (I took 4h/day plus conversational class). The teachers are highly motivated and extremely capable. The spirit there is really good and so it was fun coming in every day. The only downside was that the time went by way to fast. I will be back for sure. Gracias guys!
01 diciembre 2019 9:07
I spent more than a year at this amazing school, and I’d absolutely recommend it to anyone looking to improve their Spanish and meet some truly wonderful people. The administrators, Ismael and Inma, are kind, professional, and great with communication. Because of them I was able to get a Visa to stay in Valencia for another year. They were nothing but clear, helpful, and organized throughout the entire process.

I started at Ele Aleph struggling with fluency, and I barely understood the B1 classes. But with the help of all of the fantastic professors, I gained tons of confidence and by the end felt at ease communicating and understanding C1/C2 classes. Each professor has their own style, but all are extremely well-trained, dynamic, welcoming, and know the importance of encouraging language learners to speak as much as possible. They offer great extra-curricular activities to learn more about Spanish and Valencian culture, including the occasional cerveza @ Luis y Guillem ;).

Os echo de menos un montón! Espero que estéis bien. Nos vemos pronto!
28 noviembre 2019 14:34
(English version below)
Ich habe 8 Wochen bei Ele Aleph Konversations-, Gruppen- und Privatstunden auf einem C1 Niveau genommen und kann diese Schule einfach nur empfehlen. Die Klassen waren sehr klein (etwa 4 Personen) und die Lehrer sind motiviert, engagiert und sehr professionell. Ich habe mich sofort willkommen gefühlt und habe mich jeden Tag auf den Unterricht gefreut, der immer interessant war und Spaß gemacht hat. Vielen Dank nochmal an alle, mein Spanisch hat sich enorm verbessert in diesen zwei Monaten, und ein besonderer Dank an María José, Dein Unterricht war wirklich klasse!
Muchos saludos y nos veremos el próximo año!:)

I took conversation, group and private lessons during 8 weeks at Ele Aleph on a C1 level and highly recommend this language school. The classes were small (around 4 people) and the teachers are motivated, dedicated and really professional. I immediately felt welcomed and every day I was looking forward to the lessons, it was always interesting and we had a lot of fun too. Thanks to everyone, my Spanish improved a lot during these two months, and a special thanks to María José, your lessons were really great!
26 octubre 2019 0:30
I studied at ELE for two weeks in late August. From the moment i arrived I was made feel very at home by the fantastic people working there. You get a real sense they are all friends both in and outside of the school. The teachers are very professional, excellent at their jobs, very friendly, and lots of fun!

The school was excellent in communicating with me by email before I had arrived and also in terms of helping me choose the right Spanish course etc. This info really helped me and also made me choose the school originally as they’ve great ratings, were very professional from the very beginning, and have a good social media presence.

There’s a nice blend of nationalities studying at the school which gives an extra flavour to the experience. The class size is quite small -roughly between 3-6 people I found - so you get a lot of attention which is what you want obviously! The school is centrally located and you can book accommodation with them also which is a big plus. Theres a nice way of life in Valencia too that compliments the experience. 5 stars!
05 octubre 2019 1:49
I studied with Ele aleph for a week and had a very positive experience. The classes were fun and interactive and the teachers seemed to be very motivated and interested into seeing their students progress. I booked the conversational classes which started at 9.00 and then my intensive class continued from 10.00 to 12.00 and 12.30 - 14.00. It was nice to be able to practise my Spanish and I'd recommend everyone to study here, even if it's for a short amount of time.
30 septiembre 2019 16:45
Amazing School.

This school is less of a school and more of a community of people with a love for languages. The teachers are genuinely concerned for your learning and create exciting and fun lessons (s/o to María Jose and Guillem.) Inma and Ishmael are very organised and kind. No question or doubt is too much for them. This school is absolutely fantastic and I couldn't recommend it more.
27 septiembre 2019 22:01
Antes de asistir a las clases de español de ELE ALEPH había estudiado en varias academias de español y puedo decir con certeza que la calidad de enseñanza aquí es otro nivel en comparación con la de otras academias. Tuve la suerte de recibir clases de la mayoría de los profesores de la academia y son geniales y muy amables todos. Gracias a toda su ayuda (sobre todo a mi profesor principal Luis) acabé sacando el DELE C1. Os la recomiendo al cien por cien!

Before going to the Spanish classes at ELE ALEPH I'd studied in varias other language academias and I can confidently say that the teaching quality here is much much better than what I've seen in other academias. I received classes from most of the teachers that work here during my stay and all of them are terrific and extremely friendly. Thanks to all the help I got there (especially from my main teacher Luis) I ended up passing the DELE C1. I can't recommend this academy enough!
18 septiembre 2019 2:02
I have taken private Spanish lessons at Ele Aleph school for the last year and I cannot recommend it highly enough. The teachers are skilled, friendly, and responsive to the varied needs of their students. They carefully select material that is at the appropriate level of challenge and interesting. I have thoroughly enjoyed each lesson and always look forward to the next one. If you are looking for a small school that offers great classes and private lesson, look no further!
17 septiembre 2019 21:12
This summer I spent about 2 and a half months taking spanish classes with ELE ALEPH. I had originally chosen the school because they were the highest rated in Valencia, and they did not disappoint. The atmosphere of the school is incredibly welcoming. From the first day I felt very comfortable and always looked forward to my classes. During the 2 and a half months, I took private classes and a group class. In the group class I was able to learn things I just wasn’t able to on my own, such as the past subjunctive, something I couldn’t grasp before. In the private classes, my speaking improved ten fold, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. I was able to learn about what I wanted and discuss topics that interested me. I really realized how much I had improved when I spoke Spanish with people I had known before my trip, and they were blown away. I can’t recommend this school enough, it really is very well organized and the people are all very enthusiastic and welcoming. You will not find another spanish school in Valencia like it.
26 agosto 2019 9:27
Me encanta esta escuela! La recomiendo a todos.
Llevo casi un año allí y es un placer cada vez. Siempre aprendo algo nuevo.
Los profes son muy profesionales, sympaticos, y inovadores en la manera de enseñarte.
Menciónes especiales para mis preferidos Maria-Jose y Luis que me soportan desde el principio gracias por vuestra paciencia.
Pero realmente todos los profes son talentosos.
Y sin olvidar Inma y Ismael que organizan lo todo a la perfección, que te acogen siempre con una sonrisa y un trato personalizado, que te hacen sentirte comodo y bienvenido.
22 agosto 2019 20:07
If you are interested in learning Spanish, this is the right place to be! I was studying there for only two months and my Spanish vastly improved thanks to the amazing teachers! If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask because the staff is incredibly helpful and kind! It's a 10/10 in my book:)!
15 agosto 2019 15:18
This is a really lovely school, very professional and high quality teachers but also super flexible with the timetable. My Spanish has improved a lot and everyone at Ele Aleph is always incredibly encouraging and positive. Most of all it is a truly personal service, the teachers and administration really care about every student and their life in Valencia, and will help with anything they can. Highly recommended!

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