03 julio 2023 8:42
We bought a boat from them and it was really good experience. Sara helps us in every step and she answers every call in minutes. Thank you.
08 mayo 2023 17:57
Desastre absoluto. Gente sin vergüenza. Estafas y mentiras son la especialidad de la casa. Hay otros brokers en Valencia mucho más honestos.
08 mayo 2023 7:43
Attention: arnaque! Je déconseille European Yacht Brokers. Cette société doit de l’argent à certains de ses clients, ment sur le prix négocié des bateaux qui lui sont confiés à la vente, et ne paie pas ce qu’elle doit. Et ce, en dépit de documents écrits et portant le cachet de l’entreprise. Cette personne - la responsable - ne fait même pas honneur à sa signature. Sa place n’est certainement pas dans un port de plaisance… Et le vol est un délit aux États Unis, comme dans tous les pays du monde, sauf à Valencia visiblement!
28 abril 2023 22:40
Estafas y mentiras. No te fies de esa gentuza. Perderás tu tiempo y tu dinero. ¿ A cuantos deben dinero?
05 diciembre 2022 1:29
Son unos profesionales muy competentes, con un trato cercano, con bastante experiencia, con acceso a cartera de clientes internacionales muy importante, y la posibilidad de comunicarse en muchos idiomas, considero un acierto haber confiado en ellos para la venta del barco.
01 octubre 2022 7:09
I definitely do not recommend it. They don't want to show the documents from the boat. They don't want to help the client, they don't answer questions. I couldn't find a worse broker.
29 agosto 2022 8:47
Beware of this couple (husband and wife) pretending to be a large professional company, but they are not. They live in Spain but you have to send money to England to avoid taxes. I reported them to the right place because I suspect that they are trying to sell boats for which they are not allowed.
29 agosto 2022 5:46
Nie polecam współpracy z tymi ludźmi, udają miłych ale tak nie jest, przy zadawaniu pytań oburzają się, unikają odpowiedzi, nie trać na nich czasu. ENGLISH: I do not recommend working with these people, they pretend to be nice but it is not, they get angry when you ask questions, they avoid answers, don't waste your time on them.
12 julio 2021 8:17
Mucho cuidado con estos profesionales del engaño!
Especialmente con los extranjeros, conozco varios casos de auténticos timos.
22 diciembre 2020 3:11
We purchased a boat in Italy through NYB Valencia.

Whilst Sara was acting as the seller's agent, she nonetheless provided us with an enormous amount of assistance with the considerable formalities and paperwork involved in the complicated and nerve-wracking process of buying a boat abroad. She also provided us with a large amount of after-sales assistance, such as helping us to source a very professional mechanic (thank you Mauro!) who prepared the boat's systems for the 3,000 mile trip home from Monfalcone to Dublin.

Sara also assisted us in arranging the formalities of de-registering the boat from the registry in British Virgin Islands to allow us to re-register the boat under an Irish flag once we arrived safely back home.

