23 junio 2020 13:53
Teniendo mis reticencias a probar estas terapias no tradicionales, me dejé tratar de unos dolores y bloqueos muy intensos en la parte cervical y brazo izquierdo, ya que debido al estado de alarma por el coronovirus no podía visitar al fisioterapeuta.
Además de mis dolores, detectó una serie de problemas adicionales que los traumatólogos no se explicaban, de forma muy sorprendente!
Desde el primer día ya noté mejoría y esa noche ya pude dormir muchísimo mejor. Al cabo de unas pocas sesiones, no sólo esos dolores y bloqueos desaparecieron por completo sino que noté también mejoría en otras partes del cuerpo donde también tenía problemas, así como en el estado de ánimo, actitud y energía.
Recomendaría a la gente incrédula y reticente como yo que diera una oportunidad a este tipo de terapia alternativa ya que el resultado es evidente.
Muchas gracias Carmel!
20 junio 2020 3:07
Conoci a Carmel hace 5 anos en mi antiguo trabajo en Eurostar, en Londres.
Me propuso hacer una terapia de healing ya que estaba agotada y sin energia, ya que no sabia como romper con un novio que me estaba absorbiendo mi energia, y tambien me ayudo con mi relacion con mi hija.
En una primera sesion note ya cambios.
Recomiendos sus servicios, pero deben saber que no es un milagro el ayuda pero la otra parte es tu trabajo.
17 mayo 2020 10:15
Feedback from Sheila in San Tan Valley Arizona, USA

This was a distance energy healing

Carmel Sastre is Amazing!

I was treated badly by two different people in my life and as a result of that trauma I could no longer do the thing I love the most, my art! Although I am a professional painter and painting is one of my greatest passions I was stuck I could not paint!

I had gone to many therapists and prayed for nine months with no results I was so discouraged!

Until I met Carmel!

I had also suffered mild depression and had pain all over my body from years past!
Plus I had been having recent severe stomach pain.

I was so pleasantly surprised!
After only one energy healing from Carmel the shoulder and neck pain I have had for years is gone!
No pain at all! Totally gone as if it was never there! I had pain in the arches of my feet from my feet being flat footed There is no more foot pain none!
I don’t even have to wear my arch supports anymore!

I had an old hernia that caused bowel troubles for 16 years and constant nagging pain! No more pain and no more bowel troubles completely healed!

And best of all I got my art back!
I am painting again

I am flabbergasted and blessed beyond all measure, this one is worth a million

His prices are reasonable as well!

Oh yes I want to mention that I am an energy healer myself I have 17 different energy healing certifications!

And this man is the best energy healer I have ever seen!

This is who I will be going to never have I seen such peaceful power!

Things I battled with for years are healed!

Such beautiful gifts

Highly recommend!

I would give him 10 stars if it were possible!

Also I wanted to mention that immediately after the healing my relationship with my spouse improved overnight my ability to communicate and myself image was through the roof!

I know it seems magnanimous but it really is true!

This man has got THE GOODS and he really knows how to move energy!

I was blown away!

I have new inner peace and feel so centered.

Anyone would be blessed to get to have a session with Carmel.

I will be back for more!

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