01 enero 2024 16:15
El Colegio Taronja es un colegio familiar con un ambiente excelente. Lamentablemente no estoy 100% satisfecho porque pagué por dos semanas y no aprendí nada durante la segunda semana. Durante el primero pude aprender algo de español básico en un ambiente relajado, pero para el segundo, ¡teníamos diferentes profesores que nos daban la misma materia! Así que durante una semana repetimos los mismos verbos irregulares durante 5 días.
Por otro lado, para las lecciones de conversación, tuve la suerte de contar con Jenny y, solo para ella, ¡le daría 5 estrellas por su simpatía, su sonrisa y su pasión!
02 noviembre 2023 21:12
Estuve en la escuela a finales de octubre y reservé el curso intensivo en combinación con el curso de conversación. Sentí que estaba en muy buenas manos en la escuela desde el primer minuto. La escuela está situada en el centro del casco antiguo. Las habitaciones son luminosas, acogedoras y están equipadas de forma moderna. Los profesores fueron geniales. Siempre bien preparado, abierto, cálido, divertido y didácticamente convincente. Aprendí mucho y me divertí mucho en clase. Las actividades de la escuela están bien elegidas, son estimulantes y variadas para que todos los grupos de edad se sientan cómodos. Realmente disfruté la estancia. Puedo recomendar totalmente la escuela y estaría encantado de volver. ¡Gracias a la escuela por el gran momento!
30 octubre 2023 10:56
Una experiencia súper en un ambiente muy solidario y alentador. Apoyo a los estudiantes mayores y un ambiente divertido.
29 octubre 2023 17:30
¡Taronja Valencia es un gran lugar para aprender español y experimentar la cultura española! Los profesores de la escuela son excelentes y la escuela organiza muchas actividades divertidas. ¡Me encantaría volver aquí en un futuro próximo!
26 octubre 2023 10:24
Increíble escuela que está bien administrada y organizada. Los profesores están bien preparados y comprometidos. La escuela también organiza actividades extracurriculares que son educativas o divertidas y disfruté de ambos tipos. También tuve la oportunidad de quedarme en uno de los pisos compartidos de la escuela. Son sencillas pero limpias y perfectas para el tiempo de estancia. ¡Te lo recomiendo mucho! Si pudiera, definitivamente me quedaría en la escuela unos meses. Espero volver en algún momento y hacer otro curso.
25 octubre 2023 2:17
Qué escuela tan bonita Profesores agradables y buenos, buen ambiente, profesionales y bien organizados. Altamente recomendado
19 octubre 2023 1:06
La escuela me ha gustado mucho. Está organizada de forma profesional y se comunica muy bien. Los profesores están motivados y apoyan positivamente a los alumnos. Las clases eran un poco grandes para mí y las aulas un poco estrechas. Hubiera preferido clases más pequeñas. También me habría gustado un programa para mayores de 50 años adaptado a los alumnos "mayores". Es una escuela que recomendaré gustosamente a otras personas.
17 octubre 2023 7:30
Buenos profesores que ofrecen excelentes métodos de trabajo interactivos. Un ambiente agradable. Las diferentes edades se mezclan bien. El material digital del curso también es muy útil. Recomiendo mucho a Taronja.
25 septiembre 2023 9:29
Intenté durante un día entero explicarle que ya tenía un nivel de prueba e intenté unirme a un grupo en línea que ya había comenzado. Después de recibir la confirmación de que podía unirme a uno de los grupos, realicé un pago. Sin embargo, apenas una hora después, recibí un correo electrónico informándome que el grupo había sido cancelado y que me reembolsarían el dinero. Súper poco profesional y poco organizado.
21 septiembre 2023 6:55
Estoy muy satisfecho con Taronja. Los profesores, el material didáctico, el horario, las actividades y el edificio. He aprendido mucho en estas dos semanas. Me gustaría volver el año que viene.
Muchas gracias
17 enero 2023 15:04
I enjoyed my classes at the Taronja school. I had nice teachers (Ne, Sa, Ya) and learned a lot of Spanish. I got a lot of attention from the teachers, the interns and the organizing staff. There are a lot of younger students (18-30) but I am sure middle-aged or older students have a lot of fun as well. I felt a little bit like back in school 18 years ago. I enjoyed this feeling. There are many activities during the week. You get the chance to talk a lot of Spanish (if you want to talk Spanish).

