04 enero 2024 14:55
Pude concertar la cita rápidamente por WhatsApp y me la dieron para muy pronto, para ese mismo día, si yo hubiera podido. La doctora dedicó todo el tiempo necesario a mi caso, me hizo muchas preguntas al respecto y me dió pautas para mejorar rápidamente. Sin duda, cuando necesite de nuevo atención rápida y de calidad, volveré a recurrir a esta clínica. He quedado muy satisfecha con mi visita.
04 enero 2024 6:14
Muy recomendado la rapidez en la atención, trato y la otorrino resolvió mi problema de sangrado de nariz. Volveré para una segunda consulta.
16 diciembre 2023 4:55
Hola fuy ala consulta del otorrino del año 2021 por una faringitis. Y las veces que fuy se negó a reconocerme y no me soluciono el problema de la faringitis
no estoy satisfecho ya que pague 85€ cada vez que iva. No vuelvo más a esa clínica hacen lo que quieren
12 septiembre 2023 9:28
Usé Medicality varias veces, la última vez 5.40,14/08. Cada vez que me han tratado con la amabilidad y el respeto.el personal de recepción es genial, y los médicos, me hacen sentir a gusto y me dan el tiempo que necesito.muchas gracias por todo
26 mayo 2023 17:43
Quiero compartir mi experiencia con este centro.
Fui a una sesión de acupuntura el anterior jueves 18 de mayo, y la verdad es que no sé qué pasó.
Pero me quedo un dolor en el pecho y en el brazo derecho que apenas podía levantarlo.
Hoy día 29 de mayo aún me dura aunque menos mal que ha ido a menos.
Llame a la clínica y me dijeron que era normal, lo cual para nada veo que sea normal.
En fin no volveré más a esta clínica, no me parece correcto.
28 abril 2023 21:58
El trato del doctor Jerusalén mejor imposible. Fuimos para una segunda opinión y agradezco muchísimo la sinceridad y la atención que ha dado a mi marido y a mí. Ha tomado su tiempo, ha sido muy atento y muy amable.
Gracias Doctor Jerusalén y equipo.
25 abril 2023 17:46
Como cantante de ópera, de repente tuve dolor de garganta el Jueves Santo y al contactar al Dr. Kunze inmediatamente consiguió una cita el Viernes Santo por la mañana y un medicamento muy útil. Por eso soy el Dr. Kunze muy agradecido! ¡Mis mejores deseos! Ks Ricarda Merbeth
05 abril 2023 14:45
Very very professional, responsive, flexible and kind Team. The Doctor opened up outside his opening hours to treat my broken foot. Would highly recommend all of the doctors!
06 marzo 2023 1:19
Equipo muy, muy profesional, receptivo, flexible y amable. El Doctor abrió fuera de su horario de apertura para tratar mi pie roto. ¡Recomendaría encarecidamente a todos los médicos!
16 febrero 2023 6:19
Llegar y besar el Santo. En menis d lo esperado tapón fuera y a seguir. Buen trato y gente muy amable. Clínica recomendable.
22 diciembre 2022 1:48
The front desk is not managed well and the reception is horrible. I asked for an appointment via email getting a response with date and time. I responded within 38 minutes that the date and time were perfect. About a week later I got another email stating my date and time again (did not respond since I already did on the first email and assumed this was just a reminder). Upon arriving at the clinic I was told my appointment was canceled since I didn't reply to the 2 emails. He was very rude and didn't believe that I replied at all. Can't say how the medical service is, but won't be trying since the front desk is not good.
23 noviembre 2022 12:04
Me dieron hora para un día y resulta que no estaba el doctor porque no habían tramitado bien la cita.
Me hicieron perder toda la tarde puesto que venía desde muy lejos.
Poca profesionalidad.
18 agosto 2022 8:32
105€ to visit a general practitioner for five minutes… just feels like a bit of a tourist ripoff.

