09 agosto 2020 20:58
Both of my cars are insured in Zurich. Unfortunately. In May 2019, a giant rock fell on my car in Busot (Cuevas de Canelobres) and damaged the windshield and interior of the car. The interior got damaged badly. Unfortunately, this car did not have full insurance coverage. However, my contract included things like replacement of the windshield, help with legal matters, roadside assistance, taxi.etc.

Lady at this branch told me that they will absolutely handle all the legal matters and claim the damages from the city council of Busot (ayuntamiento) and that I shouldn't worry about anything. The only thing is that I should be ready that it may take a while. Fair enough. The process involves me giving a power of attorney to a lawyer to handle my case. I do that, then have a quick meeting with a lawyer. The lawyer told me that I have two options:

Fix everything myself and submit the invoices to the city council of Busot and wait for them to pay
Submit the estimate that was made by the adjuster to the city council and wait for them to pay. However, in this case, if there are extra expenses when the mechanics start repairing the car, the city council will not be covering these.
The lawyer also passed me the estimate from the adjuster. Immediately I can see that there are missing things like air conditioning that isn't functioning correctly, GPS that is also not functioning. I get in touch with the insurance company and insist that I repair the car myself, and then we will submit the total invoice to the city council. They EXPLICITLY told me not to and that we have to submit the estimate from the adjuster and wait for them to pay. When I mention that things are missing in the estimate, she tells me that they will handle it later. Ok. Eventually the city council of Busot makes a payment. I take the car to the dealership. They call me a few days later and ask me to come in. When I arrive, they show me that there is a serious amount of damages that wasn't covered by the adjuster. He only put down visible damages, which made only about 25-30% of the total damages. I call the insurance and tell them that. Car sits at the dealership for 6 weeks while I wait for insurance to "call" the adjuster which takes them about 2 weeks. Another 2 weeks to get any feedback from the adjuster. Another 2 weeks of absolutely fruitless back and forth on the phone which really brings us nowhere.

When I finally went to the agency myself in person, they called everyone they could speak to and basically told me that well, even though we told you not to fix it yourself we cannot really do anything at this point. It is the fault of the adjuster, if you want you can take them to court. Upon saying that I have told you back then that the estimate is incomplete, and that you will "handle" everything I get silence as a reply. So now, because of their incompetency I am out a few thousands euros.

In addition we had another accident when a lady rear-ended us at the red light. Took the car into the service for the adjuster to look at it. Then get a call saying that I can come back to pick up my car. I was later informed that adjuster did not record any damages because there was a scratch on the side of the rear bumper. However there are damaged read camera (it works but the housing is cracked), damaged license plate which is bent and out of shape and damaged plastic element under the license plate. There are more scratches but I disregard those because the bumper will be repainted anyways due to the first incident. It feels like their adjuster might have problems with his vision or overall problems with understanding how cars work. By the way damages from this accident are still not fixed since November 2019 and it is now July 2020.

I wish I was able to give an alternative insurance agency but I am stuck with Zurich till the end of the year. Overall try finding an agency that is recommended by friends, family and people with experience. This agency is not one of them.

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