I can't understand most bad recommendations. If you want high-educated native speakers with classes of 4 persons and the very same Spanish level someone has to tell me a country in Europe where you get this below 800 Euros a week! The price-performance ratio is very good, in my opinion. I am sure for the money you pay you get a Spanish boost and a good time (I can't say anything about the accommodations, because I stayed somewhere private). I sometimes have the feeling that in the eyes of foreigners spanish teachers and staff are expected to work for small salaries (instead of a fair salaries).
Maybe this is something to reflect on and everybody is free to invest in private lessons.

The new school building is very, very nice!
I strongly recommend this school (also for students older than 30)!
05 enero 2023 6:20
Experiencia super con esta escuela! Los profesores son muy buenos, las clases estimulantes. Cada día organizan actividades extra que se pueden disfrutar. También con ellos hice unas practicas de trabajo que me ayudó mucho a crecer. ¡Muchas gracias Taronja!:)
30 diciembre 2022 20:16
Esperienza stupenda, classi di Spagnolo miste con insegnanti bravI/e e che rendono la lezione molto scorrevole e interessante. Iniziative e eventi ogni giorno della settimana associati alla scuola che sono divertenti e stimolanti e anche un modo per conoscere Valencia e altre persone.
La consiglio a tutti a qualsiasi età.
Ritornerò sicuramente per approfondire e migliorare il mio Spagnolo!
22 diciembre 2022 5:30
I've been visiting Taronja for years working on my spanish. The staff and the teachers are fantastic. They mix and combine methods and classes which keeps it interesting and makes for a great experience.
They also offer lots of extracurricular activities and are committed to helping you not only learn spanisch but make sure you really enjoy your time in Valencia.
17 diciembre 2022 12:54
¡Pasé el mejor tiempo en esta gran escuela y disfruté cada segundo con la gente increíble que conocí!:)
23 noviembre 2022 10:00
Excelente experiência. Ambiente ótimo na escola, boas aulas, eventos noturnos para diversão e melhorar conversação. Alojamento que fiquei foi perfeito. Não foi nada caro. Recomendo.
13 noviembre 2022 11:12
Taronja is a really nice school to learn Spanish. I would definitely recommend this when you are looking for a opportunity to study Spanish in Spain. The atmosphere is very chill and friendly, teachers like teaching and helping you. They also offer lots of fun activities everyday which you can participate in voluntarily. This helps you in meeting so many new people.
I really enjoyed my time at Taronja, and I would like to return if I can ;)
03 octubre 2022 21:57
Avevo già fatto un corso di spagnolo a Taronja School l’estate scorsa per due settimane e mi ero trovata molto bene con gli insegnanti soprattutto con Miguel Angel che è sempre stato coinvolgente, sorridente e mi ha aiutato ad aprirmi a parlare con gli altri membri della classe. Ques’t anno ho deciso di ritornare a Taronja a luglio per tre settimane e mi sono trovata benissimo perché conoscevo già il metodo di insegnamento degli insegnanti. È grazie a tutto il corpo degli insegnanti se sono riuscita a raggiungere un livello alto perché mi hanno fatto appassionare alle lezioni. Consiglio a chi è interessato a migliorare lo spagnolo questa scuola perché stimola gli studenti a partecipare attivamente alle lezioni e inoltre per chi è interessato vengono organizzate attività extra scolastiche per continuare a parlare lo spagnolo anche fuori dalla classe e conoscere persone di nazionalità differenti.
15 septiembre 2022 1:37
It‘s my second week at Taronja Spanish School and I absolutely love it. The teachers and students are all very likeable and it’s easy to get to know new people. The classes are great because the focus is on the speaking but they still teach grammar just in a more interesting way. Also the activities are awesome. They are all different so everyone finds something they like. All students are in a good mood and enjoying Valencia.
14 septiembre 2022 17:38