I would therefore highly recommend Sara Mattey and this brokerage's services.
08 octubre 2020 16:37
I purchased a boat through Network Yacht Brokers and it has been a fantastic experience. Sara has made sure that I was well informed throughout the process. She has been very honest about the condition of the various boats before any viewing took place to ensure there were no surprises or disappointments. Sara was with me through every step of the purchase and registration process and continues to help me coordinate for the future needs of the boat. As a first time boat buyer who was buying in a country that was not my home country I don’t think I could have chosen a better broker to work with. I highly recommend Network Yacht Brokers.
07 octubre 2020 15:00
This is the first boat I’ve purchased and I couldn’t be happier with the whole procedure. Sara was extremely helpful with the paper work, and Peter was very pro-active in his negotiating skills and helped me find the right boat. I highly recommend this brokerage to any and all. Thanks again to the team.
11 febrero 2020 1:39
Une très bonne équipe! J'ai acheté un voilier, Elle a tout organisé! Rencontre, avec le propriétaire, taxi, expertise, vente,
Elle parle Anglais, Français, et Libanais, Italien
Bref, Elle est parfaite pour mener une négociation et arranger les deux parties.
Elle s'appelle Sarah El Chaar, Mattey
Une personne digne de confiance, pour les navigateurs de tout ordre
Merci Sara
29 diciembre 2019 3:01
I was very pleased with the work of Sara and Peter. It started with a phone call when i asked them for a boat i wanted to buy. There was trust and they kept the boat for me. The sale was very smooth and agreable. They helped me with everything. I highly recommend network yacht brokers valencia because the team
is very professional and efficient.
23 diciembre 2019 19:42
I want to recommend Network Yacht Brokers Valencia because they helped us acquire a boat we wanted to buy. It was a beautiful experience especially that Sara and Peter were always helping us and making sure everything was ok. Very professional team and they speak different languages.
01 diciembre 2019 14:56
Muy buen trato con Peter y Sara. Tienen una oferta de barcos muy interesante. Super recomendable!
25 noviembre 2019 8:35
Bonjour, j’ai eu l’occasion d’être en rapport avec Sara et Petter Mattey au cours des visites puis de l’expertise -achat d’un Wauquiez PS48 de 1997 à Valencia. Sara s’est toujours montrée extremement disponible, attentive et concernée par toutes mes interrogations concernant l’etat du bateau, les pieces administratives etc. Elle est meme venue me chercher 2 fois à l’aeroport! Petter, lui, a des connaissances techniques avancées, du charisme et la gentillesse de se déplacer et d’essayer de se faufiler plusieurs fois avec moi dans la chambre moteur -ingenierie; alors que la vente etait dejà finalisée depuis longtemps. C’est un bateau très equipé et la prise en mains de toute la technologie est relativement longue. Peter est encore très présent et je l’en remercie. Tous les deux sont polyglottes, ont le sens de l’entreprise, la disponibilité d’esprit et la reactivité, qui m’ont permis d’acquerir ce bateau. Sans eux, avec la barrière de la langue, je n’aurais jamais reussi cet achat. Ils jouent parfaitement leur rôle essentiel d’intermediaire, qu’ils font avec beaucoup de sensibilité et d’intelligence. Laissant le bateau sur place, nous avons le grand plaisir, ma femme et moi de continuer à nous voir et partager ce centre d’interet commun. Nous leur souhaitons une grande reussite professionnelle! Eric et Stephanie Carlier
26 octubre 2019 7:13
We were delighted with the results after asking Network Yacht Brokers Valencia to sell our boat. Peter and Sara managed to find a good buyer in 3 days and the sale proceeded quickly to completion. Their work ethic is second to none.
31 julio 2019 1:00
Très bonne adresse, professionnels compétents et sérieux parlant plusieurs langues
lors d'un problème récent sur mon bateau, concernant une pièce détachée
j'ai été très bien conseillé et le problème a été rapidement résolu et au meilleur coût.
A recommander
09 julio 2019 19:47
Io ed il mio fidanzato eravamo alla ricerca della nostra prima barca, stavamo cercando qualcosa di affidabile, in buone condizioni e che rientrasse nel nostro budget. Abbiamo trovato Network Yacht Brokers Valencia navigando in internet e non potremmo essere più soddisfatti dell’esperienza. La persona che ci ha aiutato a scegliere la nostra barca dei sogni è stata utilissima, parlava italiano ed inglese, cosa che non ci saremmo mai aspettati e soprattutto poco comune nella maggior parte delle agenzie spagnole nelle quali è complicato incontrare personale che parli inglese, il che è un problema quando ci si trova di fronte a una decisione come l’acquisto di una barca. Alla fine abbiamo acquistato una piccola ma fantastica barca e sicuramente, qualora decidessimo comprarne un’altra ci affideremo a Network. Altamente raccomandato!

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