Medicality Responce:
'Hi Jonathan. There is no record of any visits by you or your family to our clinic for the indicated amount. Nor has he wanted to give me an explanation to which query he refers, therefore I understand that it is a false review. '

This is not a false review. We called into the Clinic to avail of a doctor, and was informed the service was €105. I would admit that the time noted of 'five minutes' is an estimation of what it take to provide a diagnosis for strep throat, and we did not avail of the service due to the cost. I would invite others to review similar comments regarding this clinic to make their own opinion.

I would also advise Spanish nationals and visitors to Spain to attend the public health service ‘Centre de Salut Nàpols i Sicília’ about five minutes away. The service was excellent and free of charge, when presented with a European E111 health card.
13 agosto 2022 16:04
I have visited Medicality on two previous occasions and was satisfied with the service.
I recently requested a blood test for my wife and was advised that a consultancy of €90 would apply which would not include the blood tests. I had already advised that my wife required the test prior to cateract surgury, and that we had a prescription from the Surgeon. I was abruptly told that Medicality was a Clinic and not a test lab. I requested the name of a test lab and heard nothing further. Very disrespectful, and you have lost a good customer
07 junio 2022 5:20
Acudí a ese centro con mi madre y salimos muy contentas por el trato recibido por el doctor Bordils. Una persona muy amable y profesional. Pero por desgracia NO volveremos a pisar ese centro porque el secretario es una persona muy maleducada y grosera. Me puse en contacto con el centro porque tras recertarle el medico a mi madre un nuevo medicamento, se empezó a encontrar muy muy mal y quería hablar con él medico para saber si debía de interrumpir el tratamiento. Me atendió por whatsapp el secretario diciéndome que, (cito textualmente) " aqui en España los médicos no atienden a sus pacientes por teléfono, no se como será en Francia pero en Argelia es peor así que.ya le diré YO lo que me comuniqué el medico. " Tras contestarle que me parecía de muy mal gusto su comentario y su comportamiento (porque se puso a hablar levantado la voz y sin dejarme decir palabra) iba a ponerle una reclamación ya pidió hablar con mi madre que estaba a mi lado con la tensión muy bajita y encontrándose fatal. Le pedí que por favor tuviera la educación de bajar el tono y hablar de manera más pausado con mi madre por su estado y sencillamente mi madre le aguanto el monólogo a este señor durante mas de 10 largos minutos durante los cuales intento justificar su comentario racista.e Media horita más tarde nos llamaba el medico y todo se solucionaba en 2minjtos con una simple conversación entre dos personas educadas. Desde luego este señor no da buena imagen del centro.una lástima. Creo que es indispensable tener empatia y sobre todo EDUCACION para tratar con PACIENTES.
18 mayo 2022 4:22
Excelente atención, la Otorrino que atendió a mi esposa es una profesional de primera y los precios son buenos. Los felicito sinceramente
12 febrero 2022 21:26
Good price good service, very quick and fast covid tests.would reccomend. They speak good english and spanish:)
03 diciembre 2021 10:30
Very unsatisfied with this clinic, expensive and bad service. I got my appointment through doctoralia and wrote in the description what the appointment was about, that I wanted to take blood tests. I came to the clinic and paid 80 euros for just them sending me to another place to take the blood test and 170 euros for the blood tests, a total of 250 euros. I was told at the clinic where I did the blood tests that I should be contacted the next day or the day after that with the results. I was never contacted and two weeks later I contacted them. They first tried to make me pay for an appointment of hearing the results when I have already paid 250 euros. I complained and they say that I didn't need to pay for it. I was able to get a video consultation where the doctor didn´t show up. I contacted them and they told me he was late because of another appointment, which they didn't let me know about until after. Then I got an email with the result, which I had already tried asking for earlier, but they told me that I needed an appointment to get the results, which in the end only would be to charge me once more.
20 noviembre 2021 21:45
Getting Covid antigen test was super easy. I made an appointment via WhatsApp a day before and was in and out of the office within 15 minutes.