Had a great week in Valencia made even better by first class teaching in a class appropriate for my own level of Spanish. Hope to be back!
16 junio 2022 21:03
I enjoyed my week very much but should have joined in more of the social activities! Also I think a week is too short as most other students were there for much longer but that was not possible for me
Since returning back to my weekly class on Zoom, I am speaking much better so thank you!
Staff were lovely.
14 febrero 2021 14:13
Tuve la suerte de ir a esta escuela dos veces y tengo que decir que “La Taronja” es la mejor escuela de lenguas que conozco.
Los profesores son todos muy simpáticos y atentos. Las lecciones están muy bien estructuradas.
Mi nivel en español ha progresado mucho gracias a la alta calidad de los cursos. Tuve la oportunidad de seguir los cursos online también y son estupendos! Los recomiendo al 100%!
Además, el programa de actividades es muy original y divertido. Me encantó de verdad y me permitió conocer a gente muy amable de todo el mundo.
Solo puedo agradecer a “la Taronja” por todo el aprendizaje y el haber podido descubrir España de un modo auténtico y súper divertido!
13 septiembre 2019 11:52
A fun place to learn Spanish. Enthusiastic teachers, lots of events to attend to learn about culture and local food too. The other gem is the Valencia itself.
04 septiembre 2019 19:47
Great school in the heart of Valencia with fantastic teachers who make learning lots of fun (Antonio) and even will play a guitar and sing for you (Sergio).
Big credit to the Director of Studies for the high quality of teaching and to all staff who make it such an enjoyable place to be. I had a fab time and learnt a lot. Muchas gracias Taronja!
28 agosto 2019 22:01
Great classes, tona of extra activities and school parties like:
Tapachat or Paella Party, Fiesta Mexicana on the beach. Ecery week on weekend there are some bigger tripa organised. It os super easy to make friends. It first I was afraid I won’t find friends my age at the school, age variety is huge so everyone easy gets along with others.
01 agosto 2019 13:28
I had an absolutely amazing time at Taronja! I loved my four weeks here (May-June 2019)! I felt that I managed to learn loads in the short time that I was here - the school was very professional and organised, providing lots of excellent resources to aid learning! The lessons were very interactive and always lots of fun - loads of opportunities to practise speaking! Also, the social side was superb - every day there was at least one optional social activity organised, often more! I would love to return one day in the future! A big thank you to all the amazing people here!:)
30 julio 2019 21:30
Amazing school! Learned a lot here, even more than at my own school in The Netherlands. Love the way they teach and how they interact with you. Always small groups of different levels so it’s easier to learn. Many nationalities and a lot of motivated and happy people study here:)
16 julio 2019 12:21
I am a retired language teacher (at high school and university level) and as such I feel I can offer a qualified opinion on the teaching method of the Taronja staff. I am pleased to give it 5 stars.

All lessons were well prepared, engaging and fun. All staff members were supportive yet challenging.

I was pleasantly surprised not to feel my age as a handicap among students largely much younger than me. I had fun with them and met many other older students as well.

As to the activities offered by the school, there were so many of them that you could pick and choose. My husband (studying at a different level than mine) and I, did exactly that. We didn't go to all but enjoyed what we had chosen. We enjoyed the cooking class, the songs, the movies, the Saturday excursion.

I saw a critic among the reviews concerning a bull fight and I thought that was totally out of line. If you disagree with an offered activity that is part of the culture you are supposedly trying to learn about, just don't go. But don't blame the school for offering other people with different values than yours a chance to experience that activity!

