14 marzo 2023 23:28
I am posting this review out of principle because of what happened to my wife who followed the same porting process that I followed, only in her case, due to an "internal error" which is totally out of her control, she was left with a non-functioning telephone number because the store could not give her the SIM card, the only solution offered was to "go to another store and make the request again". This is not an acceptable resolution. Also, the reply on her review was completely useless and unhelpful for reasons I will not go into. Now my wife can't use her phone number and can't port it to another provider because apparently it's blocked inside Orange network. I am currently an Orange customer and did not have any problems but will investigate other providers and will port my number from Orange.
04 marzo 2023 13:40
El servicio del equipo de la tienda Orange en Jávea es fantástico. Nos ayudó Peter, con mucha paciencia y una sonrisa para todos. Lo mismo ocurre con su colega, es un placer ser ayudado por este tipo de personas profesionales. Muchas gracias de parte del equipo de Xcellence.
26 febrero 2023 2:56
Petar is exceptional every time. So fast, so focused, so knowledgeable and thanks to him for historically solving really knotty problems. Some business was left unfinished yesterday before he left for a holiday and he left us with Dominik to take over. Today she performed with speed and efficiency equal to Petar's. Multi lingual, multitasking, speed typing, and all self taught. Incredible!

good humouredspeed typing
09 febrero 2023 2:30
Not the biggest fan of Orange as a company, I've had my fair share of problems with them. BUT Cristina in the Orange shop is fantastic. She's always gone above and beyond to help resolve problems I've had, always with billing, which isn't really her job.

Today Cristina secured me a €120 refund on my bill, having paid €30+ too much for the last few months.

Despite constant refusals from Orange to correct my billing, she never gave up.

Thank you Cristina for providing the best customer service I've received in all my years in Spain.
07 febrero 2023 16:36
Hola, fui 2 veces a la tienda a retirar mi tarjeta. No es posible, porque hice la solicitud con mi NIE en vuestra web, que PERMITE hacer una solicitud de rentabilidad con NIE. Ok, proporcioné en la tienda mi cuenta bancaria y mi identificación y quedaron registrados en el sistema. Hoy cuando fui OTRA VEZ a la tienda me informaron que no puedo recoger mi tarjeta porque la solicitud se hizo con el NIE (PERMITIDO EN SU WEB). Ahora mi número no funciona porque tienes UN problema INTERNO. Soy el cliente, su comportamiento es muy similar a cómo trata a un GANADO. Cuando descubres internamente cómo arreglas esto, le envidias la tarjeta a mi casa. No estoy dispuesta a dar un solo paso extra. Si no resuelve esto para mañana, se reunirá tanto con la policía como con la protección al consumidor. ¡Gracias!
03 septiembre 2022 1:30
Excelente atención por parte de la chica. CRISTINA. Te soluciona todo en un momento.súper competente y trabajadora.
Claro que hay gente.es la única tienda de Jávea y estamos en verano.
De hecho los trabajadores no paran ni un segundo. Ni beber agua.pobrets
20 agosto 2022 12:57
Bonne accueil, mais aujourd'hui je suis tombé sur une personne inexpérimenté, domage la fille est très très bien et compétent et vous explique très bien elle est parfaite domage que je n'ai pas eu de chance
07 agosto 2022 13:00
Zero customer service. I was informed to collect my new mobile by Orange, I arrived at the shop in Javea to be told that although they have the mobile in front of them they can't give it to me. Ive been an orange client for over 5 years at least. I had driven 30 minutes specifically to the shop to collect. No apology, nothing. They said I can wait, for how long they didn't know or just come back another time. For such poor customer service I shall be moving my internet, 3 mobile phones and permanent contracts with 3 iPhones to another company and shall never return to orange. This shop deserves to close down if thats how they treat their customers.