27 octubre 2021 4:02
Very professional and efficient staff. Both the receptionist and the doctor spoke english and were overall kind and accommodating. I came for a covid antigenic test. Fair price and good service.
14 julio 2021 16:21
Cita con Dr. Michael Platz, me ha explicado con todo lujo de detalle mi problema y las posibles soluciones. Trato muy profesional.
07 marzo 2021 4:14
Very good service. Went here for a CoVid PCR test for traveling abroad. Had the test Tuesday evening, received the results via email early Thursday morning. Appointment was on time, no waiting around. All staff were friendly and courteous, and spoke good English (as I am only learning Spanish and am still basic level).
Convenient location, near El Corte Ingles Colon, hence near Colon metro.
24 enero 2021 9:55
MY 5-star rating is specifically for Lisa Salem, the Australian physiotherapist. I was suffering from painful tendonitis that radiated up and down my arm. I've been waiting for months to get help with this through public health. During my first visit Lisa worked my hand, arm and shoulder so thoroughly that I regained the use of my right hand without excrucuating pain. She's a miracle worker! I've bought a 5 series treatment package with her at a substantial discount. Very happy to have found you, Lisa! ️
12 enero 2021 13:22
I have been going to Lisa Salem for four months to help me with a traumatic shoulder injury. Thanks to her skills as a physical therapist and assigning me home exercises, I now have full range of motion. My local health care provider, Sanitas, misdiagnosed me and provided worthless heat and tensor therapy, but it was Lisa who brought my shoulder back to life. She is smart, kind and personable. Make an appointment with her today!
12 diciembre 2020 20:35
I have been seeing Lisa Salem for back and neck pain. Lisa has been very attentive to my concerns and adresses them all during our sessions. Everything she does is well explained and I feel better after each session knowing exactly what we've worked on. Highly recommend her services! On top of being super professional, she's a real delight:).
27 octubre 2020 2:14
Bad experience with one of the receptionists.very little humanity and not collaborative at all. Wouldn't recommend it
26 octubre 2020 17:24
No vayáis a este lugar! Fui por una molestia en el oído y la otorrina me dio un medicamento que me produjo un vértigo que no pude trabajar en dos semanas. Además problemas en el estómago! Encima me observó solo 5 minutos y me cobraron 85 euros. Os recomiendo no ir!
13 marzo 2020 18:30
Excellent service. I came at lunch when the office was closed. The lady was in the building lobby going to lunch, but noticed I came. And re-opened the office for 15min in order to service me. You dont see that often. I am very appreciative of their service.
09 marzo 2020 12:34
I am here as an Erasmus student and I asked for an appointment on Friday evening around 22: 00 via their WhatsApp. Since they are only opened until 7, I assumed they'd reply on Monday since they are closed on weekends, but they actually replied on Friday evening 22: 22 (22 minutes later out of opening hours) and offered an appointment for Monday. On Saturday/Sunday I had some more questions and thought asking can't hurt. Indeed, they did reply even on the weekend via WhatsApp and very quickly. Outstanding service at this point! On Monday I then went there and was welcomed very friendly by the receptionist staff who spoke fluent English and without any problems after filling out a formular could visit the doctor without any waiting time. The doctor also was very nice and didn't rush things, asked what I needed etc. Her English was also fluent. Overall, I can only recommend checking them out if you are a foreigner and are looking for an english speaking doctor, or perhaps even your mother tongue? They have lots of different doctors and some are native german speakers, french, dutch, chinese and others. It's really awesome. I paid 43€ (Erasmus student discounted price, normally 80€) for the consultation and they had no problem whatsoever with making the invoice and report as required by my private travel insurance. Thanks for the help, Medicality. If I ever need, I'll come again for sure:)
08 enero 2020 17:26
Quick and very pleasant service. Went for a consultation and echoscopy of my thyroid. Got all answers to my questions. Making an appointment was clear and easy. Staff and the doctor are speaking fluent English. Would recommend it.

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