29 enero 2024 18:35
Coche alquilado durante 9 días con seguro a todo riesgo por 200 PLN adicionales. Durante este período conduje 2.000 km. kilómetros. El coche está casi nuevo, sólo 10.000. kilometraje, 0 estrés al adelantar, muy buen servicio. Cuando leo opiniones negativas sobre "estafadores", inmediatamente veo que el inquilino lamentó los 200 PLN adicionales por el seguro a todo riesgo. Un día en España basta para darse cuenta de que el 90% de los coches tienen daños en la carrocería. Queridos compatriotas, los españoles tienen ese temperamento y conducen y "cuidan" sus coches. Compatriotas, ¿por qué midéis a todos según vuestros propios estándares?
28 enero 2024 17:27
Venta de seguros muy grosera y agresiva por parte de Mario Vicente, al llegar al aeropuerto de Alicante sintió que no quería atenderme! Ninguna sonrisa durante todo el proceso.
Muy buen auto sin problemas.
A su regreso, Alexis fue muy amable y servicial.
27 enero 2024 2:44
Coche fácil de reservar, muy fácil de recoger con Key and Go, coche excelente. ¡Mi empresa de alquiler de coches favorita!
26 enero 2024 8:40
Muy sencillo, sin complicaciones, muy contento con Goldcar, definitivamente los usaré nuevamente
24 enero 2024 4:09
Aunque muchos han tenido una mala experiencia con Goldcar, somos clientes satisfechos desde hace 7 años
23 diciembre 2023 0:09
Recogí el coche de alquiler para la semana desde Alicante reservado a través de doyouspain. Mario me dijo en el mostrador que mis propios daños por colisión tomados por separado no me cubrirían por avería del coche de alquiler y que el seguro básico no me cubría si el coche se cancelaba, yo sería responsable del coste del coche. Me presionaron para comprar seguros que no quería ni necesitaba. Evitar.
21 diciembre 2023 21:13
Alquilamos un Ford de Goldcar en el aeropuerto de Alicante del 19 al 23 de diciembre y se adaptaba bien a las necesidades de nuestra familia. La política de combustible es de pago por adelantado, pero te lo reembolsan si devuelves el coche lleno de combustible. Puedo confirmar que recibí el reembolso el 28 de diciembre de 2023.

El lugar de recogida de automóviles está convenientemente cerca, a solo un corto paseo a través de un puente desde el nivel 1 al nivel 2, donde también hay un mostrador de servicio. Reservamos dos sillas de coche para niños, que se recogen fácilmente en el mismo lugar.

La verificación de rayones fue sencilla: están enumerados en una hoja para su verificación. Como teníamos seguro, no necesitábamos pagar un depósito ni pasar por este proceso, lo que agilizó las cosas. Simplemente nos dijeron que nos fuéramos porque el coche estaba totalmente asegurado.

En general, una experiencia sin complicaciones con Goldcar.
12 octubre 2023 8:40
No devuelven el depósito de gasolina. La denuncia dura meses y no sale nada. ¡¡¡Todavía se quedan con mis 119 euros! No ayuda….
09 octubre 2023 10:45
Muy muy mal servicio pagamos y nos volvieron a alquilar el auto porque se retrasó el vuelo! Estafadores!
04 octubre 2023 14:47
Escuché pesadillas sobre este lugar, pero si usas la opción Key & Go, no me pareció tan malo.
Sólo una advertencia, un par de horas más tarde, mi pareja, que alquiló el coche, recibió un correo electrónico de Goldcar indicándole que le facturaríamos por una limpieza profunda. Mi pareja alquila coches unas 8 o 9 veces al año en el mismo lugar y siempre limpia el interior del coche con un paño húmedo. Ha utilizado Centauro, Record, etc, ¡sin ningún problema! Goldcar, pensamos en darte una oportunidad. ¡Nunca más! ¡¡Impactante!
01 octubre 2023 22:51
Nunca alquiles un coche en Goldcar porque alquilamos un coche y obtuvimos la llave sin que nadie estuviera presente para la entrega. Pero como habíamos pagado el deducible, ¡pensamos que estábamos “seguros”! ¡Pero cuando lo devuelven, ven una mancha en el asiento trasero a pesar de que nadie se ha sentado allí! ¡Cobran 167 € de gastos de limpieza! ¡¡Estafadores! Probablemente les cobren a todos por esa mancha! ¡¡Afortunadamente, hay otras empresas de alquiler de coches a las que puedo acudir a partir de ahora! Goldcar NUNCA MÁS!
27 agosto 2023 0:33
Reservamos un 2008 y obtuvimos un Kia en su lugar.
Más pequeño pero de la misma categoría según goldcar