Orange central also totally uninterested. Total worthless company. Avoid like the plague.
29 octubre 2021 17:50
Un mes sin recibir sms (todas las contraseñas y confirmaciones de apps se hacer por esta via) via telefonica me abrieron varias incidencias sin exito porque todo estaba bien configurado, la ultima incidencia es pasada a otro departamento que me lo soluciona, un virus que se habia metido en mi linea y habia gestionado mis sms. Gracias a la chica de la tienda, que ha hecho todo lo posible para ayudarme, siempre buscandome soluciones. Muchas gracias por el buen trato, amabilidad, profesionalidad y sobre todo paciencia.
02 abril 2021 22:23
Fatal. La chica que me atendió me hizo un contrato de cambio de domicilio, pero no me canceló el antiguo, llevo 3 meses reclamando que se me cobre uno y sigo teniendo que devolver recibos. La chica esta parece que solo quiere llevar las uñas perfectas, porque lo que es atención al cliente lo lleva fatal. Te promete mil historias y luego nada de nada. Además de mentirme en mi cara para que el cambio de domicilio no tuviera orange TV, cosa que por teléfono me decían que aunque cambiará de domicilio no se cancelaba orange TV.
En fin, realmente casi es mejor gestionar todo por teléfono ya que queda constancia, o grabar la conversación con esta chica. Porque la verdad es increíble como te miente a la cara. Sigo intentado que se arregle el problema.
De lo contrario, el chico eslavo busca las mejores opciones para el cliente. Busca alternativas que no sea mentirte en la cara y luego hacer lo que se le antoja.
28 marzo 2021 16:54
Hola buenos dias orange hoy e ido apedir in formación sobre mi factura y metendiron muy mal fue un pésimo servicio
11 marzo 2021 12:41
I paid for an account that I was closing, by credit card (They do not accept cash}the girl, the only staff in the shop, took my card and gave the details over the phone, to another office, and when I asked for a receipt, I was refused and told if I wanted to know how much I had paid, to ask my Bank. I hasten to say I was not closing my account because of a problem.
16 noviembre 2020 10:36
La atención, estupenda.pero muchísimo tiempo de espera, en todas partes igual no tienen personal suficiente, aunque el que está es fenomenal.
16 octubre 2020 0:05
Personnel très sympa au port de Javea, par contre l aide en ligne est nul chez Orange. Nous payons pour 20 mb depuis des mois et nous n avons que 5mb. Malgré de plus de 10 appels chez eux, ils ne font rien. Pas d aide de technicien, ils mettent le router à jour de chez eux puis plus de nouvelles. Je leur dis que je vais les quitter et pas de réaction. Aucun appel pour solutionner. C est fou.
04 noviembre 2019 11:43
I had the LOVE package - land line, internet, mobile, with an extra mobile added for my daughter.
While in the shop with her boyfriend on an enquiry, she was made aware of a promotion that was due to expire that day, of a new LOVE package with free Netflix for a year, including a FREE iPhone. She was told that it would be EXACTLY the same package, 15€ cheaper a month, and free Netflix for a year. Too good to be true? You bet. The whole thing was a con to get us trapped into a new 2 year contract with them. She asked REPEATEDLY if the phone was free, knowing that a new iphone costs around 700€, and she was told YES it was.
When the first bill came in, I saw a monthly charge of 30€ for the iphone, which meant that over the course of 2 years the phone would have cost 720€. I was so disgusted with their lack of integrity, that I asked her to check out the penalty for cancelling the contract. On the internet it says 120/150€, so I thought that's better than carrying on with a company that I no longer had faith in.
I had to pay for the phone IN FULL, and was charged 4 TIMES for every cancellation - land line, internet, chrome gadget, mobile - total 1.100€
I'm now with HOLAWIFI and am very happy with the price, transparency of the packages, service they offer and NO MINIMUM CONTRACT.
21 junio 2019 19:23
Pesima atención, he llamado 5 veces y las 5 veces la señorita se limita a descolgar sin decir palabra y listo. Te dejan esperando y no siquiera dicen "espere un momento por favor". Estoy haciendo una denuncia formal ahora a través de Orange.
19 abril 2019 4:51
A very good service from the staff. Recently had fibre optic broadband brilliant. Thank you Anna
01 abril 2019 13:20
The staff have been brilliant nearly driven them mad this week - efficient polite and helpful. Thank you
26 junio 2018 22:46
Excellent customer service! Only purchased a 15€ prepaid SIM card but the service consultant set it all up for me and was happy to do it. Unfortunately not like the store in Madrid.

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