Anyway, we had such a good experience that we are seriously thinking about going back to study in Taronja next spring for a couple of weeks at least.

Well done Taronja staff, the whole team, teachers, office staff, organizers. We loved the school, we adored Valencia. We will be back. Thank you all so much!
23 agosto 2018 5:15
Escuela de español muy buena, las clases son divertidas y los profesores muy preparados. Me gustaría mucho volver a estudiar en esta escuela.
03 abril 2018 7:28
Amazing intensive course, great online course too. Upbeat & interactive lessons and friendly staff, thank you to Jenny and the team. Legendary social program - meticulously organised, you will never be bored. I spoke no Spanish prior, then learnt tons with Taronja, whilst having tons of fun too! The worst bit is when you have to leave.

I'll be trying studying Spanish with a different school in London where I live now, (only because I want to study in person with a bigger group again), but whatever school I pick has a lot to live up to. Taronja was one of the best things I ever spent my money on - I'll probably go back someday!
18 enero 2018 23:55
The management of Taronja take students on trips to bullfights and Bous a la Mar (forcing a bull to jump in the ocean and possibly drown). They use the excuses that:
1. Although these activities are controversial they are tradition in Spain.
2. Some of the students ask to go to bullfights.

The same excuse could be used if I were to take tourists on a trip to a KKK rally because they wanted to see the American tradition of flying confederate flags in support of a return to slavery and segregation in my country. Simply because something is a tradition and is legal doesn't make it any less repulsive - regardless of whether or not some of the students ask to see it in action. I wouldn't enable people to spend their money in support of brutality but Taronja doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

You won't see photos from these excursions on their website but people have a right to know what kind of organization they're giving their money to. There are other Spanish schools in the city center with equally qualified teachers so if you don't want to give your money to a school that supports torturing animals for cheap entertainment in the name of "tradition", I suggest you look elsewhere.
27 septiembre 2017 18:43
Yo vivì en Valencia durante una semana y seguì el curso de español en Taronja: para mì fue maravilloso! Los profesores eran simpaticos y explicaban todas mi dudas, las clases eran muy interesantes y tambièn utiles para mejorar mi español. Ademàs las actividades propuestas eran tanto baratas como divertentes y utiles para conocer mi nuevos compañeros. Seguramente volverè a Taronja y a Valencia, ciudad tranquila pero tambièn perfecta para divertirse.

23 septiembre 2017 8:54
I had a fantastic experience at Taronja, I was only there a week, but cannot believe how much my Spanish has improved from a very basic level. Our professors, Pablo & Teresa were wonderful, they made the classes interactive and interesting, and were excellent at making everyone feel welcome. I am already planning my next trip!
18 septiembre 2017 3:14
Sin duda, una gran experiencia! Dos veces tenia un tiempo fantástico en Taronja.
Los profesores son competentes y muy amables. Adémas, Taronja organiza muchas actividades sociales en que te puedes mejorarar tu nivel de Espanol fuera del aula en una manera divertida. Este programa cultural es muy diversa cada semana y por lo tanto sigue siendo divertido. Definitivamente puedo recomendar esta escuela!
16 septiembre 2017 12:04
Taronja es fantastico, que tiene muy buen profesors, ellos dan las clases interesantes, ademas hace diferente fiestas para los estudiantes, entonces nosotros pudemos comer y beber las comidas y bebies tipica en Valencia.he aprendido mucho este mes, muchas gracias para todos!
01 septiembre 2017 23:57
He pasado 4 semanas en la escuela taronja en valencia este verano. Los profesores y las actividades de la escuela son genial!
Fue una experiencia increíble! Muchas gracias a todos!
24 agosto 2017 20:07
He pasado unos dias meravillosos en TARONJA SCHOOL VALENCIA, con su hospitalidad, y experiencia, aprender el idioma Espanol es un gran placer. Muchas Gracias Taronja.

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