Por lo demás, todo salió de acuerdo con las reglas sin suplemento en comparación con el precio de salida.
28 enero 2022 11:37
Paid as much for 2 days hire as i have paid for one week in the past.key and go was hassle from down loading licence and passport pics to picking up key at the airport, still had to go and see a representative at the desk.
18 enero 2022 2:53
Lady at the desk was pushy, manipulative and even straight up rude, when trying to make me take some extra insurance i didn’t want as I already had one from doyouspain website. She definitely didn’t know what tone is appropriate when speaking with people she doesn’t know not even mentioning the customers of hers. I felt she was trying to threaten me that if something happens with the car and another car is not involved, then one may assume I was drunk. It was offensive to me as I would have drunk drive. I was confused with that situation and not really knowing how to answer, then she was making me feel bad again, this time, talking to me as if my English was really poor, so she had to speak really slowly and simply. I ve spent 5 years living in the English speaking countries, still use English every day and I would never think I am bad at this language, yet she thought differently. She must be a sad person, unless it was an exceptionally bad day for her.

Whole thing took some time and we’ve spend 2 hours in total at the pick up. We had to search the parking for another car, as the first one was not full of petrol. Although it could have been an honest mistake, it felt as if someone was trying to scam us, having this previous experience with the lady at the desk and seeing another 3 situations, where customers of this company were clearly not treated well. Whole thing was stressing me out for the rest of my holidays as I was expecting they will be trying to make me pay for something i am not responsible for. Eventually, responsibility for the bad experience was only on this one lady, as the rest of stuff was polite and professional, but still, I would not recommend this company to anybody.
16 enero 2022 21:43
Jessica was so helpful and made your we understand the service we would get and the standard the car should brought back to incur no extra charges I would book again with Jessica
12 enero 2022 1:51
Really bad customer service!

I was checking out a car today at Alicante Airport and the vehicle had lots of small scratches, including on wheel alloys. Most of the damage was recorded on the check out report, but some was not.

I asked Goldcar's female staff member to add the missing damage to the report. She was uncurtious and rude and gave an impression she did not feel like getting out of the office to check and record it properly.

She refused to add some of the damage, saying that there was no need, as apparently Goldcar policy is to record only once where a given "panel" (or area) of the chassis is damaged, without specifying the number of scratches.

It does not state that on the check out report though and the contract states clearly that all damage must be properly recorded, so let's see what happens when I go back to return the car.

When I questioned that, she said that if I wanted to have peace of mind I should have purchased their full insurance. This is an outragous statement to make for a number of reasons:

- firstly, it should be up to the customer to decide whether to purchase full insurance or accept the risk. However, in no circumstances should the client have to run a risk of being charged for existing damage - the way to deal with this is to reflect any existing damage in the check out report;

- secondly, I actually do have full insurance, although with another company (not through Goldcar). But even then, I cannot see why my insurance should be paying for any damage that already exists at the time of checking the car out;

- thirdly, all I was asking for was to reflect in the contract the actual condition of the car, that is all. I cannot see how this is an unreasonable ask!

In the end I left with a feeling they either do not care, cannot be bothered, or - worse - there's some other agenda behind it. The system just seems to be set up to catch customers out (and I did get caught out before), so let's see if I get a nasty surprise when returning the car.

I used Goldcar before but stopped because the counter staff used to be aggresive and very pushy trying to sell Godcar's excess reimbursement insurance; I also I had a couple of very bad experiences with Goldcar.

However, when I booked last time, during tha pandemic (when this business got really quiet), their customer service got a bit better, the insurance peddling stopped and the staff were friendlier and more helpful.

Sadly, it appears that as we come out of the pandemic and the business starts again, Goldcar seem to be back to their old ways.

I will certainly think twice before booking with Godlcar again, becuase I just think that there are other rental companies at Alicante Airport that do a much better job!
09 enero 2022 8:58
One star is too good for this scamming company. Hired a car from Goldcar at Alicante Airport in September 2021 through Doyouspain. First they wouldn't give me the group car I ordered and blamed the fact I'd booked through Doyouspain. Never had an issue before. Then when I returned the car they claimed I'd damaged the car even though I know I definitely hadn't. The car was pitted with damage, I had even returned to the office before leaving the hire car park pointing out several areas of damage not noted on their paper work. They didn't register them all and then charged my credit card €200+ when I returned it. I tried to explain via email but they won't respond. They pictures I took of the damage clearly shows it's historic damage as the whole front spoiler was damaged from one side to the other but they only pointed out one area that was marked on the booking out sheet. Wonder how many people before and after me will also be paying for 'a repair ' to this damage. People beware of GOLDCAR and this SCAM
06 enero 2022 18:36
The worse hire company I have ever used. Extremely rude staff.badly damaged vehicles, not interested in unrecorded damage and over inflate the cost of hire.avoid at all costs
05 enero 2022 20:38
Sois lo peor como alquiler de coches. Pongo una estrella porque no hay sin estrella.
27 diciembre 2021 12:13
Je pensais qu'ils étaient sérieux mais je viens d'avoir une très mauvaise expérience avec eux en rendant la voiture de nuit au bureau fermé et qui me signale de nombreux nouveaux "dommages" (7 griffes!). Elle n'avait strictement rien de plus qu'à la prise en charge mais je dois préciser que je suis retourné au bureau lors du check-in pour montrer de nombreuses griffes superficielles. La préposée (très désagréable et hautaine) m'a dit qu'elle m'envoyait les nouvelles remarques par mail car elle n'avait pas le temps maintenant car plusieurs autres personnes attendaient. Je lui ai fait confiance à tord puisque une partie des nouvelles griffes faisaient partie de mon constat mais je me répète certaines étaient tellement superficielle et difficiles à voir que je suis peut-être passé à côté de l'une ou l'autre. Je dois quand même souligner que je suis un habitué de ces locations et que je suis très attentifs au check-in mais dans le cas présent, le parking est très sombre et le véhicule loué était d'une couleur où les griffes étaient très difficilement détectables. Ils font d'ailleurs leurs ckeck-out la lampe de poche intégrée à leur tablette. Plusieurs de mes amis ont connu aussi des déboires avec cette société et pour les mêmes raisons. Le pire est qu'ils me réclament 900 € pour des réparations qu'ils n'effectuent jamais et de cette manière ils peuvent se rattraper pour compenser la crise. Lamentable et je ne passerai plus par chez eux. L'accueil est par ailleurs des plus froid et antipathique! Voir en attaché les phots des nouvelle griffes.j'attire votre attention sur la dernière photo qui montre la calendre avant (où l'on ne voit rien) alors que sur le constat renseigne une griffe sur le capot! J'ai contesté mais ils n'ont pas pris la peine de me répondre par contre, ils n'ont pas omis de me débiter ma Visa!
15 diciembre 2021 17:19
Very good company, had problems before with others companies so I was a little worried but everything was just perfect, very professional, I rightly recommend
15 diciembre 2021 9:10
Worst customer service from this company for a long time very Rude staff don't give you cars that actually don't have mechanical faults and hubcaps missing from it I am truly disgusted with goldcar
20 noviembre 2021 8:27
The worst car rental nightmare. I have never had such a bad experience renting a car. They steal from you as much as they can. A car which was supposed to be cheaper than renting in any other company in the end was at least twice more expensive. Not only the hidden prices of extra insurances which you’re forced to pay, and deposit for fuel which I’ll most likely never see again, but also really arrogant people. I wouldn’t ever recommend it to anyone. HORRIBLE
16 noviembre 2021 8:46
We rented a car for a week. Flat tire, but this was resolved quickly and professionally. From reservation, to collection and return, a pleasant experience. As with any rental company, it is worthwhile to include a number of extras to enjoy your rental car carefree.
01 noviembre 2021 5:15
Will always use Goldcar never had a bad experience quick service, friendly staff nothing to much trouble and very helpful
09 octubre 2021 2:43
Crooks! You buy a valid insurance via an intermediary and they still try to sell you an expensive and redundant policy. Then they hand out an utterly abused, tired and dented car. Goldcar even has the audacity to claim that we damaged a car two years ago (not true!) in order to try to put pressure on us. Had to practically drag the attendant from behind the counter to verify that we indeed got handed a piece of junk car and then mark the many scratches and scuffs (see attached photo). Hope that we receive our deposit back. Shame on you Goldcar. Never again!
16 marzo 2021 9:56
Sres. Ni se les ocurra negociar con esta gente, colocan condiciones al momento del alquiler, hablan de condiciones no establecidas. Mal trato.
24 febrero 2021 3:00
Attention à vous!
Les prix annoncés ne sont pas les prix facturés une fois sur place!
Grosse déception et l'impression d'être prise pour un pigeon!
16 febrero 2021 13:48
Cuidado cuando recojeis el coche, te cambian el contracto para ganar.mas.dinero me siento estafado.
15 febrero 2021 22:42
Muy buenas palabras en el mostrador del aeropuerto de Alicante pero solo palabras. Mala experiencia. Contrato un coche 13 días y teniendo previsión de mucho kilometro pregunto cual es mi limite. Me indican que al haber contratado una opción de seguro extra no tenia ningún limite. Sorpresa. Al poco de devolver el vehículo me llega un cargo a mi tarjeta de 152€ por 380. A 40 cts/kilometro. Al habla con ellos me remiten a un correo y que ya recibiré respuesta. Una estafa en toda regla y con poco margen de actuación por mi parte. Derecho al pataleo, una hoja de reclamaciones que voy a poner ahora mismo, y por descontado hare todo el ruido que pueda a través de web, redes sociales, etc. Patético. Jamás volveré a contratar con ellos. Afortunadamente hay muchas y mas honestas empresas.
14 febrero 2021 7:46
Ruse service, hidden charges and poor standard of cars. I was informed I hadn't booked insurance even though I had with booking.com and the man on the desk was rude and aggressive.
Car had damage all over it and they take an extra deposit for fuel and charge you for a full tank up don't which is returned later unless it comes back less than full.
Overall a very unpleasant experience and one I won't be repeating.
11 febrero 2021 15:08
It is a scam! Do not use them! They will come with arbitrary charges and amounts, invented rules and laws. There are many other companies in this business that are actually honest. Avoid dealing with crooks by choosing any other rent-a-car company
04 febrero 2021 14:09
ESTAFADORES. Son unos sinvergüenzas te dicen un precio y luego cuando das la señal y vas alquilarlo te cobran 4 veces más.
23 enero 2021 9:00
Espera de 1 hora para hacer el chequin porque solo tienen 2 personas en oficina para atender, revisar bien el vehículo si no contratas el seguro todo riesgo como es mi caso, porque siempre tiene más daños de los marcados, tienen buena precios, pero poco servicio y muchas veces me han intentado engañar, soy un cliente que alquilo varios coches por el precio que tienen, pero hay que tener mucho cuidado con ellos porque intentar engañar y vender más de lo que reservas.
21 enero 2021 15:06
The WORST car rental ever.never again with Goldcar! Beware of them and choose another rental if you do not want to get ripped off. They've charged me 300 EUR after returning the car with invented/ made up damages that were not there when i returned the car (my flight was an early one so i had to leave the keys in their letterbox). Endless calls to file a claim which they did not want to open (funny that the claim feature in their website also does not work), and after more than 15 calls, they opened a incident claim.and i HAVE NOT HEARD FROM THEM EVER SINCE. I did not receive any answer (i filed it in September and it is already January). Horrible customer service, a total scam!
29 diciembre 2020 10:09
If I could give 0 stars I would. Shockingly rude staff at the counter, terrible customer service. Was pushed on to buy insurance even though already bought full cover through airline. Car had scratches everywhere, car in terrible condition. Always used RecordGo before and had no issues with them.
12 enero 2019 12:28
Goldcar rental alicante airport you are absolutely disgusting rip offs! Upon return of the hire car I was told by the assistant that all was fine and I didn't need to wait.the bloke behind the desk never signed any paperwork or anything he just said ok that's it you can go! Having got home I have now received an email saying that I'm being charged for a scratch that wasn't even there when we had the car! Be aware of this rip off company I will not be using again and won't ever recommend this company to anyone! STAY WELL CLEAR!
25 diciembre 2018 14:41
The best advice I can give you is, if you want to rent with them just take the booking online on their website and book with full cover, price will be ok (book in advance). You won't heard about them for nothing. This way no cards problems because with this formula they accept both credit AND debit cards! The car was nice clean inside. Outside as usually take the time to check it's important even if you've got full cover, we never know! An other thing to check is the fuel level. When I bring back the car I filled up the car 2km away from ALC and the tank needle was really above what you can see on this picture.
Booking with Goldcar this way is just totally stress less and very smooth.

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